#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import os.path import re import json import traceback from argparse import ArgumentParser import shlex import subprocess from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import CalledProcessError from subprocess import TimeoutExpired from datetime import datetime from time import time, sleep from errno import ESRCH try: import termcolor except ImportError: termcolor = None import random import string import multiprocessing from contextlib import closing MESSAGES_TO_RETRY = [ "DB::Exception: ZooKeeper session has been expired", "Coordination::Exception: Connection loss", "Operation timed out", "ConnectionPoolWithFailover: Connection failed at try", ] def json_minify(string): """ Removes all js-style comments from json string. Allows to have comments in skip_list.json. The code taken from https://github.com/getify/JSON.minify/tree/python under the MIT license. """ tokenizer = re.compile(r'"|(/\*)|(\*/)|(//)|\n|\r') end_slashes_re = re.compile(r'(\\)*$') in_string = False in_multi = False in_single = False new_str = [] index = 0 for match in re.finditer(tokenizer, string): if not (in_multi or in_single): tmp = string[index:match.start()] new_str.append(tmp) else: # Replace comments with white space so that the JSON parser reports # the correct column numbers on parsing errors. new_str.append(' ' * (match.start() - index)) index = match.end() val = match.group() if val == '"' and not (in_multi or in_single): escaped = end_slashes_re.search(string, 0, match.start()) # start of string or unescaped quote character to end string if not in_string or (escaped is None or len(escaped.group()) % 2 == 0): # noqa in_string = not in_string index -= 1 # include " character in next catch elif not (in_string or in_multi or in_single): if val == '/*': in_multi = True elif val == '//': in_single = True elif val == '*/' and in_multi and not (in_string or in_single): in_multi = False new_str.append(' ' * len(val)) elif val in '\r\n' and not (in_multi or in_string) and in_single: in_single = False elif not in_multi or in_single: # noqa new_str.append(val) if val in '\r\n': new_str.append(val) elif in_multi or in_single: new_str.append(' ' * len(val)) new_str.append(string[index:]) return ''.join(new_str) def remove_control_characters(s): """ https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-python/issues/96#issuecomment-43438438 """ def str_to_int(s, default, base=10): if int(s, base) < 0x10000: return chr(int(s, base)) return default s = re.sub(r"&#(\d+);?", lambda c: str_to_int(c.group(1), c.group(0)), s) s = re.sub(r"&#[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+);?", lambda c: str_to_int(c.group(1), c.group(0), base=16), s) s = re.sub(r"[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1f\x7f]", "", s) return s def get_db_engine(args, database_name): if args.replicated_database: return " ON CLUSTER test_cluster_database_replicated ENGINE=Replicated('/test/clickhouse/db/{}', 's1', 'r1')".format(database_name) if args.db_engine: return " ENGINE=" + args.db_engine return "" # Will use default engine def run_single_test(args, ext, server_logs_level, client_options, case_file, stdout_file, stderr_file): # print(client_options) start_time = datetime.now() if args.database: database = args.database os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE", database) else: # If --database is not specified, we will create temporary database with unique name # And we will recreate and drop it for each test def random_str(length=6): alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(length)) database = 'test_{suffix}'.format(suffix=random_str()) clickhouse_proc_create = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) try: clickhouse_proc_create.communicate(("CREATE DATABASE " + database + get_db_engine(args, database)), timeout=args.timeout) except TimeoutExpired: total_time = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() return clickhouse_proc_create, "", "Timeout creating database {} before test".format(database), total_time os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE"] = database # This is for .sh tests os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_LOG_COMMENT", case_file) params = { 'client': args.client + ' --database=' + database, 'logs_level': server_logs_level, 'options': client_options, 'test': case_file, 'stdout': stdout_file, 'stderr': stderr_file, } pattern = '{test} > {stdout} 2> {stderr}' if ext == '.sql': pattern = "{client} --send_logs_level={logs_level} --testmode --multiquery {options} --log_comment='{test}' < " + pattern