#include #include #include #include #include namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric QueryThread; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } /** Scheme of operation: * * We have to output blocks in specific order: by bucket number: * * o o o o ... o * 0 1 2 3 255 * * Each block is the result of merge of blocks with same bucket number from several sources: * * src1 o o ... * | | * src2 o o * * | | * v v * * result o o * 0 1 * * (we must merge 0th block from src1 with 0th block from src2 to form 0th result block and so on) * * We may read (request over network) blocks from different sources in parallel. * It is done by getNextBlocksToMerge method. Number of threads is 'reading_threads'. * * Also, we may do merges for different buckets in parallel. * For example, we may * merge 1th block from src1 with 1th block from src2 in one thread * and merge 2nd block from src1 with 2nd block from src2 in other thread. * Number of threads is 'merging_threads' * And we must keep only 'merging_threads' buckets of blocks in memory simultaneously, * because our goal is to limit memory usage: not to keep all result in memory, but return it in streaming form. * * So, we return result sequentially, but perform calculations of resulting blocks in parallel. * (calculation - is doing merge of source blocks for same buckets) * * Example: * * src1 . . o o . . . * | | * src2 o o * * | | * v v * * result . . o o . . . * * In this picture, we do only two merges in parallel. * When a merge is done, method 'getNextBlocksToMerge' is called to get blocks from sources for next bucket. * Then next merge is performed. * * Main ('readImpl') method is waiting for merged blocks for next bucket and returns it. */ MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream( BlockInputStreams inputs_, const Aggregator::Params & params, bool final_, size_t reading_threads_, size_t merging_threads_) : aggregator(params), final(final_), reading_threads(std::min(reading_threads_, inputs_.size())), merging_threads(merging_threads_), inputs(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end()) { children = inputs_; /** Create threads that will request and read data from remote servers. */ if (reading_threads > 1) reading_pool = std::make_unique(reading_threads); /** Create threads. Each of them will pull next set of blocks to merge in a loop, * then merge them and place result in a queue (in fact, ordered map), from where we will read ready result blocks. */ if (merging_threads > 1) parallel_merge_data = std::make_unique(merging_threads); } Block MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::getHeader() const { return aggregator.getHeader(final); } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::readPrefix() { start(); } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::readSuffix() { if (!all_read && !isCancelled()) throw Exception("readSuffix called before all data is read", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); finalize(); for (auto & child : children) child->readSuffix(); } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::cancel(bool kill) { if (kill) is_killed = true; bool old_val = false; if (!is_cancelled.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, true)) return; if (parallel_merge_data) { { std::unique_lock lock(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); parallel_merge_data->finish = true; } parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_changed.notify_one(); /// readImpl method must stop waiting and exit. parallel_merge_data->have_space.notify_all(); /// Merging threads must stop waiting and exit. } for (auto & input : inputs) { try { input.stream->cancel(kill); } catch (...) { /** If failed to ask to stop processing one or more sources. * (example: connection reset during distributed query execution) * - then don't care. */ LOG_ERROR(log, "Exception while cancelling " << input.stream->getName()); } } } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::start() { if (started) return; started = true; /// If child is RemoteBlockInputStream, then child->readPrefix() will send query to remote server, initiating calculations. if (reading_threads == 1) { for (auto & child : children) child->readPrefix(); } else { size_t num_children = children.size(); try { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_children; ++i) { auto & child = children[i]; auto thread_group = CurrentThread::getGroup(); reading_pool->scheduleOrThrowOnError([&child, thread_group] { setThreadName("MergeAggReadThr"); if (thread_group) CurrentThread::attachToIfDetached(thread_group); CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::QueryThread}; child->readPrefix(); }); } } catch (...) { reading_pool->wait(); throw; } reading_pool->wait(); } if (merging_threads > 1) { auto & pool = parallel_merge_data->pool; /** Create threads that will receive and merge blocks. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < merging_threads; ++i) pool.scheduleOrThrowOnError([this, thread_group = CurrentThread::getGroup()]() { mergeThread(thread_group); }); } } Block MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::readImpl() { start(); if (!parallel_merge_data) { if (BlocksToMerge blocks_to_merge = getNextBlocksToMerge()) return aggregator.mergeBlocks(*blocks_to_merge, final); return {}; } else { Block res; while (true) { std::unique_lock lock(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_changed.wait(lock, [this] { return parallel_merge_data->finish /// Requested to finish early. || parallel_merge_data->exception /// An error in merging thread. || parallel_merge_data->exhausted /// No more data in sources. || !parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks.empty(); /// Have another merged block. }); if (parallel_merge_data->exception) std::rethrow_exception(parallel_merge_data->exception); if (parallel_merge_data->finish) break; bool have_merged_block_or_merging_in_progress = !parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks.empty(); if (parallel_merge_data->exhausted && !have_merged_block_or_merging_in_progress) break; if (have_merged_block_or_merging_in_progress) { auto it = parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks.begin(); if (it->second) { res.swap(it->second); parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks.erase(it); lock.unlock(); parallel_merge_data->have_space.notify_one(); /// We consumed block. Merging thread may merge next block for us. break; } } } if (!res) all_read = true; return res; } } MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::~MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream() { try { if (!all_read) cancel(false); finalize(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::finalize() { if (!started) return; LOG_TRACE(log, "Waiting for threads to finish"); if (parallel_merge_data) parallel_merge_data->pool.wait(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Waited for threads to finish"); } void MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::mergeThread(ThreadGroupStatusPtr thread_group) { CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::QueryThread}; try { if (thread_group) CurrentThread::attachToIfDetached(thread_group); setThreadName("MergeAggMergThr"); while (!parallel_merge_data->finish) { /** Receiving next blocks is processing by one thread pool, and merge is in another. * This is quite complex interaction. * Each time: * - 'reading_threads' will read one next block from each source; * - group of blocks for merge is created from them; * - one of 'merging_threads' will do merge this group of blocks; */ BlocksToMerge blocks_to_merge; int output_order = -1; /** Synchronously: * - fetch next blocks from sources, * wait for space in 'merged_blocks' * and reserve a place in 'merged_blocks' to do merge of them; * - or, if no next blocks, set 'exhausted' flag. */ { std::lock_guard lock_next_blocks(parallel_merge_data->get_next_blocks_mutex); if (parallel_merge_data->exhausted || parallel_merge_data->finish) break; blocks_to_merge = getNextBlocksToMerge(); if (!blocks_to_merge || blocks_to_merge->empty()) { { std::unique_lock lock_merged_blocks(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); parallel_merge_data->exhausted = true; } /// No new blocks has been read from sources. (But maybe, in another mergeThread, some previous block is still prepared.) parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_changed.notify_one(); break; } output_order = blocks_to_merge->front().info.is_overflows ? NUM_BUCKETS /// "Overflow" blocks returned by 'getNextBlocksToMerge' after all other blocks. : blocks_to_merge->front().info.bucket_num; { std::unique_lock lock_merged_blocks(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); parallel_merge_data->have_space.wait(lock_merged_blocks, [this] { return parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks.size() < merging_threads || parallel_merge_data->finish; }); if (parallel_merge_data->finish) break; /** Place empty block. It is promise to do merge and fill it. * Main thread knows, that there will be result for 'output_order' place. * Main thread must return results exactly in 'output_order', so that is important. */ parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks[output_order]; //-V607 } } /// At this point, several merge threads may work in parallel. Block res = aggregator.mergeBlocks(*blocks_to_merge, final); { std::lock_guard lock(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); if (parallel_merge_data->finish) break; parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks[output_order] = res; } /// Notify that we have another merged block. parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_changed.notify_one(); } } catch (...) { { std::lock_guard lock(parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_mutex); parallel_merge_data->exception = std::current_exception(); parallel_merge_data->finish = true; } parallel_merge_data->merged_blocks_changed.notify_one(); parallel_merge_data->have_space.notify_all(); } } MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::BlocksToMerge MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficientBlockInputStream::getNextBlocksToMerge() { /** There are several input sources. * From each of them, data may be received in one of following forms: * * 1. Block with specified 'bucket_num'. * It means, that on remote server, data