#!/usr/bin/expect -f # Tags: no-fasttest log_user 0 set timeout 60 match_max 100000 # A default timeout action is to do nothing, change it to fail expect_after { timeout { exit 1 } } set basedir [file dirname $argv0] spawn bash -c "source $basedir/../shell_config.sh ; \$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_BINARY \$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_OPT --disable_suggestion" expect ":) " # Make a query with syntax error send -- "select \r" expect "Syntax error: failed at position 7 (end of query):" expect "Expected one of: " # Make another query with syntax error send -- "CREATE TABLE t4 UUID '57f27aa5-141c-47c5-888a-9563681717f5' AS t1 (`rowNumberInAllBlocks()` UInt64, `toLowCardinality(arrayJoin(\['exchange', 'tables'\]))` LowCardinality(String)) ENGINE = MergeTree \r" expect "Syntax error: failed at position 93 ('UInt64'):*" # Make a query with unmatched parentheses send -- "select (1, 2\r" expect "Syntax error: failed at position 8 ('('):" expect "Unmatched parentheses: (" send -- "\4" expect eof