import logging import time from contextlib import contextmanager import pathlib import pytest from helpers.mock_servers import start_s3_mock from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry def args_to_dict(**kwargs): return kwargs @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) kwargs = args_to_dict( main_configs=[ "configs/config.d/storage_conf.xml", ], user_configs=[ "configs/config.d/users.xml", ], with_minio=True, with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True, ) cluster.add_instance("node1", **kwargs) cluster.add_instance("node2", **kwargs) cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def all_cluster_nodes(cluster): yield cluster.instances.values() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def first_cluster_node(cluster): yield cluster.instances["node1"] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def second_cluster_node(cluster): yield cluster.instances["node2"] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def init_broken_s3(cluster): yield start_s3_mock(cluster, "broken_s3", "8081") @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def broken_s3(init_broken_s3): init_broken_s3.reset() yield init_broken_s3 def list_objects(cluster, path="data/", hint="list_objects"): minio = cluster.minio_client objects = list(minio.list_objects(cluster.minio_bucket, path, recursive=True)) names = [x.object_name for x in objects] names.sort()"{hint} ({len(objects)}): {names}") return names def wait_for_delete_s3_objects(cluster, expected, timeout=30): while timeout > 0: if len(list_objects(cluster, "data/")) == expected: return timeout -= 1 time.sleep(1) final_listing = list_objects(cluster, "data/") assert len(final_listing) == expected, ",".join(final_listing) def remove_all_s3_objects(cluster): minio = cluster.minio_client for obj in list_objects(cluster, "data/"): minio.remove_object(cluster.minio_bucket, obj) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def clear_minio(cluster): try: # CH do some writes to the S3 at start. For example, file data/clickhouse_access_check_{server_uuid}. # Set the timeout there as 10 sec in order to resolve the race with that file exists. wait_for_delete_s3_objects(cluster, 0, timeout=10) except: # Remove extra objects to prevent tests cascade failing remove_all_s3_objects(cluster) yield @contextmanager def drop_table_guard(nodes, table): for node in nodes: node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table} SYNC") try: yield finally: for node in nodes: node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table} SYNC") def test_all_projection_files_are_dropped_when_part_is_dropped( cluster, first_cluster_node ): node = first_cluster_node with drop_table_guard([node], "test_all_projection_files_are_dropped"): node.query( """ CREATE TABLE test_all_projection_files_are_dropped(a UInt32, b UInt32) ENGINE MergeTree() ORDER BY a SETTINGS storage_policy='s3', old_parts_lifetime=0 """ ) objects_empty_table = list_objects(cluster) node.query( "ALTER TABLE test_all_projection_files_are_dropped ADD projection b_order (SELECT a, b ORDER BY b)" ) node.query( "ALTER TABLE test_all_projection_files_are_dropped MATERIALIZE projection b_order" ) node.query( """ INSERT INTO test_all_projection_files_are_dropped VALUES (1, 105), (5, 101), (3, 103), (4, 102), (2, 104) """ ) node.query( "ALTER TABLE test_all_projection_files_are_dropped DROP PARTITION ID 'all'" ) objects_at_the_end = list_objects(cluster) assert objects_at_the_end == objects_empty_table def test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped( cluster, all_cluster_nodes, first_cluster_node, second_cluster_node ): with drop_table_guard( all_cluster_nodes, "test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped" ): create_query = """ CREATE TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped ( a UInt32, b UInt32, c UInt32, PROJECTION projection_order_by_b ( SELECT a, b ORDER BY b ) ) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_projection', '{instance}') ORDER BY a SETTINGS cleanup_delay_period=1, max_cleanup_delay_period=3 """ first_node_settings = ", storage_policy='s3', old_parts_lifetime=0" # big old_parts_lifetime value makes second node to hold outdated part for us, we make it as broken_on_start second_node_settings = ", storage_policy='s3', old_parts_lifetime=10000" first_cluster_node.query(create_query + first_node_settings) second_cluster_node.query(create_query + second_node_settings) objects_empty_table = list_objects(cluster) first_cluster_node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") table_uuid = first_cluster_node.query( """ SELECT uuid FROM system.tables WHERE name = 'test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped' """ ).strip() first_cluster_node.query( """ INSERT INTO test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped VALUES (1, 105, 1), (5, 101, 1), (3, 103, 1), (4, 102, 1), (2, 104, 1) """ ) # second_cluster_node will fetch the mutated part when it is ready on first_cluster_node second_cluster_node.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") first_cluster_node.query( """ ALTER TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped UPDATE c = 2 where c = 1 """, settings={"mutations_sync": "1"}, ) assert_eq_with_retry( first_cluster_node, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0" ) # the mutated part is ready on first_cluster_node, second replica just fetches it second_cluster_node.query("SYSTEM START MERGES") # fist node removed outdated part assert_eq_with_retry( first_cluster_node, """ SELECT removal_state FROM WHERE name = 'all_0_0_0' AND table = 'test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped' AND not active """, "", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) # make sure that alter update made hardlinks inside projection hardlinks = ( first_cluster_node.query( f""" SELECT value FROM system.zookeeper WHERE path like '/clickhouse/zero_copy/zero_copy_s3/{table_uuid}' AND name = 'all_0_0_0' """, settings={"allow_unrestricted_reads_from_keeper": "1"}, ) .strip() .split() ) assert len(hardlinks) > 0, ",".join(hardlinks) assert any(["proj/" in x for x in hardlinks]), ",".join(hardlinks) part_path_on_second_node = second_cluster_node.query( """ SELECT path FROM WHERE name = 'all_0_0_0' AND table = 'test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped' """ ).strip() # that corrupts outdatated part all_0_0_0 script = ( f"INDEX_FILE={part_path_on_second_node}/primary.cidx" """ cp $INDEX_FILE $INDEX_FILE.backup echo "unexpected data in metadata file" | cat > $INDEX_FILE """ ) second_cluster_node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", script]) # corrupted outdatated part all_0_0_0 is detached as broken_on_start second_cluster_node.restart_clickhouse() second_cluster_node.query( "SYSTEM WAIT LOADING PARTS test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped" ) second_cluster_node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") # make sure there is outdated broken-on-start part broken_parts = ( second_cluster_node.query( """ SELECT name, reason, path FROM system.detached_parts WHERE table = 'test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped' """ ) .strip() .split("\n") ) assert len(broken_parts) == 1, broken_parts # style checker black asked to do this. It is crazy broken_part_name, reason, broken_part_path_on_second_node = broken_parts[ 0 ].split("\t") assert "broken-on-start" == reason script = ( f"INDEX_FILE={broken_part_path_on_second_node}/primary.cidx" """ mv $INDEX_FILE.backup $INDEX_FILE """ ) second_cluster_node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", script]) # when detached part is removed, removeSharedRecursive is called second_cluster_node.query( f""" ALTER TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped DROP DETACHED PART '{broken_part_name}' """, settings={"allow_drop_detached": "1"}, ) # it is an easy way to read all data in part # "0" means corrupted, assert ( "1" == first_cluster_node.query( """ CHECK TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped """ ).strip() ) assert ( "1" == second_cluster_node.query( """ CHECK TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped """ ).strip() ) second_cluster_node.query( f""" ALTER TABLE test_hardlinks_preserved_when_projection_dropped DROP PART 'all_0_0_0_1' """, settings={"alter_sync": 2}, ) wait_for_delete_s3_objects(cluster, len(objects_empty_table)) objects_at_the_end = list_objects(cluster) assert objects_at_the_end == objects_empty_table