#include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION; extern const int AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::Data::addJoinKeys(const ASTPtr & left_ast, const ASTPtr & right_ast, const std::pair & table_no) { ASTPtr left = left_ast->clone(); ASTPtr right = right_ast->clone(); if (table_no.first == 1 || table_no.second == 2) analyzed_join.addOnKeys(left, right); else if (table_no.first == 2 || table_no.second == 1) analyzed_join.addOnKeys(right, left); else throw Exception("Cannot detect left and right JOIN keys. JOIN ON section is ambiguous.", ErrorCodes::AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME); has_some = true; } void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::Data::addAsofJoinKeys(const ASTPtr & left_ast, const ASTPtr & right_ast, const std::pair & table_no, const ASOF::Inequality & inequality) { if (table_no.first == 1 || table_no.second == 2) { asof_left_key = left_ast->clone(); asof_right_key = right_ast->clone(); analyzed_join.setAsofInequality(inequality); return; } else if (table_no.first == 2 || table_no.second == 1) { asof_left_key = right_ast->clone(); asof_right_key = left_ast->clone(); analyzed_join.setAsofInequality(ASOF::reverseInequality(inequality)); return; } throw Exception("ASOF JOIN requires keys inequality from different tables", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::Data::asofToJoinKeys() { if (!asof_left_key || !asof_right_key) throw Exception("No inequality in ASOF JOIN ON section.", ErrorCodes::INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION); addJoinKeys(asof_left_key, asof_right_key, {1, 2}); } void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::visit(const ASTFunction & func, const ASTPtr & ast, Data & data) { if (func.name == "and") return; /// go into children if (func.name == "equals") { ASTPtr left = func.arguments->children.at(0); ASTPtr right = func.arguments->children.at(1); auto table_numbers = getTableNumbers(ast, left, right, data); data.addJoinKeys(left, right, table_numbers); return; } ASOF::Inequality inequality = ASOF::getInequality(func.name); if (data.is_asof && (inequality != ASOF::Inequality::None)) { if (data.asof_left_key || data.asof_right_key) throwSyntaxException("ASOF JOIN expects exactly one inequality in ON section, unexpected " + queryToString(ast) + "."); ASTPtr left = func.arguments->children.at(0); ASTPtr right = func.arguments->children.at(1); auto table_numbers = getTableNumbers(ast, left, right, data); data.addAsofJoinKeys(left, right, table_numbers, inequality); return; } throwSyntaxException("Expected equals expression, got " + queryToString(ast) + "."); } void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::getIdentifiers(const ASTPtr & ast, std::vector & out) { if (const auto * ident = ast->as()) { if (IdentifierSemantic::getColumnName(*ident)) out.push_back(ident); return; } for (const auto & child : ast->children) getIdentifiers(child, out); } std::pair CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::getTableNumbers(const ASTPtr & expr, const ASTPtr & left_ast, const ASTPtr & right_ast, Data & data) { std::vector left_identifiers; std::vector right_identifiers; getIdentifiers(left_ast, left_identifiers); getIdentifiers(right_ast, right_identifiers); size_t left_idents_table = getTableForIdentifiers(left_identifiers, data); size_t right_idents_table = getTableForIdentifiers(right_identifiers, data); if (left_idents_table && left_idents_table == right_idents_table) { auto left_name = queryToString(*left_identifiers[0]); auto right_name = queryToString(*right_identifiers[0]); throwSyntaxException("In expression " + queryToString(expr) + " columns " + left_name + " and " + right_name + " are from the same table but from different arguments of equal function."); } return std::make_pair(left_idents_table, right_idents_table); } const ASTIdentifier * CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::unrollAliases(const ASTIdentifier * identifier, const Aliases & aliases) { if (identifier->compound()) return identifier; UInt32 max_attempts = 100; for (auto it = aliases.find(identifier->name); it != aliases.end();) { const ASTIdentifier * parent = identifier; identifier = it->second->as(); if (!identifier) break; /// not a column alias if (identifier == parent) break; /// alias to itself with the same name: 'a as a' if (identifier->compound()) break; /// not an alias. Break to prevent cycle through short names: 'a as b, t1.b as a' it = aliases.find(identifier->name); if (!max_attempts--) throw Exception("Cannot unroll aliases for '" + identifier->name + "'", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } return identifier; } /// @returns 1 if identifiers belongs to left table, 2 for right table and 0 if unknown. Throws on table mix. /// Place detected identifier into identifiers[0] if any. size_t CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::getTableForIdentifiers(std::vector & identifiers, const Data & data) { size_t table_number = 0; for (auto & ident : identifiers) { const ASTIdentifier * identifier = unrollAliases(ident, data.aliases); if (!identifier) continue; /// Column name could be cropped to a short form in TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor. /// In this case it saves membership in IdentifierSemantic. size_t membership = IdentifierSemantic::getMembership(*identifier); if (!membership) { const String & name = identifier->name; bool in_left_table = data.source_columns.count(name); bool in_right_table = data.joined_columns.count(name); if (in_left_table && in_right_table) throw Exception("Column '" + name + "' is ambiguous", ErrorCodes::AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME); if (in_left_table) membership = 1; if (in_right_table) membership = 2; } if (membership && table_number == 0) { table_number = membership; std::swap(ident, identifiers[0]); /// move first detected identifier to the first position } if (membership && membership != table_number) { throw Exception("Invalid columns in JOIN ON section. Columns " + identifiers[0]->getAliasOrColumnName() + " and " + ident->getAliasOrColumnName() + " are from different tables.", ErrorCodes::INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION); } } return table_number; } [[noreturn]] void CollectJoinOnKeysMatcher::throwSyntaxException(const String & msg) { throw Exception("Invalid expression for JOIN ON. " + msg + " Supported syntax: JOIN ON Expr([table.]column, ...) = Expr([table.]column, ...) " "[AND Expr([table.]column, ...) = Expr([table.]column, ...) ...]", ErrorCodes::INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION); } }