#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int UNEXPECTED_NODE_IN_ZOOKEEPER; extern const int UNFINISHED; } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue(StorageReplicatedMergeTree & storage_) : storage(storage_) , format_version(storage.format_version) , current_parts(format_version) , virtual_parts(format_version) {} void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::addVirtualParts(const MergeTreeData::DataParts & parts) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); for (const auto & part : parts) { current_parts.add(part->name); virtual_parts.add(part->name); } } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::isVirtualPart(const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & data_part) const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); return virtual_parts.getContainingPart(data_part->info) != data_part->name; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::load(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper) { auto queue_path = replica_path + "/queue"; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loading queue from " << queue_path); bool updated = false; std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; { std::lock_guard pull_logs_lock(pull_logs_to_queue_mutex); String log_pointer_str = zookeeper->get(replica_path + "/log_pointer"); log_pointer = log_pointer_str.empty() ? 0 : parse(log_pointer_str); std::unordered_set already_loaded_paths; { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); for (const LogEntryPtr & log_entry : queue) already_loaded_paths.insert(log_entry->znode_name); } Strings children = zookeeper->getChildren(queue_path); auto to_remove_it = std::remove_if( children.begin(), children.end(), [&](const String & path) { return already_loaded_paths.count(path); }); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Having " << (to_remove_it - children.begin()) << " queue entries to load, " << (children.end() - to_remove_it) << " entries already loaded."); children.erase(to_remove_it, children.end()); std::sort(children.begin(), children.end()); zkutil::AsyncResponses futures; futures.reserve(children.size()); for (const String & child : children) futures.emplace_back(child, zookeeper->asyncGet(queue_path + "/" + child)); for (auto & future : futures) { Coordination::GetResponse res = future.second.get(); LogEntryPtr entry = LogEntry::parse(res.data, res.stat); entry->znode_name = future.first; std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); insertUnlocked(entry, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, lock); updated = true; } zookeeper->tryGet(replica_path + "/mutation_pointer", mutation_pointer); } updateTimesInZooKeeper(zookeeper, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, {}); LOG_TRACE(log, "Loaded queue"); return updated; } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::initialize( const String & zookeeper_path_, const String & replica_path_, const String & logger_name_, const MergeTreeData::DataParts & parts) { zookeeper_path = zookeeper_path_; replica_path = replica_path_; logger_name = logger_name_; log = &Logger::get(logger_name); addVirtualParts(parts); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::insertUnlocked( const LogEntryPtr & entry, std::optional & min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, std::lock_guard & state_lock) { for (const String & virtual_part_name : entry->getVirtualPartNames()) { virtual_parts.add(virtual_part_name); addPartToMutations(virtual_part_name); } /// Put 'DROP PARTITION' entries at the beginning of the queue not to make superfluous fetches of parts that will be eventually deleted if (entry->type != LogEntry::DROP_RANGE) queue.push_back(entry); else queue.push_front(entry); if (entry->type == LogEntry::GET_PART) { inserts_by_time.insert(entry); if (entry->create_time && (!min_unprocessed_insert_time || entry->create_time < min_unprocessed_insert_time)) { min_unprocessed_insert_time = entry->create_time; min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed = min_unprocessed_insert_time; } } if (entry->type == LogEntry::ALTER_METADATA) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Adding alter metadata version " << entry->alter_version << " to the queue"); alter_sequence.addMetadataAlter(entry->alter_version, entry->have_mutation, state_lock); } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::insert(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, LogEntryPtr & entry) { std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); insertUnlocked(entry, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, lock); } updateTimesInZooKeeper(zookeeper, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, {}); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::updateStateOnQueueEntryRemoval( const LogEntryPtr & entry, bool is_successful, std::optional & min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, std::optional & max_processed_insert_time_changed, std::unique_lock & state_lock) { /// Update insert times. if (entry->type == LogEntry::GET_PART) { inserts_by_time.erase(entry); if (inserts_by_time.empty()) { min_unprocessed_insert_time = 0; min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed = min_unprocessed_insert_time; } else if ((*inserts_by_time.begin())->create_time > min_unprocessed_insert_time) { min_unprocessed_insert_time = (*inserts_by_time.begin())->create_time; min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed = min_unprocessed_insert_time; } if (entry->create_time > max_processed_insert_time) { max_processed_insert_time = entry->create_time; max_processed_insert_time_changed = max_processed_insert_time; } } if (is_successful) { if (!entry->actual_new_part_name.empty()) { /// We don't add bigger fetched part to current_parts because we /// have an invariant `virtual_parts` = `current_parts` + `queue`. /// But we can remove it from mutations, because we actually have it. removePartFromMutations(entry->actual_new_part_name); } for (const String & virtual_part_name : entry->getVirtualPartNames()) { current_parts.add(virtual_part_name); /// Each processed part may be already mutated, so we try to remove /// all current parts from mutations. removePartFromMutations(virtual_part_name); } String drop_range_part_name; if (entry->type == LogEntry::DROP_RANGE) drop_range_part_name = entry->new_part_name; else if (entry->type == LogEntry::REPLACE_RANGE) drop_range_part_name = entry->replace_range_entry->drop_range_part_name; if (!drop_range_part_name.empty()) { current_parts.remove(drop_range_part_name); virtual_parts.remove(drop_range_part_name); } if (entry->type == LogEntry::ALTER_METADATA) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Finishing metadata alter with version " << entry->alter_version); alter_sequence.finishMetadataAlter(entry->alter_version, state_lock); } } else { for (const String & virtual_part_name : entry->getVirtualPartNames()) { /// Because execution of the entry is unsuccessful, `virtual_part_name` will never appear /// so we won't need to mutate it. removePartFromMutations(virtual_part_name); } } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removePartFromMutations(const String & part_name) { auto part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(part_name, format_version); auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(part_info.partition_id); if (in_partition == mutations_by_partition.end()) return; bool some_mutations_are_probably_done = false; auto from_it = in_partition->second.lower_bound(part_info.getDataVersion()); for (auto it = from_it; it != in_partition->second.end(); ++it) { MutationStatus & status = *it->second; status.parts_to_do.removePartAndCoveredParts(part_name); if (status.parts_to_do.size() == 0) some_mutations_are_probably_done = true; if (!status.latest_failed_part.empty() && part_info.contains(status.latest_failed_part_info)) { status.latest_failed_part.clear(); status.latest_failed_part_info = MergeTreePartInfo(); status.latest_fail_time = 