include(${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/embed_binary.cmake) set(LIBRARY_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/cctz") set (SRCS "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/src/" ) add_library (_cctz ${SRCS}) target_include_directories (_cctz PUBLIC "${LIBRARY_DIR}/include") if (OS_FREEBSD) # yes, need linux, because bsd check inside linux in target_compile_definitions (_cctz PRIVATE __USE_BSD linux _XOPEN_SOURCE=600) endif () # Related to time_zones table: # StorageSystemTimeZones.generated.cpp is autogenerated each time during a build # data in this file will be used to populate the system.time_zones table, this is specific to OS_LINUX # as the library that's built using embedded tzdata is also specific to OS_LINUX set(SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/Storages/System/StorageSystemTimeZones.generated.cpp") # remove existing copies so that its generated fresh on each build. file(REMOVE ${SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE}) # get the list of timezones from tzdata shipped with cctz set(TZDIR "${LIBRARY_DIR}/testdata/zoneinfo") file(STRINGS "${LIBRARY_DIR}/testdata/version" TZDATA_VERSION) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY TZDATA_VERSION_PROP "${TZDATA_VERSION}") message(STATUS "Packaging with tzdata version: ${TZDATA_VERSION}") set(TIMEZONE_RESOURCE_FILES) # each file in that dir (except of tab and localtime) store the info about timezone execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "cd ${TZDIR} && find * -type f -and ! -name '*.tab' -and ! -name 'localtime' | LC_ALL=C sort | paste -sd ';' -" OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE TIMEZONES) file(APPEND ${SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE} "// autogenerated by ClickHouse/contrib/cctz-cmake/CMakeLists.txt\n") file(APPEND ${SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE} "const char * auto_time_zones[] {\n" ) foreach(TIMEZONE ${TIMEZONES}) file(APPEND ${SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE} " \"${TIMEZONE}\",\n") list(APPEND TIMEZONE_RESOURCE_FILES "${TIMEZONE}") endforeach(TIMEZONE) file(APPEND ${SYSTEM_STORAGE_TZ_FILE} " nullptr};\n") clickhouse_embed_binaries( TARGET tzdata RESOURCE_DIR "${TZDIR}" RESOURCES ${TIMEZONE_RESOURCE_FILES} ) add_dependencies(_cctz tzdata) target_link_libraries(_cctz INTERFACE "-Wl,${WHOLE_ARCHIVE} $ -Wl,${NO_WHOLE_ARCHIVE}") add_library(ch_contrib::cctz ALIAS _cctz)