import argparse import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from shutil import copy2 from create_release import ( PackageDownloader, ReleaseInfo, ReleaseContextManager, ReleaseProgress, ) from ci_utils import WithIter, Shell class MountPointApp(metaclass=WithIter): S3FS = "s3fs" GEESEFS = "geesefs" class R2MountPoint: _TEST_BUCKET_NAME = "repo-test" _PROD_BUCKET_NAME = "packages" _CACHE_MAX_SIZE_GB = 20 MOUNT_POINT = "/home/ubuntu/mountpoint" API_ENDPOINT = "" LOG_FILE = "/home/ubuntu/fuse_mount.log" # mod time is not required by reprepro and createrepo - disable to simplify bucket's mount sync (applicable fro rclone) NOMODTIME = True # enable debug messages in mount log DEBUG = True # enable cache for mountpoint CACHE_ENABLED = False def __init__(self, app: str, dry_run: bool) -> None: assert app in MountPointApp = app if dry_run: self.bucket_name = self._TEST_BUCKET_NAME else: self.bucket_name = self._PROD_BUCKET_NAME self.aux_mount_options = "" if == MountPointApp.S3FS: self.cache_dir = "/home/ubuntu/s3fs_cache" # self.aux_mount_options += "-o nomodtime " if self.NOMODTIME else "" not for s3fs self.aux_mount_options += "--debug " if self.DEBUG else "" self.aux_mount_options += ( f"-o use_cache={self.cache_dir} -o cache_size_mb={self._CACHE_MAX_SIZE_GB * 1024} " if self.CACHE_ENABLED else "" ) if not dry_run: self.aux_mount_options += ( "-o passwd_file /home/ubuntu/.passwd-s3fs_packages " ) # without -o nomultipart there are errors like "Error 5 writing to /home/ubuntu/***.deb: Input/output error" self.mount_cmd = f"s3fs {self.bucket_name} {self.MOUNT_POINT} -o url={self.API_ENDPOINT} -o use_path_request_style -o umask=0000 -o nomultipart -o logfile={self.LOG_FILE} {self.aux_mount_options}" elif == MountPointApp.GEESEFS: self.cache_dir = "/home/ubuntu/geesefs_cache" self.aux_mount_options += ( f" --cache={self.cache_dir} " if self.CACHE_ENABLED else "" ) if not dry_run: self.aux_mount_options += f" --shared-config=/home/ubuntu/.r2_auth " else: self.aux_mount_options += ( f" --shared-config=/home/ubuntu/.r2_auth_test " ) if self.DEBUG: self.aux_mount_options += " --debug_s3 " self.mount_cmd = f"geesefs --endpoint={self.API_ENDPOINT} --cheap --memory-limit=1000 --gc-interval=100 --max-flushers=10 --max-parallel-parts=1 --max-parallel-copy=10 --log-file={self.LOG_FILE} {self.aux_mount_options} {self.bucket_name} {self.MOUNT_POINT}" else: assert False def init(self): print(f"Mount bucket [{self.bucket_name}] to [{self.MOUNT_POINT}]") _CLEAN_LOG_FILE_CMD = f"tail -n 1000 {self.LOG_FILE} > {self.LOG_FILE}_tmp && mv {self.LOG_FILE}_tmp {self.LOG_FILE} ||:" _MKDIR_CMD = f"mkdir -p {self.MOUNT_POINT}" _MKDIR_FOR_CACHE = f"mkdir -p {self.cache_dir}" _UNMOUNT_CMD = ( f"mount | grep -q {self.MOUNT_POINT} && umount {self.MOUNT_POINT} ||:" ) _TEST_MOUNT_CMD = f"mount | grep -q {self.MOUNT_POINT}" Shell.check(_CLEAN_LOG_FILE_CMD, verbose=True) Shell.check(_UNMOUNT_CMD, verbose=True) Shell.check(_MKDIR_CMD, verbose=True) Shell.check(_MKDIR_FOR_CACHE, verbose=True) Shell.check(self.mount_cmd, strict=True, verbose=True) time.sleep(3) Shell.check(_TEST_MOUNT_CMD, strict=True, verbose=True) @classmethod def teardown(cls): Shell.check(f"umount {cls.MOUNT_POINT}", verbose=True) class RepoCodenames(metaclass=WithIter): LTS = "lts" STABLE = "stable" class DebianArtifactory: _TEST_REPO_URL = "" _PROD_REPO_URL = "" def __init__(self, release_info: ReleaseInfo, dry_run: bool): self.release_info = release_info self.codename = release_info.codename self.version = release_info.version if dry_run: self.repo_url = self._TEST_REPO_URL else: self.repo_url = self._PROD_REPO_URL assert self.codename in RepoCodenames self.pd = PackageDownloader( release=release_info.release_branch, commit_sha=release_info.commit_sha, version=release_info.version, ) def export_packages(self): assert self.pd.local_deb_packages_ready(), "BUG: Packages are not downloaded" print("Start adding packages") paths = [ self.pd.