0; status.latest_fail_reason.clear(); } } if (some_mutations_are_probably_done) storage.mutations_finalizing_task->schedule(); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::addPartToMutations(const String & part_name) { auto part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(part_name, format_version); auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(part_info.partition_id); if (in_partition == mutations_by_partition.end()) return; auto from_it = in_partition->second.upper_bound(part_info.getDataVersion()); for (auto it = from_it; it != in_partition->second.end(); ++it) { MutationStatus & status = *it->second; status.parts_to_do.add(part_name); } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::updateTimesInZooKeeper( zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, std::optional max_processed_insert_time_changed) const { /// Here there can be a race condition (with different remove at the same time) /// because we update times in ZooKeeper with unlocked mutex, while these times may change. /// Consider it unimportant (for a short time, ZK will have a slightly different time value). Coordination::Requests ops; if (min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed) ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest( replica_path + "/min_unprocessed_insert_time", toString(*min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed), -1)); if (max_processed_insert_time_changed) ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest( replica_path + "/max_processed_insert_time", toString(*max_processed_insert_time_changed), -1)); if (!ops.empty()) { Coordination::Responses responses; auto code = zookeeper->tryMulti(ops, responses); if (code) LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't set value of nodes for insert times (" << replica_path << "/min_unprocessed_insert_time, max_processed_insert_time)" << ": " << zkutil::ZooKeeper::error2string(code) + ". This shouldn't happen often."); } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removeProcessedEntry(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, LogEntryPtr & entry) { auto code = zookeeper->tryRemove(replica_path + "/queue/" + entry->znode_name); if (code) LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't remove " << replica_path << "/queue/" << entry->znode_name << ": " << zkutil::ZooKeeper::error2string(code) << ". This shouldn't happen often."); std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; std::optional max_processed_insert_time_changed; bool found = false; size_t queue_size = 0; { std::unique_lock lock(state_mutex); /// Remove the job from the queue in the RAM. /// You can not just refer to a pre-saved iterator, because someone else might be able to delete the task. /// Why do we view the queue from the end? /// - because the task for execution first is moved to the end of the queue, so that in case of failure it remains at the end. for (Queue::iterator it = queue.end(); it != queue.begin();) { --it; if (*it == entry) { found = true; updateStateOnQueueEntryRemoval( entry, /* is_successful = */ true, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed, lock); queue.erase(it); queue_size = queue.size(); break; } } } if (!found) throw Exception("Can't find " + entry->znode_name + " in the memory queue. It is a bug", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); notifySubscribers(queue_size); updateTimesInZooKeeper(zookeeper, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed); } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::remove(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, const String & part_name) { LogEntryPtr found; size_t queue_size = 0; std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; std::optional max_processed_insert_time_changed; { std::unique_lock lock(state_mutex); virtual_parts.remove(part_name); for (Queue::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end();) { if ((*it)->new_part_name == part_name) { found = *it; updateStateOnQueueEntryRemoval( found, /* is_successful = */ false, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed, lock); queue.erase(it++); queue_size = queue.size(); break; } else ++it; } } if (!found) return false; notifySubscribers(queue_size); zookeeper->tryRemove(replica_path + "/queue/" + found->znode_name); updateTimesInZooKeeper(zookeeper, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed); return true; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removeFromVirtualParts(const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); return virtual_parts.remove(part_info); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::pullLogsToQueue(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, Coordination::WatchCallback watch_callback) { std::lock_guard lock(pull_logs_to_queue_mutex); String index_str = zookeeper->get(replica_path + "/log_pointer"); UInt64 index; Strings log_entries = zookeeper->getChildrenWatch(zookeeper_path + "/log", nullptr, watch_callback); /// We update mutations after we have loaded the list of log entries, but before we insert them /// in the queue. /// With this we ensure that if you read the log state L1 and then the state of mutations M1, /// then L1 "happened-before" M1. updateMutations(zookeeper); if (index_str.empty()) { /// If we do not already have a pointer to the log, put a pointer to the first entry in it. index = log_entries.empty() ? 0 : parse(std::min_element(log_entries.begin(), log_entries.end())->substr(strlen("log-"))); zookeeper->set(replica_path + "/log_pointer", toString(index)); } else { index = parse(index_str); } String min_log_entry = "log-" + padIndex(index); /// Multiple log entries that must be copied to the queue. log_entries.erase( std::remove_if(log_entries.begin(), log_entries.end(), [&min_log_entry](const String & entry) { return entry < min_log_entry; }), log_entries.end()); if (!log_entries.empty()) { std::sort(log_entries.begin(), log_entries.end()); /// ZK contains a limit on the number or total size of operations in a multi-request. /// If the limit is exceeded, the connection is simply closed. /// The constant is selected with a margin. The default limit in ZK is 1 MB of data in total. /// The average size of the node value in this case is less than 10 kilobytes. static constexpr auto MAX_MULTI_OPS = 100; for (size_t entry_idx = 0, num_entries = log_entries.size(); entry_idx < num_entries; entry_idx += MAX_MULTI_OPS) { auto begin = log_entries.begin() + entry_idx; auto end = entry_idx + MAX_MULTI_OPS >= log_entries.size() ? log_entries.end() : (begin + MAX_MULTI_OPS); auto last = end - 1; String last_entry = *last; if (!startsWith(last_entry, "log-")) throw Exception("Error in zookeeper data: unexpected node " + last_entry + " in " + zookeeper_path + "/log", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_NODE_IN_ZOOKEEPER); UInt64 last_entry_index = parse(last_entry.substr(strlen("log-"))); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Pulling " << (end - begin) << " entries to queue: " << *begin << " - " << *last); zkutil::AsyncResponses futures; futures.reserve(end - begin); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) futures.emplace_back(*it, zookeeper->asyncGet(zookeeper_path + "/log/" + *it)); /// Simultaneously add all new entries to the queue and move the pointer to the log. Coordination::Requests ops; std::vector copied_entries; copied_entries.reserve(end - begin); std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; for (auto & future : futures) { Coordination::GetResponse res = future.second.get(); copied_entries.emplace_back(LogEntry::parse(res.data, res.stat)); ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest( replica_path + "/queue/queue-", res.data, zkutil::CreateMode::PersistentSequential)); const auto & entry = *copied_entries.back(); if (entry.type == LogEntry::GET_PART) { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); if (entry.create_time && (!min_unprocessed_insert_time || entry.create_time < min_unprocessed_insert_time)) { min_unprocessed_insert_time = entry.create_time; min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed = min_unprocessed_insert_time; } } } ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest( replica_path + "/log_pointer", toString(last_entry_index + 1), -1)); if (min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed) ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest( replica_path + "/min_unprocessed_insert_time", toString(*min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed), -1)); auto responses = zookeeper->multi(ops); /// Now we have successfully updated the queue in ZooKeeper. Update it in RAM. try { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); log_pointer = last_entry_index + 1; for (size_t copied_entry_idx = 0, num_copied_entries = copied_entries.size(); copied_entry_idx < num_copied_entries; ++copied_entry_idx) { String path_created = dynamic_cast(*responses[copied_entry_idx]).path_created; copied_entries[copied_entry_idx]->znode_name = path_created.substr(path_created.find_last_of('/') + 1); std::optional unused = false; insertUnlocked(copied_entries[copied_entry_idx], unused, state_lock); } last_queue_update = time(nullptr); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log); /// If it fails, the data in RAM is incorrect. In order to avoid possible further corruption of data in ZK, we will kill ourselves. /// This is possible only if there is an unknown logical error. std::terminate(); } if (!copied_entries.empty()) LOG_DEBUG(log, "Pulled " << copied_entries.size() << " entries to queue."); } if (storage.queue_task_handle) storage.queue_task_handle->wake(); } } namespace { Names getPartNamesToMutate( const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry & mutation, const ActiveDataPartSet & parts) { Names result; for (const auto & pair : mutation.block_numbers) { const String & partition_id = pair.first; Int64 block_num = pair.second; /// Note that we cannot simply count all parts to mutate using getPartsCoveredBy(appropriate part_info) /// because they are not consecutive in `parts`. MergeTreePartInfo covering_part_info( partition_id, 0, block_num, MergeTreePartInfo::MAX_LEVEL, MergeTreePartInfo::MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER); for (const String & covered_part_name : parts.getPartsCoveredBy(covering_part_info)) { auto part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(covered_part_name, parts.getFormatVersion()); if (part_info.getDataVersion() < block_num) result.push_back(covered_part_name); } } return result; } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::updateMutations(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, Coordination::WatchCallback watch_callback) { std::lock_guard lock(update_mutations_mutex); Strings entries_in_zk = zookeeper->getChildrenWatch(zookeeper_path + "/mutations", nullptr, watch_callback); StringSet entries_in_zk_set(entries_in_zk.begin(), entries_in_zk.end()); /// Compare with the local state, delete obsolete entries and determine which new entries to load. Strings entries_to_load; bool some_active_mutations_were_killed = false; { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); for (auto it = mutations_by_znode.begin(); it != mutations_by_znode.end();) { const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry & entry = *it->second.entry; if (!entries_in_zk_set.count(entry.znode_name)) { if (!it->second.is_done) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removing killed mutation " + entry.znode_name + " from local state."); some_active_mutations_were_killed = true; } else LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removing obsolete mutation " + entry.znode_name + " from local state."); for (const auto & partition_and_block_num : entry.block_numbers) { auto & in_partition = mutations_by_partition[partition_and_block_num.first]; in_partition.erase(partition_and_block_num.second); if (in_partition.empty()) mutations_by_partition.erase(partition_and_block_num.first); } it = mutations_by_znode.erase(it); } else ++it; } for (const String & znode : entries_in_zk_set) { if (!mutations_by_znode.count(znode)) entries_to_load.push_back(znode); } } if (some_active_mutations_were_killed) storage.queue_task_handle->wake(); if (!entries_to_load.empty()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Loading " + toString(entries_to_load.size()) + " mutation entries: " + entries_to_load.front() + " - " + entries_to_load.back()); std::vector> futures; for (const String & entry : entries_to_load) futures.emplace_back(zookeeper->asyncGet(zookeeper_path + "/mutations/" + entry)); std::vector new_mutations; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_load.size(); ++i) { new_mutations.push_back(std::make_shared( ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry::parse(futures[i].get().data, entries_to_load[i]))); } bool some_mutations_are_probably_done = false; { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); for (const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntryPtr & entry : new_mutations) { auto & mutation = mutations_by_znode.emplace(entry->znode_name, MutationStatus(entry, format_version)) .first->second; for (const auto & pair : entry->block_numbers) { const String & partition_id = pair.first; Int64 block_num = pair.second; mutations_by_partition[partition_id].emplace(block_num, &mutation); } /// Initialize `mutation.parts_to_do`. First we need to mutate all parts in `current_parts`. Strings current_parts_to_mutate = getPartNamesToMutate(*entry, current_parts); for (const String & current_part_to_mutate : current_parts_to_mutate) mutation.parts_to_do.add(current_part_to_mutate); /// And next we would need to mutate all parts with getDataVersion() greater than /// mutation block number that would appear as a result of executing the queue. for (const auto & queue_entry : queue) { for (const String & produced_part_name : queue_entry->getVirtualPartNames()) { auto part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(produced_part_name, format_version); auto it = entry->block_numbers.find(part_info.partition_id); if (it != entry->block_numbers.end() && it->second > part_info.getDataVersion()) mutation.parts_to_do.add(produced_part_name); } } if (mutation.parts_to_do.size() == 0) { some_mutations_are_probably_done = true; } /// otherwise it's already done if (entry->isAlterMutation() && entry->znode_name > mutation_pointer) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Adding mutation " << entry->znode_name << " with alter version " << entry->alter_version << " to the queue"); alter_sequence.addMutationForAlter(entry->alter_version, state_lock); } } } storage.merge_selecting_task->schedule(); if (some_mutations_are_probably_done) storage.mutations_finalizing_task->schedule(); } } ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntryPtr ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removeMutation( zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, const String & mutation_id) { std::lock_guard lock(update_mutations_mutex); auto rc = zookeeper->tryRemove(zookeeper_path + "/mutations/" + mutation_id); if (rc == Coordination::ZOK) LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed mutation " + mutation_id + " from ZooKeeper."); ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntryPtr entry; bool mutation_was_active = false; { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); auto it = mutations_by_znode.find(mutation_id); if (it == mutations_by_znode.end()) return nullptr; mutation_was_active = !it->second.is_done; entry = it->second.entry; for (const auto & partition_and_block_num : entry->block_numbers) { auto & in_partition = mutations_by_partition[partition_and_block_num.first]; in_partition.erase(partition_and_block_num.second); if (in_partition.empty()) mutations_by_partition.erase(partition_and_block_num.first); } if (entry->isAlterMutation()) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed alter " << entry->alter_version << " because mutation " + entry->znode_name + " were