command = pattern.format(**params) # print(command) proc = Popen(command, shell=True, env=os.environ) while (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() < args.timeout and proc.poll() is None: sleep(0.01) need_drop_database = not args.database if need_drop_database and args.no_drop_if_fail: maybe_passed = (proc.returncode == 0) and (proc.stderr is None) and (proc.stdout is None or 'Exception' not in proc.stdout) need_drop_database = not maybe_passed if need_drop_database: clickhouse_proc_create = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) seconds_left = max(args.timeout - (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds(), 10) try: drop_database_query = "DROP DATABASE " + database if args.replicated_database: drop_database_query += " ON CLUSTER test_cluster_database_replicated" clickhouse_proc_create.communicate((drop_database_query), timeout=seconds_left) except TimeoutExpired: # kill test process because it can also hung if proc.returncode is None: try: proc.kill() except OSError as e: if e.errno != ESRCH: raise total_time = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() return clickhouse_proc_create, "", "Timeout dropping database {} after test".format(database), total_time total_time = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() # Normalize randomized database names in stdout, stderr files. os.system("LC_ALL=C sed -i -e 's/{test_db}/default/g' {file}".format(test_db=database, file=stdout_file)) if not args.show_db_name: os.system("LC_ALL=C sed -i -e 's/{test_db}/default/g' {file}".format(test_db=database, file=stderr_file)) stdout = open(stdout_file, 'rb').read() if os.path.exists(stdout_file) else b'' stdout = str(stdout, errors='replace', encoding='utf-8') stderr = open(stderr_file, 'rb').read() if os.path.exists(stderr_file) else b'' stderr = str(stderr, errors='replace', encoding='utf-8') return proc, stdout, stderr, total_time def need_retry(stderr): return any(msg in stderr for msg in MESSAGES_TO_RETRY) def get_processlist(args): try: clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, _) = clickhouse_proc.communicate((b"SHOW PROCESSLIST FORMAT Vertical"), timeout=10) return False, stdout.decode('utf-8') except Exception as ex: print("Exception", ex) return True, "" # collect server stacktraces using gdb def get_stacktraces_from_gdb(server_pid): try: cmd = "gdb -batch -ex 'thread apply all backtrace' -p {}".format(server_pid) return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode('utf-8') except Exception as ex: print("Error occured while receiving stack traces from gdb: {}".format(str(ex))) return None # collect server stacktraces from system.stack_trace table # it does not work in Sandbox def get_stacktraces_from_clickhouse(client): try: return subprocess.check_output("{} --allow_introspection_functions=1 --query " "\"SELECT arrayStringConcat(arrayMap(x, y -> concat(x, ': ', y), arrayMap(x -> addressToLine(x), trace), " "arrayMap(x -> demangle(addressToSymbol(x)), trace)), '\n') as trace " "FROM system.stack_trace format Vertical\"".format(client), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') except Exception as ex: print("Error occured while receiving stack traces from client: {}".format(str(ex))) return None def get_server_pid(server_tcp_port): # lsof does not work in stress tests for some reason cmd_lsof = "lsof -i tcp:{port} -s tcp:LISTEN -Fp | awk '/^p[0-9]+$/{{print substr($0, 2)}}'".format(port=server_tcp_port) cmd_pidof = "pidof -s clickhouse-server" commands = [cmd_lsof, cmd_pidof] output = None for cmd in commands: try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if output: return int(output) except Exception as e: print("Cannot get server pid with {}, got {}: {}", cmd, output, e) return None # most likely server dead def colored(text, args, color=None, on_color=None, attrs=None): if termcolor and (sys.stdout.isatty() or args.force_color): return termcolor.colored(text, color, on_color, attrs) else: return text SERVER_DIED = False exit_code = 0 stop_time = None # def run_tests_array(all_tests, suite, suite_dir, suite_tmp_dir, run_total): def run_tests_array(all_tests_with_params): all_tests, suite, suite_dir, suite_tmp_dir = all_tests_with_params global exit_code global SERVER_DIED global stop_time OP_SQUARE_BRACKET = colored("[", args, attrs=['bold']) CL_SQUARE_BRACKET = colored("]", args, attrs=['bold']) MSG_FAIL = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" FAIL ", args, "red", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_UNKNOWN = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" UNKNOWN ", args, "yellow", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_OK = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" OK ", args, "green", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_SKIPPED = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" SKIPPED ", args, "cyan", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET passed_total = 0 skipped_total = 0 failures_total = 0 failures = 0 failures_chain = 0 client_options = get_additional_client_options(args) def print_test_time(test_time): if args.print_time: return " {0:.2f} sec.".format(test_time) else: return '' if all_tests: print("\nRunning {} {} tests.".format(len(all_tests), suite) + "\n") for case in all_tests: if SERVER_DIED: break if stop_time and time() > stop_time: print("\nStop tests run because global time limit is exceeded.\n") break case_file = os.path.join(suite_dir, case) (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(case) try: status = '' is_concurrent = multiprocessing.current_process().name != "MainProcess" if not is_concurrent: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("{0:72}".format(name + ": ")) # This flush is needed so you can see the test name of the long # running test before it will finish. But don't do it in parallel # mode, so that the lines don't mix. sys.stdout.flush() else: status = "{0:72}".format(name + ": ") if args.skip and any(s in name for s in args.skip): status += MSG_SKIPPED + " - skip\n" skipped_total += 1 elif not args.zookeeper and ('zookeeper' in name or 'replica' in name): status += MSG_SKIPPED + " - no zookeeper\n" skipped_total += 1 elif not args.shard and ('shard' in name or 'distributed' in name or 'global' in name): status += MSG_SKIPPED + " - no shard\n" skipped_total += 1 elif not args.no_long and ('long' in name # Tests for races and deadlocks usually are runned in loop # for significant amount of time or 'deadlock' in name or 'race' in name): status += MSG_SKIPPED + " - no long\n" skipped_total += 1 else: disabled_file = os.path.join(suite_dir, name) + '.disabled' if os.path.exists(disabled_file) and not args.disabled: message = open(disabled_file, 'r').read() status += MSG_SKIPPED + " - " + message + "\n" else: if args.testname: clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) failed_to_check = False try: clickhouse_proc.communicate(("SELECT 'Running test {suite}/{case} from pid={pid}';".format(pid = os.getpid(), case = case, suite = suite)), timeout=10) except: failed_to_check = True if failed_to_check or clickhouse_proc.returncode != 0: failures += 1 print("Server does not respond to health check") SERVER_DIED = True break file_suffix = ('.' + str(os.getpid())) if is_concurrent and args.test_runs > 1 else '' reference_file = os.path.join(suite_dir, name) + '.reference' stdout_file = os.path.join(suite_tmp_dir, name) + file_suffix + '.stdout' stderr_file = os.path.join(suite_tmp_dir, name) + file_suffix + '.stderr' proc, stdout, stderr, total_time = run_single_test(args, ext, server_logs_level, client_options, case_file, stdout_file, stderr_file) if proc.returncode is None: try: proc.kill() except OSError as e: if e.errno != ESRCH: raise failures += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - Timeout!\n" if stderr: status += stderr else: counter = 1 while proc.returncode != 0 and need_retry(stderr): proc, stdout, stderr, total_time = run_single_test(args, ext, server_logs_level, client_options, case_file, stdout_file, stderr_file) sleep(2**counter) counter += 1 if counter > 6: break if proc.returncode != 0: failures += 1 failures_chain += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += ' - return code {}\n'.format(proc.returncode) if stderr: status += stderr # Stop on fatal errors like segmentation fault. They are sent to client via logs. if ' ' in stderr: SERVER_DIED = True if args.stop and ('Connection refused' in stderr or 'Attempt to read after eof' in stderr) and not 'Received exception from server' in stderr: SERVER_DIED = True if os.path.isfile(stdout_file): status += ", result:\n\n" status += '\n'.join( open(stdout_file).read().split('\n')[:100]) status += '\n' elif stderr: failures += 1 failures_chain += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - having stderror:\n{}\n".format( '\n'.join(stderr.split('\n')[:100])) elif 'Exception' in stdout: failures += 1 failures_chain += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - having exception:\n{}\n".format( '\n'.join(stdout.split('\n')[:100])) elif not os.path.isfile(reference_file): status += MSG_UNKNOWN status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - no reference file\n" else: result_is_different = subprocess.call(['diff', '-q', reference_file, stdout_file], stdout=PIPE) if result_is_different: diff = Popen(['diff', '-U', str(args.unified), reference_file, stdout_file], stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0] failures += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - result differs with reference:\n{}\n".format(diff) else: if args.test_runs > 1 and total_time > 30 and 'long' not in name: # We're in Flaky Check mode, check the run time as well while we're at it. failures += 1 failures_chain += 1 status += MSG_FAIL status += print_test_time(total_time) status += " - Long test not marked as 'long'" else: passed_total += 1 failures_chain = 0 status += MSG_OK status += print_test_time(total_time) status += "\n" if os.path.exists(stdout_file): os.remove(stdout_file) if os.path.exists(stderr_file): os.remove(stderr_file) if status and not status.endswith('\n'): status += '\n' sys.stdout.write(status) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print(colored("Break tests execution", args, "red")) raise e except: exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info() failures += 1 print("{0} - Test internal error: {1}\n{2}\n{3}".format(MSG_FAIL, exc_type.__name__, exc_value, "\n".join(traceback.format_tb(tb, 10)))) if failures_chain >= 20: break failures_total = failures_total + failures if failures_total > 0: print(colored("\nHaving {failures_total} errors! {passed_total} tests passed. {skipped_total} tests skipped.".format( passed_total = passed_total, skipped_total = skipped_total, failures_total = failures_total), args, "red", attrs=["bold"])) exit_code = 1 else: print(colored("\n{passed_total} tests passed. {skipped_total} tests skipped.".format( passed_total = passed_total, skipped_total = skipped_total), args, "green", attrs=["bold"])) server_logs_level = "warning" def check_server_started(client, retry_count): print("Connecting to ClickHouse server...", end='') sys.stdout.flush() while retry_count > 0: clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT 1") if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0 and stdout.startswith(b"1"): print(" OK") sys.stdout.flush() return True if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 210: # Connection refused, retry print('.', end = '') sys.stdout.flush() retry_count -= 1 sleep(0.5) continue # Other kind of error, fail. print('') print("Client invocation failed with code ", clickhouse_proc.returncode, ": ") # We can't print this, because for some reason this is python 2, # and args appeared in 3.3. To hell with it. # print(''.join(clickhouse_proc.args)) print("stdout: ") print(stdout) print("stderr: ") print(stderr) sys.stdout.flush() return False print('') print('All connection tries failed') sys.stdout.flush() return False class BuildFlags(): THREAD = 'thread-sanitizer' ADDRESS = 'address-sanitizer' UNDEFINED = 'ub-sanitizer' MEMORY = 'memory-sanitizer' DEBUG = 'debug-build' UNBUNDLED = 'unbundled-build' RELEASE = 'release-build' DATABASE_ORDINARY = 'database-ordinary' POLYMORPHIC_PARTS = 'polymorphic-parts' ANTLR = 'antlr' DATABASE_REPLICATED = 'database-replicated' def collect_build_flags(client): clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT value FROM system.build_options WHERE name = 'CXX_FLAGS'") result = [] if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0: if b'-fsanitize=thread' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.THREAD) elif b'-fsanitize=address' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.ADDRESS) elif b'-fsanitize=undefined' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.UNDEFINED) elif b'-fsanitize=memory' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.MEMORY) else: raise Exception("Cannot get information about build from server errorcode {}, stderr {}".format(clickhouse_proc.returncode, stderr)) clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT value FROM system.build_options WHERE name = 'BUILD_TYPE'") if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0: if b'Debug' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.DEBUG) elif b'RelWithDebInfo' in stdout or b'Release' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.RELEASE) else: raise Exception("Cannot get information about build from server errorcode {}, stderr {}".format(clickhouse_proc.returncode, stderr)) clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT value FROM system.build_options WHERE name = 'UNBUNDLED'") if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0: if b'ON' in stdout or