#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_STORAGE; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int INCORRECT_QUERY; extern const int ENGINE_REQUIRED; extern const int FUNCTION_CANNOT_HAVE_PARAMETERS; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_USED_IN_TABLES; } /// Some types are only for intermediate values of expressions and cannot be used in tables. static void checkAllTypesAreAllowedInTable(const NamesAndTypesList & names_and_types) { for (const auto & elem : names_and_types) if (elem.type->cannotBeStoredInTables()) throw Exception("Data type " + elem.type->getName() + " cannot be used in tables", ErrorCodes::DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_USED_IN_TABLES); } void StorageFactory::registerStorage(const std::string & name, CreatorFn creator_fn, StorageFeatures features) { if (!storages.emplace(name, Creator{std::move(creator_fn), features}).second) throw Exception("TableFunctionFactory: the table function name '" + name + "' is not unique", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } StoragePtr StorageFactory::get( const ASTCreateQuery & query, const String & relative_data_path, Context & local_context, Context & context, const ColumnsDescription & columns, const ConstraintsDescription & constraints, bool has_force_restore_data_flag) const { String name; ASTStorage * storage_def = query.storage; bool has_engine_args = false; if (query.is_view) { if (query.storage) throw Exception("Specifying ENGINE is not allowed for a View", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); name = "View"; } else if (query.is_live_view) { if (query.storage) throw Exception("Specifying ENGINE is not allowed for a LiveView", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); name = "LiveView"; } else { /// Check for some special types, that are not allowed to be stored in tables. Example: NULL data type. /// Exception: any type is allowed in View, because plain (non-materialized) View does not store anything itself. checkAllTypesAreAllowedInTable(columns.getAll()); if (query.is_materialized_view) { name = "MaterializedView"; } else { if (!storage_def) throw Exception("Incorrect CREATE query: ENGINE required", ErrorCodes::ENGINE_REQUIRED); const ASTFunction & engine_def = *storage_def->engine; if (engine_def.parameters) throw Exception( "Engine definition cannot take the form of a parametric function", ErrorCodes::FUNCTION_CANNOT_HAVE_PARAMETERS); if (engine_def.arguments) has_engine_args = true; name = engine_def.name; if (name == "View") { throw Exception( "Direct creation of tables with ENGINE View is not supported, use CREATE VIEW statement", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } else if (name == "MaterializedView") { throw Exception( "Direct creation of tables with ENGINE MaterializedView is not supported, use CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } else if (name == "LiveView") { throw Exception( "Direct creation of tables with ENGINE LiveView is not supported, use CREATE LIVE VIEW statement", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } auto it = storages.find(name); if (it == storages.end()) { auto hints = getHints(name); if (!hints.empty()) throw Exception("Unknown table engine " + name + ". Maybe you meant: " + toString(hints), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_STORAGE); else throw Exception("Unknown table engine " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_STORAGE); } auto check_feature = [&](String feature_description, FeatureMatcherFn feature_matcher_fn) { if (!feature_matcher_fn(it->second.features)) { String msg = "Engine " + name + " doesn't support " + feature_description + ". " "Currently only the following engines have support for the feature: ["; auto supporting_engines = getAllRegisteredNamesByFeatureMatcherFn(feature_matcher_fn); for (size_t index = 0; index < supporting_engines.size(); ++index) { if (index) msg += ", "; msg += supporting_engines[index]; } msg += "]"; throw Exception(msg, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } }; if (storage_def->settings) check_feature( "SETTINGS clause", [](StorageFeatures features) { return features.supports_settings; }); if (storage_def->partition_by || storage_def->primary_key || storage_def->order_by || storage_def->sample_by) check_feature( "PARTITION_BY, PRIMARY_KEY, ORDER_BY or SAMPLE_BY clauses", [](StorageFeatures features) { return features.supports_sort_order; }); if (storage_def->ttl_table || !columns.getColumnTTLs().empty()) check_feature( "TTL clause", [](StorageFeatures features) { return features.supports_ttl; }); if (query.columns_list && query.columns_list->indices && !query.columns_list->indices->children.empty()) check_feature( "skipping indices", [](StorageFeatures features) { return features.supports_skipping_indices; }); } } ASTs empty_engine_args; Arguments arguments { .engine_name = name, .engine_args = has_engine_args ? storage_def->engine->arguments->children : empty_engine_args, .storage_def = storage_def, .query = query, .relative_data_path = relative_data_path, .table_id = StorageID(query.database, query.table, query.uuid), .local_context = local_context, .context = context, .columns = columns, .constraints = constraints, .attach = query.attach, .has_force_restore_data_flag = has_force_restore_data_flag }; return storages.at(name).creator_fn(arguments); } StorageFactory & StorageFactory::instance() { static StorageFactory ret; return ret; } }