# This file copied from contrib/poco/cmake/FindODBC.cmake to allow build without submodules # # Find the ODBC driver manager includes and library. # # ODBC is an open standard for connecting to different databases in a # semi-vendor-independent fashion. First you install the ODBC driver # manager. Then you need a driver for each separate database you want # to connect to (unless a generic one works). VTK includes neither # the driver manager nor the vendor-specific drivers: you have to find # those yourself. # # This module defines # ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, where to find sql.h # ODBC_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use ODBC # ODBC_FOUND. If false, you cannot build anything that requires ODBC. option (ENABLE_ODBC "Enable ODBC" ${OS_LINUX}) if (OS_LINUX) option (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system odbc library instead of bundled" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED}) else () option (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system odbc library instead of bundled" OFF) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY AND NOT EXISTS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/unixodbc/README") message (WARNING "submodule contrib/unixodbc is missing. to fix try run: \n git submodule update --init --recursive") set (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY 0) endif () set (ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ) # Include directories will be either used automatically by target_include_directories or set later. if (ENABLE_ODBC) if (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY) set (ODBC_LIBRARIES unixodbc) set (ODBC_FOUND 1) set (USE_ODBC 1) else () find_path(ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES NAMES sql.h HINTS /usr/include /usr/include/iodbc /usr/include/odbc /usr/local/include /usr/local/include/iodbc /usr/local/include/odbc /usr/local/iodbc/include /usr/local/odbc/include "C:/Program Files/ODBC/include" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0/include" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0a/include" "C:/ODBC/include" DOC "Specify the directory containing sql.h." ) find_library(ODBC_LIBRARIES NAMES iodbc odbc iodbcinst odbcinst odbc32 HINTS /usr/lib /usr/lib/iodbc /usr/lib/odbc /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/iodbc /usr/local/lib/odbc /usr/local/iodbc/lib /usr/local/odbc/lib "C:/Program Files/ODBC/lib" "C:/ODBC/lib/debug" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/Lib" DOC "Specify the ODBC driver manager library here." ) # MinGW find usually fails if(MINGW) set(ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ".") set(ODBC_LIBRARIES odbc32) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(ODBC DEFAULT_MSG ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ODBC_LIBRARIES) mark_as_advanced(ODBC_FOUND ODBC_LIBRARIES ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) endif () endif () message (STATUS "Using odbc: ${ODBC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} : ${ODBC_LIBRARIES}")