#include #include #include #include namespace DB { /// Splits AND(a, b, c) to AND(a, AND(b, c)) for AND/OR void splitMultiLogic(ASTPtr & node) { auto * func = node->as(); if (func && (func->name == "and" || func->name == "or")) { if (func->arguments->children.size() > 2) { ASTPtr res = func->arguments->children.front()->clone(); for (size_t i = 1; i < func->arguments->children.size(); ++i) { res = makeASTFunction(func->name, res, func->arguments->children[i]->clone()); } node = std::move(res); } auto * new_func = node->as(); for (auto & child : new_func->arguments->children) splitMultiLogic(child); } } /// Push NOT to leafs, remove NOT NOT ... void traversePushNot(ASTPtr & node, bool add_negation) { auto * func = node->as(); if (func && (func->name == "and" || func->name == "or")) { if (add_negation) { ASSERT(func->arguments->size() == 2) /// apply De Morgan's Law node = makeASTFunction( (func->name == "and" ? "or" : "and"), func->arguments->children[0]->clone(), func->arguments->children[1]->clone()); } auto * new_func = node->as(); for (auto & child : new_func->arguments->children) traversePushNot(child, add_negation); } else if (func && func->name == "not") { ASSERT(func->arguments->size() == 1) /// delete NOT node = func->arguments->children[0]->clone(); traversePushNot(node, !add_negation); } else { if (add_negation) node = makeASTFunction("not", node->clone()); } } void findOrs(ASTPtr & node, std::vector> & ors) { auto * func = node->as(); if (func && func->name == "or") ors.push_back(node); if (func) { for (auto & child : func->arguments->children) findOrs(child, ors); } } /// Push Or inside And (actually pull AND to top) void pushOr(ASTPtr & query) { std::vector> ors; findOrs(query, ors); while (!ors.empty()) { std::reference_wrapper or_node = ors.back(); ors.pop_back(); auto * or_func = or_node.get()->as(); ASSERT(or_func) ASSERT(or_func->name == "or") ASSERT(or_func->arguments->children.size() == 2) /// find or upper than and size_t and_node_id = or_func->arguments->children.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < or_func->arguments->children.size(); ++i) { auto & child = or_func->arguments->children[i]; auto * and_func = child->as(); if (and_func && and_func->name == "and") { and_node_id = i; } } if (and_node_id == or_func->arguments->children.size()) continue; const size_t other_node_id = 1 - and_node_id; auto and_func = or_func->arguments->children[and_node_id]->as(); ASSERT(and_func) ASSERT(and_func->name == "and") ASSERT(and_func->arguments->children.size() == 2) auto a = or_func->arguments->children[other_node_id]; auto b = and_func->arguments->children[0]; auto c = and_func->arguments->children[1]; /// apply the distributive law ( a or (b and c) -> (a or b) and (a or c) ) or_node.get() = makeASTFunction( "and", makeASTFunction("or", a->clone(), b->clone()), makeASTFunction("or", a->clone(), c->clone())); /// add new ors to stack auto * new_func = or_node.get()->as(); for (auto & new_or : new_func->arguments->children) ors.push_back(new_or); } } /// transform ast into cnf groups void traverseCNF(const ASTPtr & node, CNFQuery::AndGroup & and_group, CNFQuery::OrGroup & or_group) { auto * func = node->as(); if (func && func->name == "and") { for (auto & child : func->arguments->children) { CNFQuery::OrGroup group; traverseCNF(child, and_group, group); if (!group.empty()) and_group.insert(std::move(group)); } } else if (func && func->name == "or") { for (auto & child : func->arguments->children) { traverseCNF(child, and_group, or_group); } } else if (func && func->name == "not") { or_group.insert(CNFQuery::AtomicFormula{true, func->arguments->children.front()}); } else { or_group.insert(CNFQuery::AtomicFormula{false, node}); } } void traverseCNF(const ASTPtr & node, CNFQuery::AndGroup & result) { CNFQuery::OrGroup or_group; traverseCNF(node, result, or_group); if (!or_group.empty()) result.insert(or_group); } CNFQuery TreeCNFConverter::toCNF(const ASTPtr & query) { auto cnf = query->clone(); splitMultiLogic(cnf); traversePushNot(cnf, false); pushOr(cnf); CNFQuery::AndGroup and_group; traverseCNF(cnf, and_group); CNFQuery result{std::move(and_group)}; Poco::Logger::get("CNF CONVERSION").information("DONE: " + result.dump()); return result; } ASTPtr TreeCNFConverter::fromCNF(const CNFQuery & cnf) { const auto & groups = cnf.getStatements(); if (groups.empty()) return nullptr; ASTs or_groups; for (const auto & group : groups) { if (group.size() == 1) { if ((*group.begin()).negative) or_groups.push_back(makeASTFunction("not", (*group.begin()).ast->clone())); else or_groups.push_back((*group.begin()).ast->clone()); } else if (group.size() > 1) { or_groups.push_back(makeASTFunction("or")); auto * func = or_groups.back()->as(); for (const auto & atom : group) { if ((*group.begin()).negative) func->arguments->children.push_back(makeASTFunction("not", atom.ast->clone())); else func->arguments->children.push_back(atom.ast->clone()); } } } if (or_groups.size() == 1) return or_groups.front(); ASTPtr res = makeASTFunction("and"); auto * func = res->as(); for (const auto & group : or_groups) func->arguments->children.push_back(group); return res; } void pushPullNotInAtom(CNFQuery::AtomicFormula & atom, const std::map & inverse_relations) { auto * func = atom.ast->as(); if (!func) return; if (auto it = inverse_relations.find(func->name); it != std::end(inverse_relations)) { /// inverse func atom.ast = atom.ast->clone(); auto * new_func = atom.ast->as(); new_func->name = it->second; /// add not atom.negative = !atom.negative; } } void pullNotOut(CNFQuery::AtomicFormula & atom) { static const std::map inverse_relations = { {"notEquals", "equals"}, {"greaterOrEquals", "less"}, {"greater", "lessOrEquals"}, {"notIn", "in"}, {"notLike", "like"}, {"notEmpty", "empty"}, }; pushPullNotInAtom(atom, inverse_relations); } void pushNotIn(CNFQuery::AtomicFormula & atom) { if (!atom.negative) return; static const std::map inverse_relations = { {"equals", "notEquals"}, {"less", "greaterOrEquals"}, {"lessOrEquals", "greater"}, {"in", "notIn"}, {"like", "notLike"}, {"empty", "notEmpty"}, {"notEquals", "equals"}, {"greaterOrEquals", "less"}, {"greater", "lessOrEquals"}, {"notIn", "in"}, {"notLike", "like"}, {"notEmpty", "empty"}, }; pushPullNotInAtom(atom, inverse_relations); } CNFQuery & CNFQuery::pullNotOutFunctions() { transformAtoms([](const AtomicFormula & atom) -> AtomicFormula { AtomicFormula result{atom.negative, atom.ast->clone()}; pullNotOut(result); return result; }); return *this; } CNFQuery & CNFQuery::pushNotInFuntions() { transformAtoms([](const AtomicFormula & atom) -> AtomicFormula { AtomicFormula result{atom.negative, atom.ast->clone()}; pushNotIn(result); return result; }); return *this; } namespace { CNFQuery::AndGroup reduceOnce(const CNFQuery::AndGroup & groups) { CNFQuery::AndGroup result; for (const CNFQuery::OrGroup & group : groups) { CNFQuery::OrGroup copy(group); bool inserted = false; for (const CNFQuery::AtomicFormula & atom : group) { copy.erase(atom); CNFQuery::AtomicFormula negative_atom(atom); negative_atom.negative = !atom.negative; copy.insert(negative_atom); if (groups.contains(copy)) { copy.erase(negative_atom); result.insert(copy); inserted = true; break; } copy.erase(negative_atom); copy.insert(atom); } if (!inserted) result.insert(group); } return result; } bool isSubset(const CNFQuery::OrGroup & left, const CNFQuery::OrGroup & right) { if (left.size() > right.size()) return false; for (const auto & elem : left) if (!right.contains(elem)) return false; return true; } CNFQuery::AndGroup filterSubsets(const CNFQuery::AndGroup & groups) { CNFQuery::AndGroup result; for (const CNFQuery::OrGroup & group : groups) { bool insert = true; for (const CNFQuery::OrGroup & other_group : groups) { if (isSubset(other_group, group) && group != other_group) { insert = false; break; } } if (insert) result.insert(group); } return result; } } CNFQuery & CNFQuery::reduce() { while (true) { AndGroup new_statements = reduceOnce(statements); if (statements == new_statements) { statements = filterSubsets(statements); return *this; } else statements = new_statements; } } std::string CNFQuery::dump() const { WriteBufferFromOwnString res; bool first = true; for (const auto & group : statements) { if (!first) res << " AND "; first = false; res << "("; bool first_in_group = true; for (const auto & atom : group) { if (!first_in_group) res << " OR "; first_in_group = false; if (atom.negative) res << " NOT "; res << atom.ast->getColumnName(); } res << ")"; } return res.str(); } }