b'1' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.UNBUNDLED) else: raise Exception("Cannot get information about build from server errorcode {}, stderr {}".format(clickhouse_proc.returncode, stderr)) clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT value FROM system.settings WHERE name = 'default_database_engine'") if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0: if b'Ordinary' in stdout: result.append(BuildFlags.DATABASE_ORDINARY) else: raise Exception("Cannot get information about build from server errorcode {}, stderr {}".format(clickhouse_proc.returncode, stderr)) clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"SELECT value FROM system.merge_tree_settings WHERE name = 'min_bytes_for_wide_part'") if clickhouse_proc.returncode == 0: if stdout == b'0\n': result.append(BuildFlags.POLYMORPHIC_PARTS) else: raise Exception("Cannot get inforamtion about build from server errorcode {}, stderr {}".format(clickhouse_proc.returncode, stderr)) return result def main(args): global SERVER_DIED global stop_time global exit_code global server_logs_level def is_data_present(): clickhouse_proc = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = clickhouse_proc.communicate(b"EXISTS TABLE test.hits") if clickhouse_proc.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(clickhouse_proc.returncode, args.client, stderr) return stdout.startswith(b'1') if not check_server_started(args.client, args.server_check_retries): raise Exception( "Server is not responding. Cannot execute 'SELECT 1' query. \ Note: if you are using split build, you may have to specify -c option.") build_flags = collect_build_flags(args.client) if args.antlr: build_flags.append(BuildFlags.ANTLR) if args.replicated_database: build_flags.append(BuildFlags.DATABASE_REPLICATED) if args.use_skip_list: tests_to_skip_from_list = collect_tests_to_skip(args.skip_list_path, build_flags) else: tests_to_skip_from_list = set([]) if args.skip: args.skip = set(args.skip) | tests_to_skip_from_list else: args.skip = tests_to_skip_from_list if args.use_skip_list and not args.sequential: args.sequential = collect_sequential_list(args.skip_list_path) base_dir = os.path.abspath(args.queries) tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(args.tmp) # Keep same default values as in queries/shell_config.sh os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_BINARY", args.binary) #os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT", args.client) os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG", args.configserver) if args.configclient: os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG_CLIENT", args.configclient) os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_TMP", tmp_dir) # Force to print server warnings in stderr # Shell scripts could change logging level os.environ.setdefault("CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_SERVER_LOGS_LEVEL", server_logs_level) # This code is bad as the time is not monotonic if args.global_time_limit: stop_time = time() + args.global_time_limit if args.zookeeper is None: _, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput(args.extract_from_config + " --try --config " + args.configserver + ' --key zookeeper | grep . | wc -l') try: if int(out) > 0: args.zookeeper = True else: args.zookeeper = False except ValueError: args.zookeeper = False if args.shard is None: _, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput(args.extract_from_config + " --try --config " + args.configserver + ' --key listen_host | grep -E "|::"') if out: args.shard = True else: args.shard = False if args.database and args.database != "test": clickhouse_proc_create = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) clickhouse_proc_create.communicate(("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + args.database + get_db_engine(args, args.database))) clickhouse_proc_create = Popen(shlex.split(args.client), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) clickhouse_proc_create.communicate(("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test" + get_db_engine(args, 'test'))) def is_test_from_dir(suite_dir, case): case_file = os.path.join(suite_dir, case) (_, ext) = os.path.splitext(case) # We could also test for executable files (os.access(case_file, os.X_OK), # but it interferes with 01610_client_spawn_editor.editor, which is invoked # as a query editor in the test, and must be marked as executable. return os.path.isfile(case_file) and (ext in ['.sql', '.sh', '.py', '.expect']) def sute_key_func(item): if args.order == 'random': return random.random() if -1 == item.find('_'): return 99998, '' prefix, suffix = item.split('_', 1) try: return int(prefix), suffix except ValueError: return 99997, '' total_tests_run = 0 for suite in sorted(os.listdir(base_dir), key=sute_key_func): if SERVER_DIED: break suite_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, suite) suite_re_obj = re.search('^[0-9]+_(.*)$', suite) if not suite_re_obj: #skip .gitignore and so on continue suite_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, suite) if not os.path.exists(suite_tmp_dir): os.makedirs(suite_tmp_dir) suite = suite_re_obj.group(1) if os.path.isdir(suite_dir): if 'stateful' in suite and not args.no_stateful and not is_data_present(): print("Won't run stateful tests because test data wasn't loaded.") continue if 'stateless' in suite and args.no_stateless: print("Won't run stateless tests because they were manually disabled.") continue if 'stateful' in suite and args.no_stateful: print("Won't run stateful tests because they were manually disabled.") continue # Reverse sort order: we want run newest test first. # And not reverse subtests def key_func(item): if args.order == 'random': return random.random() reverse = 1 if args.order == 'asc' else -1 if -1 == item.find('_'): return 99998 prefix, _ = item.split('_', 1) try: return reverse * int(prefix) except ValueError: return 99997 all_tests = os.listdir(suite_dir) all_tests = [case for case in all_tests if is_test_from_dir(suite_dir, case)] if args.test: all_tests = [t for t in all_tests if any([re.search(r, t) for r in args.test])] all_tests = all_tests * args.test_runs all_tests.sort(key=key_func) jobs = args.jobs parallel_tests = [] sequential_tests = [] for test in all_tests: if any(s in test for s in args.sequential): sequential_tests.append(test) else: parallel_tests.append(test) if jobs > 1 and len(parallel_tests) > 0: print("Found", len(parallel_tests), "parallel tests and", len(sequential_tests), "sequential tests") run_n, run_total = args.parallel.split('/') run_n = float(run_n) run_total = float(run_total) tests_n = len(parallel_tests) if run_total > tests_n: run_total = tests_n if jobs > tests_n: jobs = tests_n if jobs > run_total: run_total = jobs batch_size = len(parallel_tests) // jobs parallel_tests_array = [] for i in range(0, len(parallel_tests), batch_size): parallel_tests_array.append((parallel_tests[i:i+batch_size], suite, suite_dir, suite_tmp_dir)) with closing(multiprocessing.Pool(processes=jobs)) as pool: pool.map(run_tests_array, parallel_tests_array) run_tests_array((sequential_tests, suite, suite_dir, suite_tmp_dir)) total_tests_run += len(sequential_tests) + len(parallel_tests) else: run_tests_array((all_tests, suite, suite_dir, suite_tmp_dir)) total_tests_run += len(all_tests) if args.hung_check: # Some queries may execute in background for some time after test was finished. This is normal. for _ in range(1, 60): timeout, processlist = get_processlist(args) if timeout or not processlist: break sleep(1) if timeout or processlist: if processlist: print(colored("\nFound hung queries in processlist:", args, "red", attrs=["bold"])) print(processlist) else: print(colored("Seems like server hung and cannot respond to queries", args, "red", attrs=["bold"])) clickhouse_tcp_port = os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_PORT_TCP", '9000') server_pid = get_server_pid(clickhouse_tcp_port) bt = None if server_pid: print("\nLocated ClickHouse server process {} listening at TCP port {}".format(server_pid, clickhouse_tcp_port)) print("\nCollecting stacktraces from all running threads with gdb:") bt = get_stacktraces_from_gdb(server_pid) if len(bt) < 1000: print("Got suspiciously small stacktraces: ", bt) bt = None if bt is None: print("\nCollecting stacktraces from system.stacktraces table:") bt = get_stacktraces_from_clickhouse(args.client) if bt is None: print( colored( "\nUnable to locate ClickHouse server process listening at TCP port {}. " "It must have crashed or exited prematurely!".format(clickhouse_tcp_port), args, "red", attrs=["bold"])) else: print(bt) exit_code = 1 else: print(colored("\nNo queries hung.", args, "green", attrs=["bold"])) if total_tests_run == 0: print("No tests were run.") sys.exit(1) sys.exit(exit_code) def find_binary(name): if os.path.exists(name) and os.access(name, os.X_OK): return True paths = os.environ.get("PATH").split(':') for path in paths: if os.access(os.path.join(path, name), os.X_OK): return True # maybe it wasn't in PATH if os.access(os.path.join('/usr/local/bin', name), os.X_OK): return True if os.access(os.path.join('/usr/bin', name), os.X_OK): return True return False def get_additional_client_options(args): if args.client_option: return ' '.join('--' + option for option in args.client_option) return '' def get_additional_client_options_url(args): if args.client_option: return '&'.join(args.client_option) return '' def collect_tests_to_skip(skip_list_path, build_flags): result = set([]) if not os.path.exists(skip_list_path): return result with open(skip_list_path, 'r') as skip_list_file: content = skip_list_file.read() # allows to have comments in skip_list.json skip_dict = json.loads(json_minify(content)) for build_flag in build_flags: result |= set(skip_dict[build_flag]) if len(result) > 0: print("Found file with skip-list {}, {} test will be skipped".format(skip_list_path, len(result))) return result def collect_sequential_list(skip_list_path): if not os.path.exists(skip_list_path): return set([]) with open(skip_list_path, 'r') as skip_list_file: content = skip_list_file.read() # allows to have comments in skip_list.json skip_dict = json.loads(json_minify(content)) if 'parallel' in skip_dict: return skip_dict['parallel'] return set([]) if __name__ == '__main__': parser=ArgumentParser(description='ClickHouse functional tests') parser.add_argument('-q', '--queries', help='Path to queries dir') parser.add_argument('--tmp', help='Path to tmp dir') parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', default='clickhouse', help='Path to clickhouse (if monolithic build, clickhouse-server otherwise) binary or name of binary in PATH') parser.add_argument('-c', '--client', help='Path to clickhouse-client (if split build, useless otherwise) binary of name of binary in PATH') parser.add_argument('--extract_from_config', help='extract-from-config program') parser.add_argument('--configclient', help='Client config (if you use not default ports)') parser.add_argument('--configserver', default= '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', help='Preprocessed server config') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output xUnit compliant test report directory') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=600, help='Timeout for each test case in seconds') parser.add_argument('--global_time_limit', type=int, help='Stop if executing more than specified time (after current test finished)') parser.add_argument('test', nargs='*', help='Optional test case name regex') parser.add_argument('-d', '--disabled', action='store_true', default=False, help='Also run disabled tests') parser.add_argument('--stop', action='store_true', default=None, dest='stop', help='Stop on network errors') parser.add_argument('--order', default='desc', choices=['asc', 'desc', 'random'], help='Run order') parser.add_argument('--testname', action='store_true', default=None, dest='testname', help='Make query with test name before test run') parser.add_argument('--hung-check', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--force-color', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--database', help='Database for tests (random name test_XXXXXX by default)') parser.add_argument('--no-drop-if-fail', action='store_true', help='Do not drop database for test if test has failed') parser.add_argument('--show-db-name', action='store_true', help='Do not replace random database name with "default"') parser.add_argument('--parallel', default='1/1', help='One parallel test run number/total') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', default=1, nargs='?', type=int, help='Run all tests in parallel') parser.add_argument('--test-runs', default=1, nargs='?', type=int, help='Run each test many times (useful for e.g. flaky check)') parser.add_argument('-U', '--unified', default=3, type=int, help='output NUM lines of unified context') parser.add_argument('-r', '--server-check-retries', default=30, type=int, help='Num of tries to execute SELECT 1 before tests started') parser.add_argument('--skip-list-path', help="Path to skip-list file") parser.add_argument('--use-skip-list', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use skip list to skip tests if found") parser.add_argument('--db-engine', help='Database engine name') parser.add_argument('--replicated-database', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run tests with Replicated database engine') parser.add_argument('--antlr', action='store_true', default=False, dest='antlr', help='Use new ANTLR parser in tests') parser.add_argument('--no-stateless', action='store_true', help='Disable all stateless tests') parser.add_argument('--no-stateful', action='store_true', help='Disable all stateful tests') parser.add_argument('--skip', nargs='+', help="Skip