#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DATE_LUT_MIN 0 #define DATE_LUT_MAX (0x7FFFFFFF - 86400) #define DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM (0x7FFFFFFF / 86400) #define DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR 1970 #define DATE_LUT_MAX_YEAR 2037 /// Last supported year #define DATE_LUT_YEARS 68 /// Number of years in lookup table STRONG_TYPEDEF(UInt16, DayNum_t); /** Lookup table to conversion of time to date, and to month / year / day of week / day of month and so on. * First time was implemented for OLAPServer, that needed to do billions of such transformations. */ class DateLUTImpl { public: DateLUTImpl(const std::string & time_zone); public: struct Values { /// Least significat 32 bits from time_t at beginning of the day. /// Signedness is important to support 1970-01-01 MSK, where time_t == -10800. /// Change to time_t; change constants above; and recompile the sources if you need to support time after 2038 year. Int32 date; /// Properties of the day. UInt16 year; UInt8 month; UInt8 day_of_month; UInt8 day_of_week; /// For days, when offset from UTC was changed due to daylight saving time or permanent change, following values could be non zero. UInt16 time_at_offset_change; /// In seconds from beginning of the day. Assuming offset never changed close to the end of day (so, value < 65536). Int16 amount_of_offset_change; /// Usually -3600 or 3600, but look at Lord Howe Island. }; private: /// Lookup table is indexed by DayNum. /// Day nums are the same in all time zones. 1970-01-01 is 0 and so on. /// Table is relatively large (~30 000 elements), so better not to place object on stack. /// In comparison to std::vector, plain array is cheaper by one indirection. Values lut[DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM + 1]; /// Year number after DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR -> day num for start of year. DayNum_t years_lut[DATE_LUT_YEARS]; /// UTC offset at beginning of the Unix epoch. time_t offset_at_start_of_epoch; /// Time zone name. std::string time_zone; inline size_t findIndex(time_t t) const { /// First guess. size_t guess = t / 86400; if (guess >= DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM) return 0; if (t >= lut[guess].date && t < lut[guess + 1].date) return guess; for (size_t i = 1;; ++i) { if (guess + i >= DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM) return 0; if (t >= lut[guess + i].date && t < lut[guess + i + 1].date) return guess + i; if (guess < i) return 0; if (t >= lut[guess - i].date && t < lut[guess - i + 1].date) return guess - i; } } inline const Values & find(time_t t) const { return lut[findIndex(t)]; } static inline DayNum_t fixDay(DayNum_t day) { return day > DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM ? static_cast(0) : day; } public: const std::string & getTimeZone() const { return time_zone; } /// всё ниже thread-safe; корректность входных данных не проверяется inline time_t toDate(time_t t) const { return find(t).date; } inline unsigned toMonth(time_t t) const { return find(t).month; } inline unsigned toYear(time_t t) const { return find(t).year; } inline unsigned toDayOfWeek(time_t t) const { return find(t).day_of_week; } inline unsigned toDayOfMonth(time_t t) const { return find(t).day_of_month; } /// номер недели, начиная с какой-то недели в прошлом; неделя начинается с понедельника /// (переводим к понедельнику и делим DayNum на 7; будем исходить из допущения, /// что в области применения этой функции не было и не будет недель, состоящих не из семи дней) inline unsigned toRelativeWeekNum(DayNum_t d) const { return (d - (lut[d].day_of_week - 1)) / 7; } inline unsigned toRelativeWeekNum(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return (index - (lut[index].day_of_week - 1)) / 7; } /// номер месяца, начиная с какого-то месяца в прошлом (год * 12 + номер месяца в году) inline unsigned toRelativeMonthNum(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[d].year * 12 + lut[d].month; } inline unsigned toRelativeMonthNum(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return lut[index].year * 12 + lut[index].month; } /// делим unix timestamp на 3600; /// (таким образом, учитываются прошедшие интервалы времени длительностью в час, не зависимо от перевода стрелок; /// поддерживаются только часовые пояса, в которых перевод стрелок осуществлялся только на целое число часов) inline time_t toRelativeHourNum(time_t t) const { return t / 3600; } /// делим unix timestamp на 60 inline time_t toRelativeMinuteNum(time_t t) const { return t / 60; } /// округление вниз до понедельника inline time_t toFirstDayOfWeek(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return lut[index - (lut[index].day_of_week - 1)].date; } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfWeek(DayNum_t d) const { return DayNum_t(d - (lut[d].day_of_week - 1)); } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfWeek(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return DayNum_t(index - (lut[index].day_of_week - 1)); } /// округление вниз до первого числа месяца inline time_t toFirstDayOfMonth(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return lut[index - (lut[index].day_of_month - 1)].date; } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfMonth(DayNum_t d) const { return DayNum_t(d - (lut[fixDay(d)].day_of_month - 1)); } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfMonth(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); return DayNum_t(index - (lut[index].day_of_month - 1)); } /// округление до первого числа квартала inline time_t toFirstDayOfQuarter(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); switch (lut[index].month % 3) { case 0: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 2: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 1: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month + 1; } return DayNum_t(index); } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfQuarter(DayNum_t d) const { size_t index = fixDay(d); switch (lut[index].month % 3) { case 0: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 2: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 1: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month + 1; } return DayNum_t(index); } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfQuarter(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); switch (lut[index].month % 3) { case 0: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 2: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month; case 1: index = index - lut[index].day_of_month + 1; } return DayNum_t(index); } /// округление вниз до первого числа года inline time_t toFirstDayOfYear(time_t t) const { return lut[years_lut[lut[findIndex(t)].year - DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR]].date; } inline DayNum_t toFirstDayNumOfYear(DayNum_t d) const { return years_lut[lut[fixDay(d)].year - DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR]; } inline time_t toFirstDayNumOfYear(time_t t) const { return lut[years_lut[lut[findIndex(t)].year - DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR]].date; } /// первое число следующего месяца inline time_t toFirstDayOfNextMonth(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); index += 32 - lut[index].day_of_month; return lut[index - (lut[index].day_of_month - 1)].date; } /// первое число предыдущего месяца inline time_t toFirstDayOfPrevMonth(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); index -= lut[index].day_of_month; return lut[index - (lut[index].day_of_month - 1)].date; } /// количество дней в месяце inline size_t daysInMonth(time_t t) const { size_t today = findIndex(t); size_t start_of_month = today - (lut[today].day_of_month - 1); size_t next_month = start_of_month + 31; size_t start_of_next_month = next_month - (lut[next_month].day_of_month - 1); return start_of_next_month - start_of_month; } /** Округление до даты; затем сдвиг на указанное количество дней. * Замечание: результат сдвига должен находиться в пределах LUT. */ inline time_t toDateAndShift(time_t t, int days = 1) const { return lut[findIndex(t) + days].date; } inline time_t toTime(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); time_t res = t - lut[index].date; if (res >= lut[index].time_at_offset_change) res += lut[index].amount_of_offset_change; return res - offset_at_start_of_epoch; /// Отсчёт от 1970-01-01 00:00:00 по локальному времени } inline unsigned toHour(time_t t) const { size_t index = findIndex(t); time_t res = t - lut[index].date; if (res >= lut[index].time_at_offset_change) res += lut[index].amount_of_offset_change; return res / 3600; } inline unsigned toMinute(time_t t) const { return ((t - find(t).date) % 3600) / 60; } inline unsigned toSecond(time_t t) const { return (t - find(t).date) % 60; } inline unsigned toStartOfMinute(time_t t) const { time_t date = find(t).date; return date + (t - date) / 60 * 60; } inline unsigned toStartOfHour(time_t t) const { time_t date = find(t).date; return date + (t - date) / 3600 * 3600; } /** Только для часовых поясов, отличающихся от UTC на значение, кратное часу и без перевода стрелок не значение не кратное часу */ inline unsigned toMinuteInaccurate(time_t t) const { return (t / 60) % 60; } inline unsigned toSecondInaccurate(time_t t) const { return t % 60; } inline unsigned toStartOfMinuteInaccurate(time_t t) const { return t / 60 * 60; } inline unsigned