import argparse import math import multiprocessing import os import re from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path from praktika.result import Result from praktika.utils import Shell, Utils NPROC = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def chunk_list(data, n): """Split the data list into n nearly equal-sized chunks.""" chunk_size = math.ceil(len(data) / n) for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size): yield data[i : i + chunk_size] def run_check_concurrent(check_name, check_function, files, nproc=NPROC): stop_watch = Utils.Stopwatch() if not files: print(f"File list is empty [{files}]") raise file_chunks = list(chunk_list(files, nproc)) results = [] # Run check_function concurrently on each chunk with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=NPROC) as executor: futures = [executor.submit(check_function, chunk) for chunk in file_chunks] # Wait for results and process them (optional) for future in futures: try: res = future.result() if res and res not in results: results.append(res) except Exception as e: results.append(f"Exception in {check_name}: {e}") result = Result( name=check_name, status=Result.Status.SUCCESS if not results else Result.Status.FAILED, start_time=stop_watch.start_time, duration=stop_watch.duration, info=f"errors: {results}" if results else "", ) return result def check_duplicate_includes(file_path): includes = [] with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: for line in f: if re.match(r"^#include ", line): includes.append(line.strip()) include_counts = {line: includes.count(line) for line in includes} duplicates = {line: count for line, count in include_counts.items() if count > 1} if duplicates: return f"{file_path}: {duplicates}" return "" def check_whitespaces(file_paths): for file in file_paths: exit_code, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( f'./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/ "{file}"', verbose=False, ) if out or err: return out + " err: " + err return "" def check_yamllint(file_paths): file_paths = " ".join([f"'{file}'" for file in file_paths]) exit_code, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( f"yamllint --config-file=./.yamllint {file_paths}", verbose=False ) return out or err def check_xmllint(file_paths): if not isinstance(file_paths, list): file_paths = [file_paths] file_paths = " ".join([f"'{file}'" for file in file_paths]) exit_code, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( f"xmllint --noout --nonet {file_paths}", verbose=False ) return out or err def check_functional_test_cases(files): """ Queries with event_date should have yesterday() not today() NOTE: it is not that accurate, but at least something. """ patterns = [ re.compile( r"(?i)where.*?\bevent_date\s*(=|>=)\s*today\(\)(?!\s*-\s*1)", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL, ) ] errors = [] for test_case in files: try: with open(test_case, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") as f: file_content = " ".join( ) # Combine lines into a single string # Check if any pattern matches in the concatenated string if any( for pattern in patterns): errors.append( f"event_date should be filtered using >=yesterday() in {test_case} (to avoid flakiness)" ) except Exception as e: errors.append(f"Error checking {test_case}: {e}") for test_case in files: if "fail" in test_case: errors.append(f"test case {test_case} includes 'fail' in its name") return " ".join(errors) def check_gaps_in_tests_numbers(file_paths, gap_threshold=100): test_numbers = set() pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+)") for file in file_paths: file_name = os.path.basename(file) match = if match: test_numbers.add(int( sorted_numbers = sorted(test_numbers) large_gaps = [] for i in range(1, len(sorted_numbers)): prev_num = sorted_numbers[i - 1] next_num = sorted_numbers[i] diff = next_num - prev_num if diff >= gap_threshold: large_gaps.append(f"Gap ({prev_num}, {next_num}) > {gap_threshold}") return large_gaps def check_broken_links(path, exclude_paths): broken_symlinks = [] for path in Path(path).rglob("*"): if any(exclude_path in str(path) for exclude_path in exclude_paths): continue if path.is_symlink(): if not path.exists(): broken_symlinks.append(str(path)) if broken_symlinks: for symlink in broken_symlinks: print(symlink) return f"Broken symlinks found: {broken_symlinks}" else: return "" def check_cpp_code(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/" ) if err: out += err return out def check_repo_submodules(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/" ) if err: out += err return out def check_other(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/" ) if err: out += err return out def check_codespell(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/" ) if err: out += err return out def check_aspell(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/" ) if err: out += err return out def check_mypy(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/check-mypy" ) if err: out += err return out def check_pylint(): res, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr( "./ci/jobs/scripts/check_style/check-pylint" ) if err: out += err return out def check_file_names(files): files_set = set() for file in files: file_ = file.lower() if file_ in files_set: return f"Non-uniq file name in lower case: {file}" files_set.add(file_) return "" def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ClickHouse Style Check Job") # parser.add_argument("--param", help="Optional job start stage", default=None) parser.add_argument("--test", help="Optional test name pattern", default="") return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": results = [] args = parse_args() testpattern = args.test stop_watch = Utils.Stopwatch() all_files = Utils.traverse_paths( include_paths=["."], exclude_paths=[ "./.git", "./contrib", "./build", ], not_exists_ok=True, # ./build may exist if runs locally ) cpp_files = Utils.traverse_paths( include_paths=["./src", "./base", "./programs", "./utils"], exclude_paths=[ "./base/glibc-compatibility", "./contrib/consistent-hashing", "./base/widechar_width", ], file_suffixes=[".h", ".cpp"], ) yaml_workflow_files = Utils.traverse_paths( include_paths=["./.github"], exclude_paths=[], file_suffixes=[".yaml", ".yml"], ) xml_files = Utils.traverse_paths( include_paths=["."], exclude_paths=["./.git", "./contrib/"], file_suffixes=[".xml"], ) functional_test_files = Utils.traverse_paths( include_paths=["./tests/queries"], exclude_paths=[], file_suffixes=[".sql", ".sh", ".py", ".j2"], ) results.append( Result( name="Read Files", status=Result.Status.SUCCESS, start_time=stop_watch.start_time, duration=stop_watch.duration, ) ) testname = "Whitespace Check" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( run_check_concurrent( check_name=testname, check_function=check_whitespaces, files=cpp_files, ) ) testname = "YamlLint Check" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( run_check_concurrent( check_name=testname, check_function=check_yamllint, files=yaml_workflow_files, ) ) testname = "XmlLint Check" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( run_check_concurrent( check_name=testname, check_function=check_xmllint, files=xml_files, ) ) testname = "Functional Tests scripts smoke check" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( run_check_concurrent( check_name=testname, check_function=check_functional_test_cases, files=functional_test_files, ) ) testname = "Check Tests Numbers" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_gaps_in_tests_numbers, command_args=[functional_test_files], ) ) testname = "Check Broken Symlinks" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_broken_links, command_kwargs={ "path": "./", "exclude_paths": ["contrib/", "metadata/", "programs/server/data"], }, ) ) testname = "Check CPP code" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_cpp_code, ) ) testname = "Check Submodules" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_repo_submodules, ) ) testname = "Check File Names" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_file_names, command_args=[all_files], ) ) testname = "Check Many Different Things" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_other, ) ) testname = "Check Codespell" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_codespell, ) ) testname = "Check Aspell" if testpattern.lower() in testname.lower(): results.append( Result.from_commands_run( name=testname, command=check_aspell, ) ) Result.create_from(results=results, stopwatch=stop_watch).complete_job()