#include "ColumnInfoHandler.h" #if USE_ODBC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "getIdentifierQuote.h" #include "validateODBCConnectionString.h" #include "ODBCConnectionFactory.h" #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } namespace { DataTypePtr getDataType(SQLSMALLINT type) { const auto & factory = DataTypeFactory::instance(); switch (type) { case SQL_TINYINT: return factory.get("Int8"); case SQL_INTEGER: return factory.get("Int32"); case SQL_SMALLINT: return factory.get("Int16"); case SQL_BIGINT: return factory.get("Int64"); case SQL_FLOAT: return factory.get("Float64"); case SQL_REAL: return factory.get("Float32"); case SQL_DOUBLE: return factory.get("Float64"); case SQL_DATETIME: return factory.get("DateTime"); case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: return factory.get("DateTime"); case SQL_TYPE_DATE: return factory.get("Date"); default: return factory.get("String"); } } } void ODBCColumnsInfoHandler::handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest & request, HTTPServerResponse & response) { HTMLForm params(request, request.getStream()); LOG_TRACE(log, "Request URI: {}", request.getURI()); auto process_error = [&response, this](const std::string & message) { response.setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); if (!response.sent()) *response.send() << message << std::endl; LOG_WARNING(log, message); }; if (!params.has("table")) { process_error("No 'table' param in request URL"); return; } if (!params.has("connection_string")) { process_error("No 'connection_string' in request URL"); return; } std::string schema_name; std::string table_name = params.get("table"); std::string connection_string = params.get("connection_string"); if (params.has("schema")) schema_name = params.get("schema"); LOG_TRACE(log, "Got connection str '{}'", connection_string); try { const bool external_table_functions_use_nulls = Poco::NumberParser::parseBool(params.get("external_table_functions_use_nulls", "false")); auto connection = ODBCConnectionFactory::instance().get( validateODBCConnectionString(connection_string), getContext()->getSettingsRef().odbc_bridge_connection_pool_size); nanodbc::catalog catalog(*connection); std::string catalog_name; /// In XDBC tables it is allowed to pass either database_name or schema_name in table definion, but not both of them. /// They both are passed as 'schema' parameter in request URL, so it is not clear whether it is database_name or schema_name passed. /// If it is schema_name then we know that database is added in odbc.ini. But if we have database_name as 'schema', /// it is not guaranteed. For nanodbc database_name must be either in odbc.ini or passed as catalog_name. auto get_columns = [&]() { nanodbc::catalog::tables tables = catalog.find_tables(table_name, /* type = */ "", /* schema = */ "", /* catalog = */ schema_name); if (tables.next()) { catalog_name = tables.table_catalog(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Will fetch info for table '{}.{}'", catalog_name, table_name); return catalog.find_columns(/* column = */ "", table_name, /* schema = */ "", catalog_name); } tables = catalog.find_tables(table_name, /* type = */ "", /* schema = */ schema_name); if (tables.next()) { catalog_name = tables.table_catalog(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Will fetch info for table '{}.{}.{}'", catalog_name, schema_name, table_name); return catalog.find_columns(/* column = */ "", table_name, schema_name, catalog_name); } throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Table {} not found", schema_name.empty() ? table_name : schema_name + '.' + table_name); }; nanodbc::catalog::columns columns_definition = get_columns(); NamesAndTypesList columns; while (columns_definition.next()) { SQLSMALLINT type = columns_definition.sql_data_type(); std::string column_name = columns_definition.column_name(); bool is_nullable = columns_definition.nullable() == SQL_NULLABLE; auto column_type = getDataType(type); if (external_table_functions_use_nulls && is_nullable == SQL_NULLABLE) column_type = std::make_shared(column_type); columns.emplace_back(column_name, std::move(column_type)); } if (columns.empty()) throw Exception("Columns definition was not returned", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); WriteBufferFromHTTPServerResponse out(response, request.getMethod() == Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_HEAD, keep_alive_timeout); try { writeStringBinary(columns.toString(), out); out.finalize(); } catch (...) { out.finalize(); } } catch (...) { process_error("Error getting columns from ODBC '" + getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) + "'"); tryLogCurrentException(log); } } } #endif