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + file for file in self.pd.get_deb_packages_files() ] REPREPRO_CMD_PREFIX = f"reprepro --basedir {R2MountPoint.MOUNT_POINT}/configs/deb --outdir {R2MountPoint.MOUNT_POINT}/deb --verbose" cmd = f"{REPREPRO_CMD_PREFIX} includedeb {self.codename} {' '.join(paths)}" print("Running export commands:") Shell.check(cmd, strict=True, verbose=True) Shell.check("sync") if self.codename == RepoCodenames.LTS: packages_with_version = [ package + "=" + self.version for package in self.pd.get_packages_names() ] print( f"Copy packages from {RepoCodenames.LTS} to {RepoCodenames.STABLE} repository" ) cmd = f"{REPREPRO_CMD_PREFIX} copy {RepoCodenames.STABLE} {RepoCodenames.LTS} {' '.join(packages_with_version)}" print("Running copy command:") print(f" {cmd}") Shell.check(cmd, strict=True) Shell.check("sync") time.sleep(10) Shell.check(f"lsof +D R2MountPoint.MOUNT_POINT", verbose=True) def test_packages(self): Shell.check("docker pull ubuntu:latest", strict=True) print(f"Test packages installation, version [{self.version}]") debian_command = f"echo 'deb {self.repo_url} stable main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list; apt update -y; apt-get install -y clickhouse-common-static={self.version} clickhouse-client={self.version}" cmd = f'docker run --rm ubuntu:latest bash -c "apt update -y; apt install -y sudo gnupg ca-certificates; apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 8919F6BD2B48D754; {debian_command}"' print("Running test command:") print(f" {cmd}") assert Shell.check(cmd) print(f"Test packages installation, version [latest]") debian_command_2 = f"echo 'deb {self.repo_url} stable main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list; apt update -y; apt-get install -y clickhouse-common-static clickhouse-client" cmd = f'docker run --rm ubuntu:latest bash -c "apt update -y; apt install -y sudo gnupg ca-certificates; apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 8919F6BD2B48D754; {debian_command_2}"' print("Running test command:") print(f" {cmd}") assert Shell.check(cmd) self.release_info.debian = debian_command self.release_info.dump() def _copy_if_not_exists(src: Path, dst: Path) -> Path: if dst.is_dir(): dst = dst / if not dst.exists(): return copy2(src, dst) # type: ignore if src.stat().st_size == dst.stat().st_size: return dst return copy2(src, dst) # type: ignore class RpmArtifactory: _TEST_REPO_URL = ( "" ) _PROD_REPO_URL = "" _SIGN_KEY = "885E2BDCF96B0B45ABF058453E4AD4719DDE9A38" def __init__(self, release_info: ReleaseInfo, dry_run: bool): self.release_info = release_info self.codename = release_info.codename self.version = release_info.version if dry_run: self.repo_url = self._TEST_REPO_URL else: self.repo_url = self._PROD_REPO_URL assert self.codename in RepoCodenames self.pd = PackageDownloader( release=release_info.release_branch, commit_sha=release_info.commit_sha, version=release_info.version, ) def export_packages(self, codename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: assert self.pd.local_rpm_packages_ready(), "BUG: Packages are not downloaded" codename = codename or self.codename print(f"Start adding packages to [{codename}]") paths = [ self.pd.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + file for file in self.pd.get_rpm_packages_files() ] dest_dir = Path(R2MountPoint.MOUNT_POINT) / "rpm" / codename for package in paths: _copy_if_not_exists(Path(package), dest_dir) # switching between different fuse providers invalidates --update option (apparently some fuse(s) can mess around with mtime) # add --skip-stat to skip mtime check commands = ( f"createrepo_c --local-sqlite --workers=2 --update --skip-stat --verbose {dest_dir}", f"gpg --sign-with {self._SIGN_KEY} --detach-sign --batch --yes --armor {dest_dir / 'repodata' / 'repomd.xml'}", ) print(f"Exporting RPM packages into [{codename}]") for command in commands: Shell.check(command, strict=True, verbose=True) update_public_key = f"gpg --armor --export {self._SIGN_KEY}" pub_key_path = dest_dir / "repodata" / "repomd.xml.key" print("Updating repomd.xml.key") pub_key_path.write_text(Shell.get_output_or_raise(update_public_key)) if codename == RepoCodenames.LTS: self.export_packages(RepoCodenames.STABLE) Shell.check("sync") def test_packages(self): Shell.check("docker pull fedora:latest", strict=True) print(f"Test package installation, version [{self.version}]") rpm_command = f"dnf config-manager --add-repo={self.repo_url} && dnf makecache && dnf -y install clickhouse-client-{self.version}-1" cmd = f'docker run --rm fedora:latest /bin/bash -c "dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core && dnf config-manager --add-repo={self.repo_url} && {rpm_command}"' print("Running test command:") print(f" {cmd}") assert Shell.check(cmd) print(f"Test package installation, version [latest]") rpm_command_2 = f"dnf config-manager --add-repo={self.repo_url} && dnf