#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int INCORRECT_ELEMENT_OF_SET; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; } namespace { size_t getCompoundTypeDepth(const IDataType & type) { size_t result = 0; const IDataType * current_type = &type; while (true) { WhichDataType which_type(*current_type); if (which_type.isArray()) { current_type = &(*assert_cast(*current_type).getNestedType()); ++result; } else if (which_type.isTuple()) { const auto & tuple_elements = assert_cast(*current_type).getElements(); if (!tuple_elements.empty()) current_type = &(*assert_cast(*current_type).getElements().at(0)); ++result; } else { break; } } return result; } template Block createBlockFromCollection(const Collection & collection, const DataTypes & block_types, bool transform_null_in) { size_t columns_size = block_types.size(); MutableColumns columns(columns_size); for (size_t i = 0; i < columns_size; ++i) { columns[i] = block_types[i]->createColumn(); columns[i]->reserve(collection.size()); } Row tuple_values; for (const auto & value : collection) { if (columns_size == 1) { auto field = convertFieldToType(value, *block_types[0]); bool need_insert_null = transform_null_in && block_types[0]->isNullable(); if (!field.isNull() || need_insert_null) columns[0]->insert(std::move(field)); continue; } if (value.getType() != Field::Types::Tuple) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_ELEMENT_OF_SET, "Invalid type in set. Expected tuple, got {}", value.getTypeName()); const auto & tuple = DB::get(value); size_t tuple_size = tuple.size(); if (tuple_size != columns_size) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_ELEMENT_OF_SET, "Incorrect size of tuple in set: {} instead of {}", toString(tuple_size), toString(columns_size)); if (tuple_values.empty()) tuple_values.resize(tuple_size); size_t i = 0; for (; i < tuple_size; ++i) { tuple_values[i] = convertFieldToType(tuple[i], *block_types[i]); bool need_insert_null = transform_null_in && block_types[i]->isNullable(); if (tuple_values[i].isNull() && !need_insert_null) break; } if (i == tuple_size) for (i = 0; i < tuple_size; ++i) columns[i]->insert(tuple_values[i]); } Block res; for (size_t i = 0; i < columns_size; ++i) res.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName{std::move(columns[i]), block_types[i], "argument_" + toString(i)}); return res; } } SetPtr makeSetForConstantValue(const DataTypePtr & expression_type, const Field & value, const DataTypePtr & value_type, const Settings & settings) { DataTypes set_element_types = {expression_type}; const auto * lhs_tuple_type = typeid_cast(expression_type.get()); if (lhs_tuple_type && lhs_tuple_type->getElements().size() != 1) set_element_types = lhs_tuple_type->getElements(); for (auto & set_element_type : set_element_types) { if (const auto * set_element_low_cardinality_type = typeid_cast(set_element_type.get())) set_element_type = set_element_low_cardinality_type->getDictionaryType(); } size_t lhs_type_depth = getCompoundTypeDepth(*expression_type); size_t rhs_type_depth = getCompoundTypeDepth(*value_type); SizeLimits size_limits_for_set = {settings.max_rows_in_set, settings.max_bytes_in_set, settings.set_overflow_mode}; bool tranform_null_in = settings.transform_null_in; Block result_block; if (lhs_type_depth == rhs_type_depth) { /// 1 in 1; (1, 2) in (1, 2); identity(tuple(tuple(tuple(1)))) in tuple(tuple(tuple(1))); etc. Array array{value}; result_block = createBlockFromCollection(array, set_element_types, tranform_null_in); } else if (lhs_type_depth + 1 == rhs_type_depth) { /// 1 in (1, 2); (1, 2) in ((1, 2), (3, 4)) WhichDataType rhs_which_type(value_type); if (rhs_which_type.isArray()) result_block = createBlockFromCollection(value.get(), set_element_types, tranform_null_in); else if (rhs_which_type.isTuple()) result_block = createBlockFromCollection(value.get(), set_element_types, tranform_null_in); else throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported type at the right-side of IN. Expected Array or Tuple. Actual {}", value_type->getName()); } else { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported types for IN. First argument type {}. Second argument type {}", expression_type->getName(), value_type->getName()); } auto set = std::make_shared(size_limits_for_set, false /*fill_set_elements*/, tranform_null_in); set->setHeader(result_block.cloneEmpty().getColumnsWithTypeAndName()); set->insertFromBlock(result_block.getColumnsWithTypeAndName()); set->finishInsert(); return set; } }