#!/bin/bash cd /ClickHouse/utils/check-style || echo -e "failure\tRepo not found" > /test_output/check_status.tsv start_total=`date +%s` start=`date +%s` echo "Check " | ts ./check-black -n |& tee /test_output/black_output.txt runtime=$((`date +%s`-start)) echo "Check python formatting with black. Done. $runtime seconds." start=`date +%s` echo "Check " | ts ./check-isort -n |& tee /test_output/isort_output.txt runtime=$((`date +%s`-start)) echo "Check python formatting with isort. Done. $runtime seconds." start=`date +%s` ./check-pylint -n |& tee /test_output/pylint_output.txt runtime=$((`date +%s`-start)) echo "Check pylint. Done. $runtime seconds." start=`date +%s` ./check-mypy -n |& tee /test_output/mypy_output.txt runtime=$((`date +%s`-start)) echo "Check python type hinting with mypy. Done. $runtime seconds." runtime=$((`date +%s`-start_total)) echo "Check python total. Done. $runtime seconds."