killed."); alter_sequence.finishDataAlter(entry->alter_version, state_lock); } mutations_by_znode.erase(it); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed mutation " + entry->znode_name + " from local state."); } if (mutation_was_active) storage.queue_task_handle->wake(); return entry; } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::StringSet ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::moveSiblingPartsForMergeToEndOfQueue(const String & part_name) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); /// Let's find the action to merge this part with others. Let's remember others. StringSet parts_for_merge; Queue::iterator merge_entry = queue.end(); for (Queue::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS || (*it)->type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) { if (std::find((*it)->source_parts.begin(), (*it)->source_parts.end(), part_name) != (*it)->source_parts.end()) { parts_for_merge = StringSet((*it)->source_parts.begin(), (*it)->source_parts.end()); merge_entry = it; break; } } } if (!parts_for_merge.empty()) { /// Move to the end of queue actions that result in one of the parts in `parts_for_merge`. for (Queue::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end();) { auto it0 = it; ++it; if (it0 == merge_entry) break; if (((*it0)->type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS || (*it0)->type == LogEntry::GET_PART || (*it0)->type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) && parts_for_merge.count((*it0)->new_part_name)) { queue.splice(queue.end(), queue, it0, it); } } } return parts_for_merge; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::checkReplaceRangeCanBeRemoved(const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info, const LogEntryPtr entry_ptr, const ReplicatedMergeTreeLogEntryData & current) const { if (entry_ptr->type != LogEntry::REPLACE_RANGE) return false; if (current.type != LogEntry::REPLACE_RANGE && current.type != LogEntry::DROP_RANGE) return false; if (entry_ptr->replace_range_entry != nullptr && entry_ptr->replace_range_entry == current.replace_range_entry) /// same partition, don't want to drop ourselves return false; for (const String & new_part_name : entry_ptr->replace_range_entry->new_part_names) if (!part_info.contains(MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(new_part_name, format_version))) return false; return true; } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removePartProducingOpsInRange( zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper, const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info, const ReplicatedMergeTreeLogEntryData & current) { Queue to_wait; size_t removed_entries = 0; std::optional min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed; std::optional max_processed_insert_time_changed; /// Remove operations with parts, contained in the range to be deleted, from the queue. std::unique_lock lock(state_mutex); for (Queue::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end();) { auto type = (*it)->type; if (((type == LogEntry::GET_PART || type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS || type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) && part_info.contains(MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName((*it)->new_part_name, format_version))) || checkReplaceRangeCanBeRemoved(part_info, *it, current)) { if ((*it)->currently_executing) to_wait.push_back(*it); auto code = zookeeper->tryRemove(replica_path + "/queue/" + (*it)->znode_name); if (code) LOG_INFO(log, "Couldn't remove " << replica_path + "/queue/" + (*it)->znode_name << ": " << zkutil::ZooKeeper::error2string(code)); updateStateOnQueueEntryRemoval( *it, /* is_successful = */ false, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed, lock); queue.erase(it++); ++removed_entries; } else ++it; } updateTimesInZooKeeper(zookeeper, min_unprocessed_insert_time_changed, max_processed_insert_time_changed); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed " << removed_entries << " entries from queue. " "Waiting for " << to_wait.size() << " entries that are currently executing."); /// Let's wait for the operations with the parts contained in the range to be deleted. for (LogEntryPtr & entry : to_wait) entry->execution_complete.wait(lock, [&entry] { return !entry->currently_executing; }); } size_t ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getConflictsCountForRange( const MergeTreePartInfo & range, const LogEntry & entry, String * out_description, std::lock_guard & /* queue_lock */) const { std::vector> conflicts; for (auto & future_part_elem : future_parts) { /// Do not check itself log entry if (future_part_elem.second->znode_name == entry.znode_name) continue; if (!range.isDisjoint(MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(future_part_elem.first, format_version))) { conflicts.emplace_back(future_part_elem.first, future_part_elem.second); continue; } } if (out_description) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Can't execute command for range " << range.getPartName() << " (entry " << entry.znode_name << "). "; ss << "There are " << conflicts.size() << " currently executing entries blocking it: "; for (const auto & conflict : conflicts) ss << conflict.second->typeToString() << " part " << conflict.first << ", "; *out_description = ss.str(); } return conflicts.size(); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::checkThereAreNoConflictsInRange(const MergeTreePartInfo & range, const LogEntry & entry) { String conflicts_description; std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); if (0 != getConflictsCountForRange(range, entry, &conflicts_description, lock)) throw Exception(conflicts_description, ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED); } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::isNotCoveredByFuturePartsImpl(const String & new_part_name, String & out_reason, std::lock_guard & /* queue_lock */) const { /// Let's check if the same part is now being created by another action. if (future_parts.count(new_part_name)) { out_reason = "Not executing log entry for part " + new_part_name + " because another log entry for the same part is being processed. This shouldn't happen often."; return false; /** When the corresponding action is completed, then `isNotCoveredByFuturePart` next time, will succeed, * and queue element will be processed. * Immediately in the `executeLogEntry` function it will be found that we already have a part, * and queue element will be immediately treated as processed. */ } /// A more complex check is whether another part is currently created by other action that will cover this part. /// NOTE The above is redundant, but left for a more convenient message in the log. auto result_part = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(new_part_name, format_version); /// It can slow down when the size of `future_parts` is large. But it can not be large, since `BackgroundProcessingPool` is limited. for (const auto & future_part_elem : future_parts) { auto future_part = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(future_part_elem.first, format_version); if (future_part.contains(result_part)) { out_reason = "Not executing log entry for part " + new_part_name + " because it is covered by part " + future_part_elem.first + " that is currently executing"; return false; } } return true; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::addFuturePartIfNotCoveredByThem(const String & part_name, LogEntry & entry, String & reject_reason) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); if (isNotCoveredByFuturePartsImpl(part_name, reject_reason, lock)) { CurrentlyExecuting::setActualPartName(entry, part_name, *this); return true; } return false; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::shouldExecuteLogEntry( const LogEntry & entry, String & out_postpone_reason, MergeTreeDataMergerMutator & merger_mutator, MergeTreeData & data, std::lock_guard & state_lock) const { /// If our entry produce part which is alredy covered by /// some