CREATE USER test_user_01999 A B GRANT SELECT ON db1.* TO test_user_01999 GRANT SHOW TABLES, SHOW COLUMNS, SHOW DICTIONARIES ON db2.tb2 TO test_user_01999 C GRANT SELECT(col1) ON db3.table TO test_user_01999 D GRANT SELECT(col3) ON db3.table3 TO test_user_01999 GRANT SELECT(col1, col2) ON db4.table4 TO test_user_01999 E GRANT SELECT(cola) ON db5.table TO test_user_01999 GRANT INSERT(colb) ON db6.tb61 TO test_user_01999 GRANT SHOW ON db7.* TO test_user_01999 F GRANT SELECT ON all.* TO test_user_01999 G H GRANT SELECT ON db1.tb1 TO test_user_01999 GRANT test_role_01999 TO test_user_01999 I GRANT test_role_01999 TO test_user_01999 J GRANT SHOW ON db8.* TO test_user_01999 GRANT test_role_01999 TO test_user_01999 K GRANT SHOW ON db8.* TO test_user_01999 L GRANT SELECT ON db9.tb3 TO test_user_01999 M GRANT SELECT ON db9.tb3 TO test_user_01999 GRANT test_role_01999 TO test_user_01999 N GRANT SELECT ON db9.tb3 TO test_user_01999 GRANT test_role_01999_1 TO test_user_01999 O