option (ENABLE_ODBC "Enable ODBC library" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) if (NOT OS_LINUX) if (ENABLE_ODBC) message(STATUS "ODBC is only supported on Linux") endif() set (ENABLE_ODBC OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") endif () if (NOT ENABLE_ODBC) if (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Can't use internal ODBC with ENABLE_ODBC=OFF") endif() add_library (unixodbc INTERFACE) target_compile_definitions (unixodbc INTERFACE USE_ODBC=0) message (STATUS "Not using unixodbc") return() endif() option (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY "Use internal ODBC library" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED}) if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY) find_library (LIBRARY_ODBC NAMES unixodbc odbc) find_path (INCLUDE_ODBC sql.h) if(LIBRARY_ODBC AND INCLUDE_ODBC) add_library (unixodbc UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties (unixodbc PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LIBRARY_ODBC}) set_target_properties (unixodbc PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${INCLUDE_ODBC}) set_target_properties (unixodbc PROPERTIES INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS USE_ODBC=1) if (USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) find_library(LTDL_LIBRARY ltdl) if (LTDL_LIBRARY) target_link_libraries(unixodbc INTERFACE ${LTDL_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() set(EXTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY_FOUND 1) message (STATUS "Found odbc: ${LIBRARY_ODBC}") else() message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Can't find system ODBC library") set(EXTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY_FOUND 0) endif() endif() if (NOT EXTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY_FOUND) set (USE_INTERNAL_ODBC_LIBRARY 1) endif () message (STATUS "Using unixodbc")