change log for ------------------------------ 2015-10-24 version 1.16 * workaround for problem in Clang compiler extended to version 3.09 because not fixed yet by Clang (vectorf128.h line 134) * recognize problem with Apple version of Clang reporting wrong version number * remove various minor problems with Clang * function pow(vector, int) modified to strengthen type checking and avoid compiler warnings * manual discusses dynamic allocation of arrays of vectors * various minor changes 2015-10-17 version 1.15 * added files ranvec1.h and ranvec1.cpp for random number generator * constructors to make boolean vectors from their elements * constructors and = operators to broadcast boolean scalar into boolean vectors * various lookup functions improved * operators &, |, ^, ~, etc. defined for various boolean vectors to avoid converson to integer vectors * nmul_add functions * mul_add etc. moved to main header files * explicit fused multiply-and-add used in math functions to improve performance on compilers that don't automatically insert FMA 2014-07-24 version 1.14 * support for AVX-512f instruction set and 512-bit vectors: Vec16i, Vec16ui, Vec8q, Vec8uq, Vec16f, Vec8d, and corresponding boolean vectors * new define MAX_VECTOR_SIZE, valid values are 128, 256 and 512 * added hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh * size() member function on all vector classes returns the number of elements * functions for conversion between boolean vectors and integer bitfields * extracting an element from a boolean vector now returns a bool, not an int * improved precision in exp2 and exp10 functions * various bug fixes 2014-05-11 version 1.13 * pow function improved * mul_add, mul_sub, mul_sub_x functions * propagation of error codes through nan_code function * "denormal" renamed to "subnormal" everywhere, in accordance with IEEE 754-2008 standard 2014-04-20 version 1.12 * inline implementation of mathematical functions added (vectormath_exp.h vectormath_trig.h vectormath_common.h) * vectormath.h renamed to vectormath_lib.h because a new alternative is added * gather functions with constant indexes * function sign_combine * function pow_const(vector, const int) * function pow_ratio(vector, const int, const int) * functions horizontal_find_first, horizontal_count * function recipr_sqrt removed * functions round_to_int64_limited, truncate_to_int64_limited, to_double_limited * function cubic_root renamed to cbrt * function atan(vector,vector) renamed to atan2 * function if_mul * function Vec4i round_to_int(Vec2d) * operator & (float vector, boolean vector) * operator &= (int vector, int vector) * removed constructor Vec128b(int) and Vec256b(int) to avoid implicit conversion * removed signalling nan function * minor improvements in various blend and lookup functions 2014-03-01 version 1.11 * fixed missing unsigned operators >>= in vectori256.h 2013-10-04 version 1.10 * clear distinction between boolean vectors and integer vectors for the sake of compatibility with mask registers in forthcoming AVX512 instruction set * added function if_add * tentative support for clang version 3.3 with workaround for bugs * remove ambiguity for builtin m128i operator == in clang compiler. * problems in clang compiler, bug reports filed at clang (, 17312) * instrset.h fixes problem with macros named min and max in MS windows.h * workaround problem in MS Visual Studio 11.0. Bug report 735861 and 804274 * minor bug fixes 2013-03-31 version 1.03 beta * bug fix for Vec2d cos (Vec2d const & x), VECTORMATH = 1 2012-08-01 version 1.02 beta * added file vector3d.h for 3-dimensional vectors * added file complexvec.h for complex numbers and complex vectors * added file quaternion.h for quaternions * added function change_sign for floating point vectors * added operators +, -, *, / between floating point vectors and scalars to remove overloading ambiguity 2012-07-08 version 1.01 beta * added file decimal.h with Number <-> string conversion functions: bin2bcd, bin2ascii, bin2hex_ascii, ascii2bin * added andnot function for boolean vectors * added functions shift_bytes_up and shift_bytes_down * added operators for unsigned integer vector classes: >>=, &, &&, |, ||, ^, ~ * inteldispatchpatch.cpp removed. Use asmlib instead ( * prefix ++ and -- operators now return a reference, postfix operators return a value * various improvements in permute and blend functions * minor improvement in abs function * added version number to VECTORCLASS_H 2012-05-30 version 1.00 beta * first public release