other entry which is currently executing, then we can postpone this entry. if (entry.type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS || entry.type == LogEntry::GET_PART || entry.type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) { for (const String & new_part_name : entry.getBlockingPartNames()) { if (!isNotCoveredByFuturePartsImpl(new_part_name, out_postpone_reason, state_lock)) { if (!out_postpone_reason.empty()) LOG_DEBUG(log, out_postpone_reason); return false; } } } if (entry.type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS || entry.type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) { /** If any of the required parts are now fetched or in merge process, wait for the end of this operation. * Otherwise, even if all the necessary parts for the merge are not present, you should try to make a merge. * If any parts are missing, instead of merge, there will be an attempt to download a part. * Such a situation is possible if the receive of a part has failed, and it was moved to the end of the queue. */ size_t sum_parts_size_in_bytes = 0; for (const auto & name : entry.source_parts) { if (future_parts.count(name)) { String reason = "Not merging into part " + entry.new_part_name + " because part " + name + " is not ready yet (log entry for that part is being processed)."; LOG_TRACE(log, reason); out_postpone_reason = reason; return false; } auto part = data.getPartIfExists(name, {MergeTreeDataPartState::PreCommitted, MergeTreeDataPartState::Committed, MergeTreeDataPartState::Outdated}); if (part) sum_parts_size_in_bytes += part->getBytesOnDisk(); } if (merger_mutator.merges_blocker.isCancelled()) { String reason = "Not executing log entry for part " + entry.new_part_name + " because merges and mutations are cancelled now."; LOG_DEBUG(log, reason); out_postpone_reason = reason; return false; } UInt64 max_source_parts_size = entry.type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS ? merger_mutator.getMaxSourcePartsSizeForMerge() : merger_mutator.getMaxSourcePartSizeForMutation(); /** If there are enough free threads in background pool to do large merges (maximal size of merge is allowed), * then ignore value returned by getMaxSourcePartsSizeForMerge() and execute merge of any size, * because it may be ordered by OPTIMIZE or early with different settings. * Setting max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool still working for regular merges, * because the leader replica does not assign merges of greater size (except OPTIMIZE PARTITION and OPTIMIZE FINAL). */ const auto data_settings = data.getSettings(); bool ignore_max_size = (entry.type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS) && (max_source_parts_size == data_settings->max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool); if (!ignore_max_size && sum_parts_size_in_bytes > max_source_parts_size) { String reason = "Not executing log entry " + entry.typeToString() + " for part " + entry.new_part_name + " because source parts size (" + formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(sum_parts_size_in_bytes) + ") is greater than the current maximum (" + formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(max_source_parts_size) + ")."; LOG_DEBUG(log, reason); out_postpone_reason = reason; return false; } } /// TODO: it makes sense to check DROP_RANGE also if (entry.type == LogEntry::CLEAR_COLUMN || entry.type == LogEntry::REPLACE_RANGE) { String conflicts_description; String range_name = (entry.type == LogEntry::REPLACE_RANGE) ? entry.replace_range_entry->drop_range_part_name : entry.new_part_name; auto range = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(range_name, format_version); if (0 != getConflictsCountForRange(range, entry, &conflicts_description, state_lock)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, conflicts_description); return false; } } /// Alters must be executed one by one. First metadata change, and after that data alter (MUTATE_PART entries with). /// corresponding alter_version. if (entry.type == LogEntry::ALTER_METADATA) { if (!alter_sequence.canExecuteMetaAlter(entry.alter_version, state_lock)) { int head_alter = alter_sequence.getHeadAlterVersion(state_lock); out_postpone_reason = "Cannot execute alter metadata with version: " + std::to_string(entry.alter_version) + " because another alter " + std::to_string(head_alter) + " must be executed before"; return false; } } /// If this MUTATE_PART is part of alter modify/drop query, than we have to execute them one by one if (entry.isAlterMutation()) { if (!alter_sequence.canExecuteDataAlter(entry.alter_version, state_lock)) { int head_alter = alter_sequence.getHeadAlterVersion(state_lock); if (head_alter == entry.alter_version) out_postpone_reason = "Cannot execute alter data with version: " + std::to_string(entry.alter_version) + " because metadata still not altered"; else out_postpone_reason = "Cannot execute alter data with version: " + std::to_string(entry.alter_version) + " because another alter " + std::to_string(head_alter) + " must be executed before"; return false; } } return true; } Int64 ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getCurrentMutationVersionImpl( const String & partition_id, Int64 data_version, std::lock_guard & /* state_lock */) const { auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(partition_id); if (in_partition == mutations_by_partition.end()) return 0; auto it = in_partition->second.upper_bound(data_version); if (it == in_partition->second.begin()) return 0; --it; return it->first; } Int64 ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getCurrentMutationVersion(const String & partition_id, Int64 data_version) const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); return getCurrentMutationVersionImpl(partition_id, data_version, lock); } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::CurrentlyExecuting::CurrentlyExecuting(const ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::LogEntryPtr & entry_, ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue & queue_) : entry(entry_), queue(queue_) { entry->currently_executing = true; ++entry->num_tries; entry->last_attempt_time = time(nullptr); for (const String & new_part_name : entry->getBlockingPartNames()) { if (!queue.future_parts.emplace(new_part_name, entry).second) throw Exception("Tagging already tagged future part " + new_part_name + ". This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::CurrentlyExecuting::setActualPartName(ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::LogEntry & entry, const String & actual_part_name, ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue & queue) { if (!entry.actual_new_part_name.empty()) throw Exception("Entry actual part isn't empty yet. This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); entry.actual_new_part_name = actual_part_name; /// Check if it is the same (and already added) part. if (entry.actual_new_part_name == entry.new_part_name) return; if (!queue.future_parts.emplace(entry.actual_new_part_name, entry.shared_from_this()).second) throw Exception("Attaching already existing future part " + entry.actual_new_part_name + ". This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::CurrentlyExecuting::~CurrentlyExecuting() { std::lock_guard lock(queue.state_mutex); entry->currently_executing = false; entry->execution_complete.notify_all(); for (const String & new_part_name : entry->getBlockingPartNames()) { if (!queue.future_parts.erase(new_part_name)) LOG_ERROR(queue.log, "Untagging already untagged future part " + new_part_name + ". This is a bug."); } if (!entry->actual_new_part_name.empty()) { if (entry->actual_new_part_name != entry->new_part_name && !queue.future_parts.erase(entry->actual_new_part_name)) LOG_ERROR(queue.log, "Untagging already untagged future part " + entry->actual_new_part_name + ". This is a bug."); entry->actual_new_part_name.clear(); } } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::SelectedEntry ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::selectEntryToProcess(MergeTreeDataMergerMutator & merger_mutator, MergeTreeData & data) { LogEntryPtr entry; std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->currently_executing) continue; if (shouldExecuteLogEntry(**it, (*it)->postpone_reason, merger_mutator, data, lock)) { entry = *it; /// We gave a chance for the entry, move it to the tail of the queue, after that /// we move it to the end of the queue. queue.splice(queue.end(), queue, it); break; } else { ++(*it)->num_postponed; (*it)->last_postpone_time = time(nullptr); } } if (entry) return { entry, std::unique_ptr{ new CurrentlyExecuting(entry, *this) } }; else return {}; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::processEntry( std::function get_zookeeper, LogEntryPtr & entry, const std::function func) { std::exception_ptr saved_exception; try { /// We don't have any backoff for failed entries /// we just count amount of tries for each ot them. if (func(entry)) removeProcessedEntry(get_zookeeper(), entry); } catch (...) { saved_exception = std::current_exception(); } if (saved_exception) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); entry->exception = saved_exception; if (entry->type == ReplicatedMergeTreeLogEntryData::MUTATE_PART) { /// Record the exception in the system.mutations table. Int64 result_data_version = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(entry->new_part_name, format_version) .getDataVersion(); auto source_part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName( entry->source_parts.at(0), format_version); auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(source_part_info.partition_id); if (in_partition != mutations_by_partition.end()) { auto mutations_begin_it = in_partition->second.upper_bound(source_part_info.getDataVersion()); auto mutations_end_it = in_partition->second.upper_bound(result_data_version); for (auto it = mutations_begin_it; it != mutations_end_it; ++it) { MutationStatus & status = *it->second; status.latest_failed_part = entry->source_parts.at(0); status.latest_failed_part_info = source_part_info; status.latest_fail_time = time(nullptr); status.latest_fail_reason = getExceptionMessage(saved_exception, false); } } } return false; } return true; } std::pair ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::countMergesAndPartMutations() const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); size_t count_merges = 0; size_t count_mutations = 0; for (const auto & entry : queue) { if (entry->type == ReplicatedMergeTreeLogEntry::MERGE_PARTS) ++count_merges; else if (entry->type == ReplicatedMergeTreeLogEntry::MUTATE_PART) ++count_mutations; } return std::make_pair(count_merges, count_mutations); } size_t ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::countMutations() const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); return mutations_by_znode.size(); } size_t ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::countFinishedMutations() const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); size_t count = 0; for (const auto & pair : mutations_by_znode) { const auto & mutation = pair.second; if (!mutation.is_done) break; ++count; } return count; } ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getMergePredicate(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper) { return ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate(*this, zookeeper); } MutationCommands ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getFirstAlterMutationCommandsForPart(const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part) const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(part->info.partition_id); if (in_partition == mutations_by_partition.end()) return MutationCommands{}; Int64 part_version = part->info.getDataVersion(); for (auto [mutation_version, mutation_status] : in_partition->second) if (mutation_version > part_version && mutation_status->entry->alter_version != -1) return mutation_status->entry->commands; return MutationCommands{}; } MutationCommands ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getMutationCommands( const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part, Int64 desired_mutation_version) const { /// NOTE: If the corresponding mutation is not found, the error is logged (and not thrown as an exception) /// to allow recovering from a mutation that cannot be executed. This way you can delete the mutation entry /// from /mutations in ZK and the replicas will simply skip the mutation. if (part->info.getDataVersion() > desired_mutation_version) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Data version of part " << part->name << " is already greater than " "desired mutation version " << desired_mutation_version); return MutationCommands{}; } std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); auto in_partition = mutations_by_partition.find(part->info.partition_id); if (in_partition == mutations_by_partition.end()) { LOG_WARNING(log, "There are no mutations for partition ID " << part->info.partition_id << " (trying to mutate part " << part->name << " to " << toString(desired_mutation_version) << ")"); return MutationCommands{}; } auto begin = in_partition->second.upper_bound(part->info.getDataVersion()); auto end = in_partition->second.lower_bound(desired_mutation_version); if (end == in_partition->second.end() || end->first != desired_mutation_version) LOG_WARNING(log, "Mutation with version " << desired_mutation_version << " not found in partition ID " << part->info.partition_id << " (trying to mutate part " << part->name + ")"); else ++end; MutationCommands commands; for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) commands.insert(commands.end(), it->second->entry->commands.begin(), it->second->entry->commands.end()); return commands; } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::tryFinalizeMutations(zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr zookeeper) { std::vector candidates; { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); for (auto & kv : mutations_by_znode) { const String & znode = kv.first; MutationStatus & mutation = kv.second; if (mutation.is_done) continue; if (znode <= mutation_pointer) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Marking mutation " << znode << " done because it is <= mutation_pointer (" << mutation_pointer << ")"); mutation.is_done = true; alter_sequence.finishDataAlter(mutation.entry->alter_version, lock); if (mutation.parts_to_do.size() != 0) { LOG_INFO(log, "Seems like we jumped over mutation " << znode << " when downloaded part with bigger mutation number." << " It's OK, tasks for rest parts will be skipped, but probably a lot of mutations were executed concurrently on different replicas."); mutation.parts_to_do.clear(); } } else if (mutation.parts_to_do.size() == 0) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Will check if mutation " << mutation.entry->znode_name << " is done"); candidates.push_back(mutation.entry); } } } if (candidates.empty()) return false; auto merge_pred = getMergePredicate(zookeeper); std::vector finished; for (const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntryPtr & candidate : candidates) { if (merge_pred.isMutationFinished(*candidate)) finished.push_back(candidate.get()); } if (!finished.empty()) { zookeeper->set(replica_path + "/mutation_pointer", finished.back()->znode_name); std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); mutation_pointer = finished.back()->znode_name; for (const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry * entry : finished) { auto it = mutations_by_znode.find(entry->znode_name); if (it != mutations_by_znode.end()) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Mutation " << entry->znode_name << " is done"); it->second.is_done = true; if (entry->isAlterMutation()) { LOG_TRACE(log, "Finishing data alter with version " << entry->alter_version << " for entry " << entry->znode_name); alter_sequence.finishDataAlter(entry->alter_version, lock); } } } } /// Mutations may finish in non sequential order because we may fetch /// already mutated parts from other replicas. So, because we updated /// mutation pointer we have to recheck all previous mutations, they may be /// also finished. return !finished.empty(); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::disableMergesInBlockRange(const String & part_name) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); virtual_parts.add(part_name); } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::Status ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getStatus() const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); Status res; res.future_parts = future_parts.size(); res.queue_size = queue.size(); res.last_queue_update = last_queue_update; res.inserts_in_queue = 0; res.merges_in_queue = 0; res.part_mutations_in_queue = 0; res.queue_oldest_time = 0; res.inserts_oldest_time = 0; res.merges_oldest_time = 0; res.part_mutations_oldest_time = 0; for (const LogEntryPtr & entry : queue) { if (entry->create_time && (!res.queue_oldest_time || entry->create_time < res.queue_oldest_time)) res.queue_oldest_time = entry->create_time; if (entry->type == LogEntry::GET_PART) { ++res.inserts_in_queue; if (entry->create_time && (!res.inserts_oldest_time || entry->create_time < res.inserts_oldest_time)) { res.inserts_oldest_time = entry->create_time; res.oldest_part_to_get = entry->new_part_name; } } if (entry->type == LogEntry::MERGE_PARTS) { ++res.merges_in_queue; if (entry->create_time && (!res.merges_oldest_time || entry->create_time < res.merges_oldest_time)) { res.merges_oldest_time = entry->create_time; res.oldest_part_to_merge_to = entry->new_part_name; } } if (entry->type == LogEntry::MUTATE_PART) { ++res.part_mutations_in_queue; if (entry->create_time && (!res.part_mutations_oldest_time || entry->create_time < res.part_mutations_oldest_time)) { res.part_mutations_oldest_time = entry->create_time; res.oldest_part_to_mutate_to = entry->new_part_name; } } } return res; } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getEntries(LogEntriesData & res) const { res.clear(); std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); res.reserve(queue.size()); for (const auto & entry : queue) res.emplace_back(*entry); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getInsertTimes(time_t & out_min_unprocessed_insert_time, time_t & out_max_processed_insert_time) const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); out_min_unprocessed_insert_time = min_unprocessed_insert_time; out_max_processed_insert_time = max_processed_insert_time; } std::vector ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::getMutationsStatus() const { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); std::vector result; for (const auto & pair : mutations_by_znode) { const MutationStatus & status = pair.second; const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry & entry = *status.entry; Names parts_to_mutate = status.parts_to_do.getParts(); for (const MutationCommand & command : entry.commands) { std::stringstream ss; formatAST(*command.ast, ss, false, true); result.push_back(MergeTreeMutationStatus { entry.znode_name, ss.str(), entry.create_time, entry.block_numbers, parts_to_mutate, status.is_done, status.latest_failed_part, status.latest_fail_time, status.latest_fail_reason, }); } } return result; } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::QueueLocks ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::lockQueue() { return QueueLocks(state_mutex, pull_logs_to_queue_mutex, update_mutations_mutex); } ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate::ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate( ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue & queue_, zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper) : queue(queue_) , prev_virtual_parts(queue.format_version) { { std::lock_guard lock(queue.state_mutex); prev_virtual_parts = queue.virtual_parts; } /// Load current quorum status. auto quorum_status_future = zookeeper->asyncTryGet(queue.zookeeper_path + "/quorum/status"); /// Load current inserts std::unordered_set lock_holder_paths; for (const String & entry : zookeeper->getChildren(queue.zookeeper_path + "/temp")) { if (startsWith(entry, "abandonable_lock-")) lock_holder_paths.insert(queue.zookeeper_path + "/temp/" + entry); } if (!lock_holder_paths.empty()) { Strings partitions = zookeeper->getChildren(queue.zookeeper_path + "/block_numbers"); std::vector> lock_futures; for (const String & partition : partitions) lock_futures.push_back(zookeeper->asyncGetChildren(queue.zookeeper_path + "/block_numbers/" + partition)); struct BlockInfoInZooKeeper { String partition; Int64 number; String zk_path; std::future contents_future; }; std::vector block_infos; for (size_t i = 0; i < partitions.size(); ++i) { Strings partition_block_numbers = lock_futures[i].get().names; for (const String & entry : partition_block_numbers) { /// TODO: cache block numbers that are abandoned. /// We won't need to check them on the next iteration. if (startsWith(entry, "block-")) { Int64 block_number = parse(entry.substr(strlen("block-"))); String zk_path = queue.zookeeper_path + "/block_numbers/" + partitions[i] + "/" + entry; block_infos.emplace_back( BlockInfoInZooKeeper{partitions[i], block_number, zk_path, zookeeper->asyncTryGet(zk_path)}); } } } for (auto & block : block_infos) { Coordination::GetResponse resp = block.contents_future.get(); if (!resp.error && lock_holder_paths.count(resp.data)) committing_blocks[block.partition].insert(block.number); } } queue_.pullLogsToQueue(zookeeper); Coordination::GetResponse quorum_status_response = quorum_status_future.get(); if (!quorum_status_response.error) { ReplicatedMergeTreeQuorumEntry quorum_status; quorum_status.fromString(quorum_status_response.data); inprogress_quorum_part = quorum_status.part_name; } else inprogress_quorum_part.clear(); } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate::operator()( const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & left, const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & right, String * out_reason) const { /// A sketch of a proof of why this method actually works: /// /// The trickiest part is to ensure that no new parts will ever appear in the range of blocks between left and right. /// Inserted parts get their block numbers by acquiring an ephemeral lock (see EphemeralLockInZooKeeper.h). /// These block numbers are monotonically increasing in a partition. /// /// Because there is a window between the moment the inserted part gets its block number and /// the moment it is committed (appears in the replication log), we can't get the name of all parts up to the given /// block number just by looking at the replication log - some parts with smaller block numbers may be currently committing /// and will appear in the log later than the parts with bigger block numbers. /// /// We also can't take a consistent snapshot of parts that are already committed plus parts that are about to commit /// due to limitations of ZooKeeper transactions. /// /// So we do the following (see the constructor): /// * copy virtual_parts from queue to prev_virtual_parts /// (a set of parts which corresponds to executing the replication log up to a certain point) /// * load committing_blocks (inserts and mutations that have already acquired a block number but haven't appeared in the log yet) /// * do pullLogsToQueue() again to load fresh queue.virtual_parts and mutations. /// /// Now we have an invariant: if some part is in prev_virtual_parts then: /// * all parts with smaller block numbers are either in committing_blocks or in queue.virtual_parts /// (those that managed to commit before we loaded committing_blocks). /// * all mutations with smaller block numbers are either in committing_blocks or in queue.mutations_by_partition /// /// So to check that no new parts will ever appear in the range of blocks between left and right we first check that /// left and right are already present in prev_virtual_parts (we can't give a definite answer for parts