makecache && dnf -y install clickhouse-client" cmd = f'docker run --rm fedora:latest /bin/bash -c "dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core && dnf config-manager --add-repo={self.repo_url} && {rpm_command_2}"' print("Running test command:") print(f" {cmd}") assert Shell.check(cmd) self.release_info.rpm = rpm_command self.release_info.dump() class TgzArtifactory: _TEST_REPO_URL = "" _PROD_REPO_URL = "" def __init__(self, release_info: ReleaseInfo, dry_run: bool): self.release_info = release_info self.codename = release_info.codename self.version = release_info.version if dry_run: self.repo_url = self._TEST_REPO_URL else: self.repo_url = self._PROD_REPO_URL assert self.codename in RepoCodenames self.pd = PackageDownloader( release=release_info.release_branch, commit_sha=release_info.commit_sha, version=release_info.version, ) def export_packages(self, codename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: assert self.pd.local_tgz_packages_ready(), "BUG: Packages are not downloaded" codename = codename or self.codename paths = [ self.pd.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + file for file in self.pd.get_tgz_packages_files() ] dest_dir = Path(R2MountPoint.MOUNT_POINT) / "tgz" / codename print(f"Exporting TGZ packages into [{codename}]") for package in paths: _copy_if_not_exists(Path(package), dest_dir) if codename == RepoCodenames.LTS: self.export_packages(RepoCodenames.STABLE) Shell.check("sync") def test_packages(self): tgz_file = "/tmp/tmp.tgz" tgz_sha_file = "/tmp/tmp.tgz.sha512" cmd = f"curl -o {tgz_file} -f0 {self.repo_url}/stable/clickhouse-client-{self.version}-arm64.tgz" Shell.check( cmd, strict=True, verbose=True, ) Shell.check( f"curl -o {tgz_sha_file} -f0 {self.repo_url}/stable/clickhouse-client-{self.version}-arm64.tgz.sha512", strict=True, verbose=True, ) expected_checksum = Shell.get_output_or_raise(f"cut -d ' ' -f 1 {tgz_sha_file}") actual_checksum = Shell.get_output_or_raise( f"sha512sum {tgz_file} | cut -d ' ' -f 1" ) assert ( expected_checksum == actual_checksum ), f"[{actual_checksum} != {expected_checksum}]" Shell.check("rm /tmp/tmp.tgz*", verbose=True) self.release_info.tgz = cmd self.release_info.dump() def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Adds release packages to the repository", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-debian", action="store_true", help="Export debian packages to repository", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-rpm", action="store_true", help="Export rpm packages to repository", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-tgz", action="store_true", help="Export tgz packages to repository", ) parser.add_argument( "--test-debian", action="store_true", help="Test debian packages installation", ) parser.add_argument( "--test-rpm", action="store_true", help="Test rpm packages installation", ) parser.add_argument( "--test-tgz", action="store_true", help="Test tgz packages installation", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Dry run mode", ) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() """ S3FS - very slow with a big repo RCLONE - fuse had many different errors with r2 remote and completely removed GEESEFS ? """ mp = R2MountPoint(MountPointApp.GEESEFS, dry_run=args.dry_run) if args.export_debian: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.EXPORT_DEB ) as release_info: mp.init() DebianArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).export_packages() mp.teardown() if args.export_rpm: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.EXPORT_RPM ) as release_info: mp.init() RpmArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).export_packages() mp.teardown() if args.export_tgz: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.EXPORT_TGZ ) as release_info: mp.init() TgzArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).export_packages() mp.teardown() if args.test_debian: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.TEST_DEB ) as release_info: DebianArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).test_packages() if args.test_tgz: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.TEST_TGZ ) as release_info: TgzArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).test_packages() if args.test_rpm: with ReleaseContextManager( release_progress=ReleaseProgress.TEST_RPM ) as release_info: RpmArtifactory(release_info, dry_run=args.dry_run).test_packages()