/************************* dispatch_example.cpp **************************** | Author: Agner Fog | Date created: 2012-05-30 | Last modified: 2014-07-23 | Version: 1.14 | Project: vector classes | Description: | Example of CPU dispatching. | | # Example of compiling this with GCC compiler: | # Compile dispatch_example.cpp five times for different instruction sets: | g++ -O3 -msse2 -c dispatch_example.cpp -od2.o | g++ -O3 -msse4.1 -c dispatch_example.cpp -od5.o | g++ -O3 -mavx -c dispatch_example.cpp -od7.o | g++ -O3 -mavx2 -c dispatch_example.cpp -od8.o | g++ -O3 -mavx512f -c dispatch_example.cpp -od9.o | g++ -O3 -msse2 -otest instrset_detect.cpp d2.o d5.o d7.o d8.o d9.o | ./test | | (c) Copyright 2012 - 2014 GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses \*****************************************************************************/ #include #define MAX_VECTOR_SIZE 512 #include "vectorclass.h" // define function type (change this to fit your purpose. Should not contain vector types) typedef float MyFuncType(float*); // function prototypes for each version MyFuncType myfunc, myfunc_SSE2, myfunc_SSE41, myfunc_AVX, myfunc_AVX2, myfunc_AVX512, myfunc_dispatch; // Define function name depending on which instruction set we compile for #if INSTRSET == 2 // SSE2 #define FUNCNAME myfunc_SSE2 #elif INSTRSET == 5 // SSE4.1 #define FUNCNAME myfunc_SSE41 #elif INSTRSET == 7 // AVX #define FUNCNAME myfunc_AVX #elif INSTRSET == 8 // AVX2 #define FUNCNAME myfunc_AVX2 #elif INSTRSET == 9 // AVX512 #define FUNCNAME myfunc_AVX512 #endif // specific version of the function. Compile once for each version float FUNCNAME (float * f) { Vec16f a; // vector of 16 floats a.load(f); // load array into vector return horizontal_add(a); // return sum of 16 elements } #if INSTRSET == 2 // make dispatcher in only the lowest of the compiled versions // Function pointer initially points to the dispatcher. // After first call it points to the selected version MyFuncType * myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_dispatch; // function pointer // Dispatcher float myfunc_dispatch(float * f) { int iset = instrset_detect(); // Detect supported instruction set if (iset >= 9) myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_AVX512; // AVX512 version else if (iset >= 8) myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_AVX2; // AVX2 version else if (iset >= 7) myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_AVX; // AVX version else if (iset >= 5) myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_SSE41; // SSE4.1 version else if (iset >= 2) myfunc_pointer = &myfunc_SSE2; // SSE2 version else { // Error: lowest instruction set not supported (put your own error message here:) fprintf(stderr, "\nError: Instruction set SSE2 not supported on this computer"); return 0.f; } // continue in dispatched version return (*myfunc_pointer)(f); } // Entry to dispatched function call inline float myfunc(float * f) { return (*myfunc_pointer)(f); // go to dispatched version } // Example: main calls myfunc int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { float a[16]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}; // array of 16 floats float sum = myfunc(a); // call function with dispatching printf("\nsum = %8.3f \n", sum); // print result return 0; } #endif // INSTRSET == 2