#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** More efficient implementations of mathematical functions are possible when using a separate library. * Disabled due to license compatibility limitations. * To enable: download http://www.agner.org/optimize/vectorclass.zip and unpack to contrib/vectorclass * Then rebuild with -DENABLE_VECTORCLASS=1 */ #if USE_VECTORCLASS #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshift-negative-value" #endif #include // Y_IGNORE #include // Y_IGNORE #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #endif namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN; } template class FunctionMathBinaryFloat64 : public IFunction { public: static constexpr auto name = Impl::name; static FunctionPtr create(const Context &) { return std::make_shared(); } static_assert(Impl::rows_per_iteration > 0, "Impl must process at least one row per iteration"); bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; } private: String getName() const override { return name; } size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 2; } DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override { const auto check_argument_type = [this] (const IDataType * arg) { if (!isNumber(arg)) throw Exception{"Illegal type " + arg->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT}; }; check_argument_type(arguments.front().get()); check_argument_type(arguments.back().get()); return std::make_shared(); } template bool executeTyped(Block & block, const size_t result, const ColumnConst * left_arg, const IColumn * right_arg) { if (const auto right_arg_typed = checkAndGetColumn>(right_arg)) { auto dst = ColumnVector::create(); LeftType left_src_data[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; std::fill(std::begin(left_src_data), std::end(left_src_data), left_arg->template getValue()); const auto & right_src_data = right_arg_typed->getData(); const auto src_size = right_src_data.size(); auto & dst_data = dst->getData(); dst_data.resize(src_size); const auto rows_remaining = src_size % Impl::rows_per_iteration; const auto rows_size = src_size - rows_remaining; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows_size; i += Impl::rows_per_iteration) Impl::execute(left_src_data, &right_src_data[i], &dst_data[i]); if (rows_remaining != 0) { RightType right_src_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; memcpy(right_src_remaining, &right_src_data[rows_size], rows_remaining * sizeof(RightType)); memset(right_src_remaining + rows_remaining, 0, (Impl::rows_per_iteration - rows_remaining) * sizeof(RightType)); Float64 dst_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; Impl::execute(left_src_data, right_src_remaining, dst_remaining); memcpy(&dst_data[rows_size], dst_remaining, rows_remaining * sizeof(Float64)); } block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(dst); return true; } return false; } template bool executeTyped(Block & block, const size_t result, const ColumnVector * left_arg, const IColumn * right_arg) { if (const auto right_arg_typed = checkAndGetColumn>(right_arg)) { auto dst = ColumnVector::create(); const auto & left_src_data = left_arg->getData(); const auto & right_src_data = right_arg_typed->getData(); const auto src_size = left_src_data.size(); auto & dst_data = dst->getData(); dst_data.resize(src_size); const auto rows_remaining = src_size % Impl::rows_per_iteration; const auto rows_size = src_size - rows_remaining; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows_size; i += Impl::rows_per_iteration) Impl::execute(&left_src_data[i], &right_src_data[i], &dst_data[i]); if (rows_remaining != 0) { LeftType left_src_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; memcpy(left_src_remaining, &left_src_data[rows_size], rows_remaining * sizeof(LeftType)); memset(left_src_remaining + rows_remaining, 0, (Impl::rows_per_iteration - rows_remaining) * sizeof(LeftType)); RightType right_src_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; memcpy(right_src_remaining, &right_src_data[rows_size], rows_remaining * sizeof(RightType)); memset(right_src_remaining + rows_remaining, 0, (Impl::rows_per_iteration - rows_remaining) * sizeof(RightType)); Float64 dst_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; Impl::execute(left_src_remaining, right_src_remaining, dst_remaining); memcpy(&dst_data[rows_size], dst_remaining, rows_remaining * sizeof(Float64)); } block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(dst); return true; } if (const auto right_arg_typed = checkAndGetColumnConst>(right_arg)) { auto dst = ColumnVector::create(); const auto & left_src_data = left_arg->getData(); RightType right_src_data[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; std::fill(std::begin(right_src_data), std::end(right_src_data), right_arg_typed->template getValue()); const auto src_size = left_src_data.size(); auto & dst_data = dst->getData(); dst_data.resize(src_size); const auto rows_remaining = src_size % Impl::rows_per_iteration; const auto rows_size = src_size - rows_remaining; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows_size; i += Impl::rows_per_iteration) Impl::execute(&left_src_data[i], right_src_data, &dst_data[i]); if (rows_remaining != 0) { LeftType left_src_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; memcpy(left_src_remaining, &left_src_data[rows_size], rows_remaining * sizeof(LeftType)); memset(left_src_remaining + rows_remaining, 0, (Impl::rows_per_iteration - rows_remaining) * sizeof(LeftType)); Float64 dst_remaining[Impl::rows_per_iteration]; Impl::execute(left_src_remaining, right_src_data, dst_remaining); memcpy(&dst_data[rows_size], dst_remaining, rows_remaining * sizeof(Float64)); } block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(dst); return true; } return false; } void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t /*input_rows_count*/) override { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col_left = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]); const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col_right = block.getByPosition(arguments[1]); auto call = [&](const auto & types) -> bool { using Types = std::decay_t; using LeftType = typename Types::LeftType; using RightType = typename Types::RightType; using ColVecLeft = ColumnVector; const IColumn * left_arg = col_left.column.get(); const IColumn * right_arg = col_right.column.get(); if (const auto left_arg_typed = checkAndGetColumn(left_arg)) { if (executeTyped(block, result, left_arg_typed, right_arg)) return true; throw Exception{"Illegal column " + right_arg->getName() + " of second argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN}; } if (const auto left_arg_typed = checkAndGetColumnConst(left_arg)) { if (executeTyped(block, result, left_arg_typed, right_arg)) return true; throw Exception{"Illegal column " + right_arg->getName() + " of second argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN}; } return false; }; TypeIndex left_index = col_left.type->getTypeId(); TypeIndex right_index = col_right.type->getTypeId(); if (!callOnBasicTypes(left_index, right_index, call)) throw Exception{"Illegal column " + col_left.column->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN}; } }; template struct BinaryFunctionPlain { static constexpr auto name = Name::name; static constexpr auto rows_per_iteration = 1; template static void execute(const T1 * src_left, const T2 * src_right, Float64 * dst) { dst[0] = static_cast(Function(static_cast(src_left[0]), static_cast(src_right[0]))); } }; #if USE_VECTORCLASS template struct BinaryFunctionVectorized { static constexpr auto name = Name::name; static constexpr auto rows_per_iteration = 2; template static void execute(const T1 * src_left, const T2 * src_right, Float64 * dst) { const auto result = Function(Vec2d(src_left[0], src_left[1]), Vec2d(src_right[0], src_right[1])); result.store(dst); } }; #else #define BinaryFunctionVectorized BinaryFunctionPlain #endif }