was partitioned by buckets. * And data for each 'bucket_num' from different servers may be merged independently. * Because data in different buckets will contain different aggregation keys. * Data for different 'bucket_num's will be received in increasing order of 'bucket_num'. * * 2. Block without specified 'bucket_num'. * It means, that on remote server, data was not partitioned by buckets. * If all servers will send non-partitioned data, we may just merge it. * But if some other servers will send partitioned data, * then we must first partition non-partitioned data, and then merge data in each partition. * * 3. Blocks with 'is_overflows' = true. * It is additional data, that was not passed 'max_rows_to_group_by' threshold. * It must be merged together independently of ordinary data. */ ++current_bucket_num; /// Read from source next block with bucket number not greater than 'current_bucket_num'. auto need_that_input = [this] (Input & input) { return !input.is_exhausted && input.block.info.bucket_num < current_bucket_num; }; auto read_from_input = [this] (Input & input) { /// If block with 'overflows' (not ordinary data) will be received, then remember that block and repeat. while (true) { // std::cerr << "reading block\n"; Block block = input.stream->read(); if (!block) { // std::cerr << "input is exhausted\n"; input.is_exhausted = true; break; } if (block.info.bucket_num != -1) { /// One of partitioned blocks for two-level data. // std::cerr << "block for bucket " << block.info.bucket_num << "\n"; has_two_level = true; input.block = block; } else if (block.info.is_overflows) { // std::cerr << "block for overflows\n"; has_overflows = true; input.overflow_block = block; continue; } else { /// Block for non-partitioned (single-level) data. // std::cerr << "block without bucket\n"; input.block = block; } break; } }; if (reading_threads == 1) { for (auto & input : inputs) if (need_that_input(input)) read_from_input(input); } else { try { for (auto & input : inputs) { if (need_that_input(input)) { auto thread_group = CurrentThread::getGroup(); reading_pool->scheduleOrThrowOnError([&input, &read_from_input, thread_group] { setThreadName("MergeAggReadThr"); if (thread_group) CurrentThread::attachToIfDetached(thread_group); CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::QueryThread}; read_from_input(input); }); } } } catch (...) { reading_pool->wait(); throw; } reading_pool->wait(); } while (true) { if (current_bucket_num >= NUM_BUCKETS) { /// All ordinary data was processed. Maybe, there are also 'overflows'-blocks. // std::cerr << "at end\n"; if (has_overflows) { // std::cerr << "merging overflows\n"; has_overflows = false; BlocksToMerge blocks_to_merge = std::make_unique(); for (auto & input : inputs) if (input.overflow_block) blocks_to_merge->emplace_back(std::move(input.overflow_block)); return blocks_to_merge; } else return {}; } else if (has_two_level) { /** Having two-level (partitioned) data. * Will process by bucket numbers in increasing order. * Find minimum bucket number, for which there is data * - this will be data for merge. */ // std::cerr << "has two level\n"; int min_bucket_num = NUM_BUCKETS; for (auto & input : inputs) { /// Blocks for already partitioned (two-level) data. if (input.block.info.bucket_num != -1 && input.block.info.bucket_num < min_bucket_num) min_bucket_num = input.block.info.bucket_num; /// Not yet partitioned (splitted to buckets) block. Will partition it and place result to 'splitted_blocks'. if (input.block.info.bucket_num == -1 && input.block && input.splitted_blocks.empty()) { LOG_TRACE(&Logger::get("MergingAggregatedMemoryEfficient"), "Having block without bucket: will split."); input.splitted_blocks = aggregator.convertBlockToTwoLevel(input.block); input.block = Block(); } /// Blocks we got by splitting non-partitioned blocks. if (!input.splitted_blocks.empty()) { for (const auto & block : input.splitted_blocks) { if (block && block.info.bucket_num < min_bucket_num) { min_bucket_num = block.info.bucket_num; break; } } } } current_bucket_num = min_bucket_num; // std::cerr << "current_bucket_num = " << current_bucket_num << "\n"; /// No more blocks with ordinary data. if (current_bucket_num == NUM_BUCKETS) continue; /// Collect all blocks for 'current_bucket_num' to do merge. BlocksToMerge blocks_to_merge = std::make_unique(); for (auto & input : inputs) { if (input.block.info.bucket_num == current_bucket_num) { // std::cerr << "having block for current_bucket_num\n"; blocks_to_merge->emplace_back(std::move(input.block)); input.block = Block(); } else if (!input.splitted_blocks.empty() && input.splitted_blocks[min_bucket_num]) { // std::cerr << "having splitted data for bucket\n"; blocks_to_merge->emplace_back(std::move(input.splitted_blocks[min_bucket_num])); input.splitted_blocks[min_bucket_num] = Block(); } } return blocks_to_merge; } else { /// There are only non-partitioned (single-level) data. Just merge them. // std::cerr << "don't have two level\n"; BlocksToMerge blocks_to_merge = std::make_unique(); for (auto & input : inputs) if (input.block) blocks_to_merge->emplace_back(std::move(input.block)); current_bucket_num = NUM_BUCKETS; return blocks_to_merge; } } } }