#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x -e mkdir -p build/cmake/toolchain/darwin-x86_64 tar xJf MacOSX10.14.sdk.tar.xz -C build/cmake/toolchain/darwin-x86_64 --strip-components=1 mkdir -p build/cmake/toolchain/linux-aarch64 tar xJf gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz -C build/cmake/toolchain/linux-aarch64 --strip-components=1 mkdir -p build/cmake/toolchain/freebsd-x86_64 tar xJf freebsd-11.3-toolchain.tar.xz -C build/cmake/toolchain/freebsd-x86_64 --strip-components=1 mkdir -p build/build_docker cd build/build_docker ccache --show-stats ||: ccache --zero-stats ||: ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libOpenCL.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so ||: rm -f CMakeCache.txt # Read cmake arguments into array (possibly empty) read -ra CMAKE_FLAGS <<< "${CMAKE_FLAGS:-}" cmake --debug-trycompile --verbose=1 -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1 -LA "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$BUILD_TYPE" "-DSANITIZE=$SANITIZER" -DENABLE_CHECK_HEAVY_BUILDS=1 "${CMAKE_FLAGS[@]}" .. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # No quotes because I want it to expand to nothing if empty. ninja $NINJA_FLAGS clickhouse-bundle mv ./programs/clickhouse* /output mv ./src/unit_tests_dbms /output ||: # may not exist for some binary builds find . -name '*.so' -print -exec mv '{}' /output \; find . -name '*.so.*' -print -exec mv '{}' /output \; # Different files for performance test. if [ "performance" == "$COMBINED_OUTPUT" ] then cp -r ../tests/performance /output cp -r ../docker/test/performance-comparison/config /output ||: rm /output/unit_tests_dbms ||: rm /output/clickhouse-odbc-bridge ||: cp -r ../docker/test/performance-comparison /output/scripts ||: # We have to know the revision that corresponds to this binary build. # It is not the nominal SHA from pull/*/head, but the pull/*/merge, which is # head merged to master by github, at some point after the PR is updated. # There are some quirks to consider: # - apparently the real SHA is not recorded in system.build_options; # - it can change at any time as github pleases, so we can't just record # the SHA and use it later, it might become inaccessible; # - CI has an immutable snapshot of repository that it uses for all checks # for a given nominal SHA, but it is not accessible outside Yandex. # This is why we add this repository snapshot from CI to the performance test # package. mkdir /output/ch git -C /output/ch init --bare git -C /output/ch remote add origin /build git -C /output/ch fetch --no-tags --depth 50 origin HEAD:pr git -C /output/ch fetch --no-tags --depth 50 origin master:master git -C /output/ch reset --soft pr git -C /output/ch log -5 fi # May be set for split build or for performance test. if [ "" != "$COMBINED_OUTPUT" ] then mkdir -p /output/config cp ../programs/server/config.xml /output/config cp ../programs/server/users.xml /output/config cp -r ../programs/server/config.d /output/config tar -czvf "$COMBINED_OUTPUT.tgz" /output rm -r /output/* mv "$COMBINED_OUTPUT.tgz" /output fi ccache --show-stats ||: