#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { } PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::PredicateExpressionsOptimizer( const Context & context_, const TablesWithColumnNames & tables_with_columns_, const Settings & settings_) : context(context_), tables_with_columns(tables_with_columns_), settings(settings_) { } bool PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::optimize(ASTSelectQuery & select_query) { if (!settings.enable_optimize_predicate_expression) return false; if (select_query.having() && (!select_query.group_by_with_cube && !select_query.group_by_with_rollup && !select_query.group_by_with_totals)) tryMovePredicatesFromHavingToWhere(select_query); if (!select_query.tables() || select_query.tables()->children.empty()) return false; if ((!select_query.where() && !select_query.prewhere()) || select_query.arrayJoinExpressionList()) return false; const auto & tables_predicates = extractTablesPredicates(select_query.where(), select_query.prewhere()); if (!tables_predicates.empty()) return tryRewritePredicatesToTables(select_query.refTables()->children, tables_predicates); return false; } static ASTs splitConjunctionPredicate(const std::initializer_list & predicates) { std::vector res; auto remove_expression_at_index = [&res] (const size_t index) { if (index < res.size() - 1) std::swap(res[index], res.back()); res.pop_back(); }; for (const auto & predicate : predicates) { if (!predicate) continue; res.emplace_back(predicate); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < res.size();) { const auto & expression = res.at(idx); if (const auto * function = expression->as(); function && function->name == "and") { for (auto & child : function->arguments->children) res.emplace_back(child); remove_expression_at_index(idx); continue; } ++idx; } } return res; } std::vector PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::extractTablesPredicates(const ASTPtr & where, const ASTPtr & prewhere) { std::vector tables_predicates(tables_with_columns.size()); for (const auto & predicate_expression : splitConjunctionPredicate({where, prewhere})) { ExpressionInfoVisitor::Data expression_info{.context = context, .tables = tables_with_columns}; ExpressionInfoVisitor(expression_info).visit(predicate_expression); if (expression_info.is_stateful_function) return {}; /// give up the optimization when the predicate contains stateful function if (!expression_info.is_array_join) { if (expression_info.unique_reference_tables_pos.size() == 1) tables_predicates[*expression_info.unique_reference_tables_pos.begin()].emplace_back(predicate_expression); else if (expression_info.unique_reference_tables_pos.empty()) { for (auto & predicate : tables_predicates) predicate.emplace_back(predicate_expression); } } } return tables_predicates; /// everything is OK, it can be optimized } bool PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::tryRewritePredicatesToTables(ASTs & tables_element, const std::vector & tables_predicates) { bool is_rewrite_tables = false; for (size_t index = tables_element.size(); index > 0; --index) { size_t table_pos = index - 1; /// NOTE: the syntactic way of pushdown has limitations and should be partially disabled in case of JOINs. /// Let's take a look at the query: /// /// SELECT a, b FROM (SELECT 1 AS a) ANY LEFT JOIN (SELECT 1 AS a, 1 AS b) USING (a) WHERE b = 0 /// /// The result is empty - without pushdown. But the pushdown tends to modify it in this way: /// /// SELECT a, b FROM (SELECT 1 AS a) ANY LEFT JOIN (SELECT 1 AS a, 1 AS b WHERE b = 0) USING (a) WHERE b = 0 /// /// That leads to the empty result in the right subquery and changes the whole outcome to (1, 0) or (1, NULL). /// It happens because the not-matching columns are replaced with a global default values on JOIN. /// Same is true for RIGHT JOIN and FULL JOIN. if (const auto & table_element = tables_element[table_pos]->as()) { if (table_element->table_join && isLeft(table_element->table_join->as()->kind)) continue; /// Skip right table optimization if (table_element->table_join && isFull(table_element->table_join->as()->kind)) break; /// Skip left and right table optimization is_rewrite_tables |= tryRewritePredicatesToTable(tables_element[table_pos], tables_predicates[table_pos], tables_with_columns[table_pos].columns); if (table_element->table_join && isRight(table_element->table_join->as()->kind)) break; /// Skip left table optimization } } return is_rewrite_tables; } bool PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::tryRewritePredicatesToTable(ASTPtr & table_element, const ASTs & table_predicates, const Names & table_column) const { if (!table_predicates.empty()) { auto optimize_final = settings.enable_optimize_predicate_expression_to_final_subquery; PredicateRewriteVisitor::Data data(context, table_predicates, table_column, optimize_final); PredicateRewriteVisitor(data).visit(table_element); return data.is_rewrite; } return false; } bool PredicateExpressionsOptimizer::tryMovePredicatesFromHavingToWhere(ASTSelectQuery & select_query) { ASTs where_predicates; ASTs having_predicates; const auto & reduce_predicates = [&](const ASTs & predicates) { ASTPtr res = predicates[0]; for (size_t index = 1; index < predicates.size(); ++index) res = makeASTFunction("and", res, predicates[index]); return res; }; for (const auto & moving_predicate: splitConjunctionPredicate({select_query.having()})) { ExpressionInfoVisitor::Data expression_info{.context = context, .tables = {}}; ExpressionInfoVisitor(expression_info).visit(moving_predicate); /// TODO: If there is no group by, where, and prewhere expression, we can push down the stateful function if (expression_info.is_stateful_function) return false; if (expression_info.is_aggregate_function) having_predicates.emplace_back(moving_predicate); else where_predicates.emplace_back(moving_predicate); } if (having_predicates.empty()) select_query.setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::HAVING, {}); else { auto having_predicate = reduce_predicates(having_predicates); select_query.setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::HAVING, std::move(having_predicate)); } if (!where_predicates.empty()) { auto moved_predicate = reduce_predicates(where_predicates); moved_predicate = select_query.where() ? makeASTFunction("and", select_query.where(), moved_predicate) : moved_predicate; select_query.setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::WHERE, std::move(moved_predicate)); } return true; } }