#!/usr/bin/env bash set -uo pipefail #################################### # IMPORTANT! # # EC2 instance should have # # `github:runner-type` tag # # set accordingly to a runner role # #################################### echo "Running init script" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export RUNNER_HOME=/home/ubuntu/actions-runner export RUNNER_URL="https://github.com/ClickHouse" # Funny fact, but metadata service has fixed IP INSTANCE_ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id) export INSTANCE_ID # Add cloudflare DNS as a fallback # Get default gateway interface IFACE=$(ip --json route list | jq '.[]|select(.dst == "default").dev' --raw-output) # `Link 2 (eth0):` ETH_DNS=$(resolvectl dns "$IFACE") || : CLOUDFLARE_NS= if [[ "$ETH_DNS" ]] && [[ "${ETH_DNS#*: }" != *"$CLOUDFLARE_NS"* ]]; then # Cut the leading legend ETH_DNS=${ETH_DNS#*: } # shellcheck disable=SC2206 new_dns=(${ETH_DNS} "$CLOUDFLARE_NS") resolvectl dns "$IFACE" "${new_dns[@]}" fi # combine labels RUNNER_TYPE=$(/usr/local/bin/aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" --query "Tags[?Key=='github:runner-type'].Value" --output text) LABELS="self-hosted,Linux,$(uname -m),$RUNNER_TYPE" export LABELS # Refresh CloudWatch agent config aws ssm get-parameter --region us-east-1 --name AmazonCloudWatch-github-runners --query 'Parameter.Value' --output text > /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service # Refresh teams ssh keys TEAM_KEYS_URL=$(aws ssm get-parameter --region us-east-1 --name team-keys-url --query 'Parameter.Value' --output=text) curl -s "${TEAM_KEYS_URL}" > /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys2 chown ubuntu: /home/ubuntu/.ssh -R # Create a pre-run script that will provide diagnostics info mkdir -p /tmp/actions-hooks cat > /tmp/actions-hooks/common.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash terminate-delayed() { sleep=7 echo "Going to terminate the runner's instance in $sleep seconds" INSTANCE_ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id) # We execute it with `at` to not have it as an orphan process, but launched independently # GH Runners kill all remain processes echo "sleep '$sleep'; aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $INSTANCE_ID" | at now || \ aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids "$INSTANCE_ID" # workaround for complete out of space or non-installed `at` exit 0 } terminate-and-exit() { echo "Going to terminate the runner's instance" INSTANCE_ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id) aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids "$INSTANCE_ID" } check-terminating-metadata() { # If there is a rebalance event, then the instance could die soon # Let's don't wait for it and terminate proactively if curl -s --fail; then echo 'The received recommendation to rebalance, checking the uptime' UPTIME=$(< /proc/uptime) UPTIME=${UPTIME%%.*} # We don't shutdown the instances younger than 30m if (( 1800 < UPTIME )); then # To not shutdown everything at once, use the 66% to survive if (( $((RANDOM % 3)) == 0 )); then echo 'The instance is older than 30m and won the roulette' terminate-and-exit fi echo 'The instance is older than 30m, but is not chosen for rebalance' else echo 'The instance is younger than 30m, do not shut it down' fi fi # Here we check if the autoscaling group marked the instance for termination, and it's wait for the job to finish ASG_STATUS=$(curl -s if [ "$ASG_STATUS" == "Terminated" ]; then INSTANCE_ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id) ASG_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" --query "Tags[?Key=='aws:autoscaling:groupName'].Value" --output text) LIFECYCLE_HOOKS=$(aws autoscaling describe-lifecycle-hooks --auto-scaling-group-name "$ASG_NAME" --query "LifecycleHooks[].LifecycleHookName" --output text) for LCH in $LIFECYCLE_HOOKS; do aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-action-result CONTINUE \ --lifecycle-hook-name "$LCH" --auto-scaling-group-name "$ASG_NAME" \ --instance-id "$INSTANCE_ID" done echo 'The runner is marked as "Terminated" by the autoscaling group, we are terminating' terminate-and-exit fi } EOF cat > /tmp/actions-hooks/pre-run.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash set -uo pipefail echo "Runner's public DNS: $(ec2metadata --public-hostname)" echo "Runner's labels: ${LABELS}" EOF # Create a post-run script that will restart docker daemon before the job started cat > /tmp/actions-hooks/post-run.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash set -xuo pipefail source /tmp/actions-hooks/common.sh # Free KiB, free percents ROOT_STAT=($(df / | awk '/\// {print $4 " " int($4/$2 * 100)}')) if [[ ${ROOT_STAT[0]} -lt 3000000 ]] || [[ ${ROOT_STAT[1]} -lt 5 ]]; then echo "The runner has ${ROOT_STAT[0]}KiB and ${ROOT_STAT[1]}% of free space on /" terminate-delayed fi # shellcheck disable=SC2046 docker ps --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker kill ||: # shellcheck disable=SC2046 docker ps --all --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f ||: # If we have hanged containers after the previous commands, than we have a hanged one # and should restart the daemon if [ "$(docker ps --all --quiet)" ]; then # Systemd service of docker has StartLimitBurst=3 and StartLimitInterval=60s, # that's why we try restarting it for long for i in {1..25}; do sudo systemctl restart docker && break || sleep 5 done for i in {1..10} do docker info && break || sleep 2 done # Last chance, otherwise we have to terminate poor instance docker info 1>/dev/null || { echo Docker unable to start; terminate-delayed ; } fi EOF source /tmp/actions-hooks/common.sh while true; do runner_pid=$(pgrep Runner.Listener) echo "Got runner pid $runner_pid" if [ -z "$runner_pid" ]; then cd $RUNNER_HOME || exit 1 # If runner is not active, check that it needs to terminate itself echo "Checking if the instance suppose to terminate" check-terminating-metadata echo "Receiving token" RUNNER_TOKEN=$(/usr/local/bin/aws ssm get-parameter --name github_runner_registration_token --with-decryption --output text --query Parameter.Value) echo "Going to configure runner" sudo -u ubuntu ./config.sh --url $RUNNER_URL --token "$RUNNER_TOKEN" --ephemeral \ --runnergroup Default --labels "$LABELS" --work _work --name "$INSTANCE_ID" echo "Another one check to avoid race between runner and infrastructure" check-terminating-metadata echo "Run" sudo -u ubuntu \ ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_STARTED=/tmp/actions-hooks/pre-run.sh \ ACTIONS_RUNNER_HOOK_JOB_COMPLETED=/tmp/actions-hooks/post-run.sh \ ./run.sh & sleep 15 else echo "Runner is working with pid $runner_pid, nothing to do" # The runner does not provide a way to determine, if it runs the job, # neither the way to determine if it just litens. But there should be a # process for Runner.Worker. So if the runner just hangs around for long, # we check if it's fine to let it go if ! pgrep Runner.Worker > /dev/null; then RUNNER_AGE=$(( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c +%Y /proc/"$runner_pid" 2>/dev/null || date +%s) )) echo "The runner is launched $RUNNER_AGE seconds ago and still doesn't have launched Runner.Worker" if (( 60 < RUNNER_AGE )); then echo "Check if the instance should tear down" check-terminating-metadata fi fi sleep 5 fi done # vim:ts=4:sw=4