these tests") parser.add_argument('--sequential', nargs='+', help="Run these tests sequentially even if --parallel specified") parser.add_argument('--no-long', action='store_false', dest='no_long', help='Do not run long tests') parser.add_argument('--client-option', nargs='+', help='Specify additional client argument') parser.add_argument('--print-time', action='store_true', dest='print_time', help='Print test time') group=parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument('--zookeeper', action='store_true', default=None, dest='zookeeper', help='Run zookeeper related tests') group.add_argument('--no-zookeeper', action='store_false', default=None, dest='zookeeper', help='Do not run zookeeper related tests') group=parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument('--shard', action='store_true', default=None, dest='shard', help='Run sharding related tests (required to clickhouse-server listen') group.add_argument('--no-shard', action='store_false', default=None, dest='shard', help='Do not run shard related tests') args = parser.parse_args() if args.queries and not os.path.isdir(args.queries): print("Cannot access the specified directory with queries (" + args.queries + ")", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Autodetect the directory with queries if not specified if args.queries is None: args.queries = 'queries' if not os.path.isdir(args.queries): # If we're running from the repo args.queries = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )), 'queries') if not os.path.isdir(args.queries): # Next we're going to try some system directories, don't write 'stdout' files into them. if args.tmp is None: args.tmp = '/tmp/clickhouse-test' args.queries = '/usr/local/share/clickhouse-test/queries' if not os.path.isdir(args.queries): args.queries = '/usr/share/clickhouse-test/queries' if not os.path.isdir(args.queries): print("Failed to detect path to the queries directory. Please specify it with '--queries' option.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print("Using queries from '" + args.queries + "' directory") if args.skip_list_path is None: args.skip_list_path = os.path.join(args.queries, 'skip_list.json') if args.sequential is None: args.sequential = set([]) if args.tmp is None: args.tmp = args.queries if args.client is None: if find_binary(args.binary + '-client'): args.client = args.binary + '-client' print("Using " + args.client + " as client program (expecting split build)") elif find_binary(args.binary): args.client = args.binary + ' client' print("Using " + args.client + " as client program (expecting monolithic build)") else: print("No 'clickhouse' or 'clickhouse-client' client binary found", file=sys.stderr) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.configclient: args.client += ' --config-file=' + args.configclient if os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_HOST"): args.client += ' --host=' + os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_HOST") if os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_PORT_TCP"): args.client += ' --port=' + os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_PORT_TCP") if os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE"): args.client += ' --database=' + os.getenv("CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE") if args.client_option: # Set options for client if 'CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT' in os.environ: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT'] += ' ' else: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT'] = '' os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT'] += get_additional_client_options(args) # Set options for curl if 'CLICKHOUSE_URL_PARAMS' in os.environ: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_URL_PARAMS'] += '&' else: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_URL_PARAMS'] = '' os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_URL_PARAMS'] += get_additional_client_options_url(args) if args.antlr: if 'CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT' in os.environ: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT'] += ' --use_antlr_parser=1' else: os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT'] = '--use_antlr_parser=1' if args.extract_from_config is None: if os.access(args.binary + '-extract-from-config', os.X_OK): args.extract_from_config = args.binary + '-extract-from-config' else: args.extract_from_config = args.binary + ' extract-from-config' if args.jobs is None: args.jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() main(args)