toStartOfFiveMinuteInaccurate(time_t t) const { return t / 300 * 300; } inline unsigned toStartOfHourInaccurate(time_t t) const { return t / 3600 * 3600; } /// Номер дня в пределах UNIX эпохи (и немного больше) - позволяет хранить дату в двух байтах inline DayNum_t toDayNum(time_t t) const { return static_cast(findIndex(t)); } inline time_t fromDayNum(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].date; } inline time_t toDate(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].date; } inline unsigned toMonth(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].month; } inline unsigned toYear(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].year; } inline unsigned toDayOfWeek(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].day_of_week; } inline unsigned toDayOfMonth(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)].day_of_month; } inline const Values & getValues(DayNum_t d) const { return lut[fixDay(d)]; } inline const Values & getValues(time_t t) const { return lut[findIndex(t)]; } /// получает DayNum_t из года, месяца, дня inline DayNum_t makeDayNum(short year, char month, char day_of_month) const { if (unlikely(year < DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR || year > DATE_LUT_MAX_YEAR || month < 1 || month > 12 || day_of_month < 1 || day_of_month > 31)) return DayNum_t(0); DayNum_t any_day_of_month(years_lut[year - DATE_LUT_MIN_YEAR] + 31 * (month - 1)); return DayNum_t(any_day_of_month - toDayOfMonth(any_day_of_month) + day_of_month); } inline time_t makeDate(short year, char month, char day_of_month) const { return lut[makeDayNum(year, month, day_of_month)].date; } /** Does not accept daylight saving time as argument: in case of ambiguity, it choose greater timestamp. */ inline time_t makeDateTime(short year, char month, char day_of_month, char hour, char minute, char second) const { size_t index = makeDayNum(year, month, day_of_month); time_t time_offset = hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second; if (time_offset >= lut[index].time_at_offset_change) time_offset -= lut[index].amount_of_offset_change; return lut[index].date + time_offset; } inline UInt32 toNumYYYYMM(time_t t) const { const Values & values = find(t); return values.year * 100 + values.month; } inline UInt32 toNumYYYYMM(DayNum_t d) const { const Values & values = lut[fixDay(d)]; return values.year * 100 + values.month; } inline UInt32 toNumYYYYMMDD(time_t t) const { const Values & values = find(t); return values.year * 10000 + values.month * 100 + values.day_of_month; } inline UInt32 toNumYYYYMMDD(DayNum_t d) const { const Values & values = lut[fixDay(d)]; return values.year * 10000 + values.month * 100 + values.day_of_month; } inline time_t YYYYMMDDToDate(UInt32 num) const { return makeDate(num / 10000, num / 100 % 100, num % 100); } inline DayNum_t YYYYMMDDToDayNum(UInt32 num) const { return makeDayNum(num / 10000, num / 100 % 100, num % 100); } inline UInt64 toNumYYYYMMDDhhmmss(time_t t) const { const Values & values = find(t); return toSecondInaccurate(t) + toMinuteInaccurate(t) * 100 + toHour(t) * 10000 + UInt64(values.day_of_month) * 1000000 + UInt64(values.month) * 100000000 + UInt64(values.year) * 10000000000; } inline time_t YYYYMMDDhhmmssToTime(UInt64 num) const { return makeDateTime( num / 10000000000, num / 100000000 % 100, num / 1000000 % 100, num / 10000 % 100, num / 100 % 100, num % 100); } inline std::string timeToString(time_t t) const { const Values & values = find(t); std::string s {"0000-00-00 00:00:00"}; s[0] += values.year / 1000; s[1] += (values.year / 100) % 10; s[2] += (values.year / 10) % 10; s[3] += values.year % 10; s[5] += values.month / 10; s[6] += values.month % 10; s[8] += values.day_of_month / 10; s[9] += values.day_of_month % 10; auto hour = toHour(t); auto minute = toMinuteInaccurate(t); auto second = toSecondInaccurate(t); s[11] += hour / 10; s[12] += hour % 10; s[14] += minute / 10; s[15] += minute % 10; s[17] += second / 10; s[18] += second % 10; return s; } inline std::string dateToString(time_t t) const { const Values & values = find(t); std::string s {"0000-00-00"}; s[0] += values.year / 1000; s[1] += (values.year / 100) % 10; s[2] += (values.year / 10) % 10; s[3] += values.year % 10; s[5] += values.month / 10; s[6] += values.month % 10; s[8] += values.day_of_month / 10; s[9] += values.day_of_month % 10; return s; } inline std::string dateToString(DayNum_t d) const { const Values & values = lut[fixDay(d)]; std::string s {"0000-00-00"}; s[0] += values.year / 1000; s[1] += (values.year / 100) % 10; s[2] += (values.year / 10) % 10; s[3] += values.year % 10; s[5] += values.month / 10; s[6] += values.month % 10; s[8] += values.day_of_month / 10; s[9] += values.day_of_month % 10; return s; } };