that were committed later) /// and then check that there are no blocks between them in committing_blocks and no parts in queue.virtual_parts. /// /// Similarly, to check that there will be no mutation with a block number between two parts from prev_virtual_parts /// (only then we can merge them without mutating the left part), we first check committing_blocks /// and then check that these two parts have the same mutation version according to queue.mutations_by_partition. if (left->info.partition_id != right->info.partition_id) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Parts " + left->name + " and " + right->name + " belong to different partitions"; return false; } for (const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part : {left, right}) { if (part->name == inprogress_quorum_part) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Quorum insert for part " + part->name + " is currently in progress"; return false; } if (prev_virtual_parts.getContainingPart(part->info).empty()) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Entry for part " + part->name + " hasn't been read from the replication log yet"; return false; } } Int64 left_max_block = left->info.max_block; Int64 right_min_block = right->info.min_block; if (left_max_block > right_min_block) std::swap(left_max_block, right_min_block); if (left_max_block + 1 < right_min_block) { auto committing_blocks_in_partition = committing_blocks.find(left->info.partition_id); if (committing_blocks_in_partition != committing_blocks.end()) { const std::set & block_numbers = committing_blocks_in_partition->second; auto block_it = block_numbers.upper_bound(left_max_block); if (block_it != block_numbers.end() && *block_it < right_min_block) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Block number " + toString(*block_it) + " is still being inserted between parts " + left->name + " and " + right->name; return false; } } } std::lock_guard lock(queue.state_mutex); for (const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part : {left, right}) { /// We look for containing parts in queue.virtual_parts (and not in prev_virtual_parts) because queue.virtual_parts is newer /// and it is guaranteed that it will contain all merges assigned before this object is constructed. String containing_part = queue.virtual_parts.getContainingPart(part->info); if (containing_part != part->name) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Part " + part->name + " has already been assigned a merge into " + containing_part; return false; } } if (left_max_block + 1 < right_min_block) { /// Fake part which will appear as merge result MergeTreePartInfo gap_part_info( left->info.partition_id, left_max_block + 1, right_min_block - 1, MergeTreePartInfo::MAX_LEVEL, MergeTreePartInfo::MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER); /// We don't select parts if any smaller part covered by our merge must exist after /// processing replication log up to log_pointer. Strings covered = queue.virtual_parts.getPartsCoveredBy(gap_part_info); if (!covered.empty()) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "There are " + toString(covered.size()) + " parts (from " + covered.front() + " to " + covered.back() + ") that are still not present or beeing processed by " + " other background process on this replica between " + left->name + " and " + right->name; return false; } } Int64 left_mutation_ver = queue.getCurrentMutationVersionImpl( left->info.partition_id, left->info.getDataVersion(), lock); Int64 right_mutation_ver = queue.getCurrentMutationVersionImpl( left->info.partition_id, right->info.getDataVersion(), lock); if (left_mutation_ver != right_mutation_ver) { if (out_reason) *out_reason = "Current mutation versions of parts " + left->name + " and " + right->name + " differ: " + toString(left_mutation_ver) + " and " + toString(right_mutation_ver) + " respectively"; return false; } return true; } std::optional> ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate::getDesiredMutationVersion(const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part) const { /// Assigning mutations is easier than assigning merges because mutations appear in the same order as /// the order of their version numbers (see StorageReplicatedMergeTree::mutate). /// This means that if we have loaded the mutation with version number X then all mutations with /// the version numbers less than X are also loaded and if there is no merge or mutation assigned to /// the part (checked by querying queue.virtual_parts), we can confidently assign a mutation to /// version X for this part. /// We cannot mutate part if it's beeing inserted with quorum and it's not /// already reached. if (part->name == inprogress_quorum_part) return {}; std::lock_guard lock(queue.state_mutex); if (queue.virtual_parts.getContainingPart(part->info) != part->name) return {}; auto in_partition = queue.mutations_by_partition.find(part->info.partition_id); if (in_partition == queue.mutations_by_partition.end()) return {}; Int64 current_version = queue.getCurrentMutationVersionImpl(part->info.partition_id, part->info.getDataVersion(), lock); Int64 max_version = in_partition->second.rbegin()->first; int alter_version = -1; for (auto [mutation_version, mutation_status] : in_partition->second) { max_version = mutation_version; if (mutation_version > current_version && mutation_status->entry->alter_version != -1) { alter_version = mutation_status->entry->alter_version; break; } } if (current_version >= max_version) return {}; return std::make_pair(max_version, alter_version); } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeMergePredicate::isMutationFinished(const ReplicatedMergeTreeMutationEntry & mutation) const { for (const auto & kv : mutation.block_numbers) { const String & partition_id = kv.first; Int64 block_num = kv.second; auto partition_it = committing_blocks.find(partition_id); if (partition_it != committing_blocks.end()) { size_t blocks_count = std::distance( partition_it->second.begin(), partition_it->second.lower_bound(block_num)); if (blocks_count) { LOG_TRACE(queue.log, "Mutation " << mutation.znode_name << " is not done yet because " << "in partition ID " << partition_id << " there are still " << blocks_count << " uncommitted blocks."); return false; } } } { std::lock_guard lock(queue.state_mutex); size_t suddenly_appeared_parts = getPartNamesToMutate(mutation, queue.virtual_parts).size(); if (suddenly_appeared_parts) { LOG_TRACE(queue.log, "Mutation " << mutation.znode_name << " is not done yet because " << suddenly_appeared_parts << " parts to mutate suddenly appeared."); return false; } } return true; } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::SubscriberHandler ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::addSubscriber(ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::SubscriberCallBack && callback) { std::lock_guard lock(state_mutex); std::lock_guard lock_subscribers(subscribers_mutex); auto it = subscribers.emplace(subscribers.end(), std::move(callback)); /// Atomically notify about current size (*it)(queue.size()); return SubscriberHandler(it, *this); } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::SubscriberHandler::~SubscriberHandler() { std::lock_guard lock(queue.subscribers_mutex); queue.subscribers.erase(it); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::notifySubscribers(size_t new_queue_size) { std::lock_guard lock_subscribers(subscribers_mutex); for (auto & subscriber_callback : subscribers) subscriber_callback(new_queue_size); } ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::~ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue() { notifySubscribers(0); } String padIndex(Int64 index) { String index_str = toString(index); return std::string(10 - index_str.size(), '0') + index_str; } void ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::removeCurrentPartsFromMutations() { std::lock_guard state_lock(state_mutex); for (const auto & part_name : current_parts.getParts()) removePartFromMutations(part_name); } }