version: "2" services: clickhouse-server: image: ${CLICKHOUSE_SERVER_IMAGE} expose: - "8123" # HTTP - "9000" # TCP - "9009" # HTTP-interserver restart: "no" test-runner: image: clickhouse-statelest-test-runner:local restart: "no" depends_on: - clickhouse-server environment: # these are used by clickhouse-test to point clickhouse-client to the right server - CLICKHOUSE_HOST=clickhouse-server - CLICKHOUSE_PORT=9009 - CLICKHOUSE_TEST_HOST_EXPOSED_PORT=51234 expose: # port for any test to serve data to clickhouse-server on rare occasion (like URL-engine tables in 00646), # should match value of CLICKHOUSE_TEST_HOST_EXPOSED_PORT above - "51234" # NOTE: Dev-mode: mount newest versions of the queries and clickhouse-test script into container. # volumes: # - /home/enmk/proj/ClickHouse_master/tests/queries:/usr/share/clickhouse-test/queries:ro # - /home/enmk/proj/ClickHouse_master/tests/clickhouse-test:/usr/bin/clickhouse-test:ro # String-form instead of list-form to allow multiple arguments in "${CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ARGS}" entrypoint: "clickhouse-test ${CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ARGS}"