#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import logging import os import sys import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List import boto3 # type: ignore import requests # type: ignore from build_download_helper import ( download_build_with_progress, get_build_name_for_check, read_build_urls, ) from compress_files import compress_fast from env_helper import REPO_COPY, REPORT_PATH, S3_URL, TEMP_PATH, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET from get_robot_token import get_parameter_from_ssm from git_helper import git_runner from pr_info import PRInfo from report import JobReport, TestResults, TestResult from ssh import SSHKey from stopwatch import Stopwatch from tee_popen import TeePopen JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME = "jepsen_group" KEEPER_DESIRED_INSTANCE_COUNT = 3 SERVER_DESIRED_INSTANCE_COUNT = 4 KEEPER_IMAGE_NAME = "clickhouse/keeper-jepsen-test" KEEPER_CHECK_NAME = "ClickHouse Keeper Jepsen" SERVER_IMAGE_NAME = "clickhouse/server-jepsen-test" SERVER_CHECK_NAME = "ClickHouse Server Jepsen" SUCCESSFUL_TESTS_ANCHOR = "# Successful tests" INTERMINATE_TESTS_ANCHOR = "# Indeterminate tests" CRASHED_TESTS_ANCHOR = "# Crashed tests" FAILED_TESTS_ANCHOR = "# Failed tests" def _parse_jepsen_output(path: Path) -> TestResults: test_results = [] # type: TestResults current_type = "" with open(path, "r") as f: for line in f: if SUCCESSFUL_TESTS_ANCHOR in line: current_type = "OK" elif INTERMINATE_TESTS_ANCHOR in line or CRASHED_TESTS_ANCHOR in line: current_type = "ERROR" elif FAILED_TESTS_ANCHOR in line: current_type = "FAIL" if ( line.startswith("store/clickhouse") or line.startswith("clickhouse") ) and current_type: test_results.append(TestResult(line.strip(), current_type)) return test_results def get_autoscaling_group_instances_ids(asg_client, group_name): group_description = asg_client.describe_auto_scaling_groups( AutoScalingGroupNames=[group_name] ) our_group = group_description["AutoScalingGroups"][0] instance_ids = [] for instance in our_group["Instances"]: if ( instance["LifecycleState"] == "InService" and instance["HealthStatus"] == "Healthy" ): instance_ids.append(instance["InstanceId"]) return instance_ids def get_instances_addresses(ec2_client, instance_ids): ec2_response = ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids) instance_ips = [] for instances in ec2_response["Reservations"]: for ip in instances["Instances"]: instance_ips.append(ip["PrivateIpAddress"]) return instance_ips def prepare_autoscaling_group_and_get_hostnames(count): asg_client = boto3.client("autoscaling", region_name="us-east-1") asg_client.set_desired_capacity( AutoScalingGroupName=JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME, DesiredCapacity=count ) instances = get_autoscaling_group_instances_ids(asg_client, JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME) counter = 0 while len(instances) < count: time.sleep(5) instances = get_autoscaling_group_instances_ids(asg_client, JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME) counter += 1 if counter > 30: raise Exception("Cannot wait autoscaling group") ec2_client = boto3.client("ec2", region_name="us-east-1") return get_instances_addresses(ec2_client, instances) def clear_autoscaling_group(): asg_client = boto3.client("autoscaling", region_name="us-east-1") asg_client.set_desired_capacity( AutoScalingGroupName=JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME, DesiredCapacity=0 ) instances = get_autoscaling_group_instances_ids(asg_client, JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME) counter = 0 while len(instances) > 0: time.sleep(5) instances = get_autoscaling_group_instances_ids(asg_client, JEPSEN_GROUP_NAME) counter += 1 if counter > 30: raise Exception("Cannot wait autoscaling group") def save_nodes_to_file(instances: List[Any], temp_path: Path) -> Path: nodes_path = temp_path / "nodes.txt" with open(nodes_path, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(instances)) f.flush() return nodes_path def get_run_command( ssh_auth_sock, ssh_sock_dir, pr_info, nodes_path, repo_path, build_url, result_path, extra_args, docker_image, ): return ( f"docker run --network=host -v '{ssh_sock_dir}:{ssh_sock_dir}' -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK={ssh_auth_sock} " f"-e PR_TO_TEST={pr_info.number} -e SHA_TO_TEST={pr_info.sha} -v '{nodes_path}:/nodes.txt' -v {result_path}:/test_output " f"-e 'CLICKHOUSE_PACKAGE={build_url}' -v '{repo_path}:/ch' -e 'CLICKHOUSE_REPO_PATH=/ch' -e NODES_USERNAME=ubuntu {extra_args} {docker_image}" ) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="Jepsen Check", description="Check that uses Jepsen. Both Keeper and Server can be tested.", ) parser.add_argument( "program", help='What should be tested. Valid values "keeper", "server"' ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.program != "server" and args.program != "keeper": logging.warning("Invalid argument '%s'", args.program) sys.exit(0) stopwatch = Stopwatch() temp_path = Path(TEMP_PATH) temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pr_info = PRInfo() logging.info( "Start at PR number %s, commit sha %s labels %s", pr_info.number, pr_info.sha, pr_info.labels, ) if pr_info.number != 0 and "jepsen-test" not in pr_info.labels: logging.info("Not jepsen test label in labels list, skipping") sys.exit(0) check_name = KEEPER_CHECK_NAME if args.program == "keeper" else SERVER_CHECK_NAME if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) result_path = temp_path / "result_path" result_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) instances = prepare_autoscaling_group_and_get_hostnames( KEEPER_DESIRED_INSTANCE_COUNT if args.program == "keeper" else SERVER_DESIRED_INSTANCE_COUNT ) nodes_path = save_nodes_to_file( instances[:KEEPER_DESIRED_INSTANCE_COUNT], temp_path ) # always use latest docker_image = KEEPER_IMAGE_NAME if args.program == "keeper" else SERVER_IMAGE_NAME if pr_info.is_scheduled() or pr_info.is_dispatched(): # get latest clcikhouse by the static link for latest master buit - get its version and provide permanent url for this version to the jepsen build_url = f"{S3_URL}/{S3_BUILDS_BUCKET}/master/amd64/clickhouse" download_build_with_progress(build_url, Path(TEMP_PATH) / "clickhouse") git_runner.run(f"chmod +x {TEMP_PATH}/clickhouse") sha = git_runner.run( f"{TEMP_PATH}/clickhouse local -q \"select value from system.build_options where name='GIT_HASH'\"" ) version_full = git_runner.run( f'{TEMP_PATH}/clickhouse local -q "select version()"' ) version = ".".join(version_full.split(".")[0:2]) assert len(sha) == 40, f"failed to fetch sha from the binary. result: {sha}" assert ( version ), f"failed to fetch version from the binary. result: {version_full}" build_url = ( f"{S3_URL}/{S3_BUILDS_BUCKET}/{version}/{sha}/binary_release/clickhouse" ) print(f"Clickhouse version: [{version_full}], sha: [{sha}], url: [{build_url}]") head = requests.head(build_url) assert head.status_code == 200, f"Clickhouse binary not found: {build_url}" else: build_name = get_build_name_for_check(check_name) urls = read_build_urls(build_name, REPORT_PATH) build_url = None for url in urls: if url.endswith("clickhouse"): build_url = url assert build_url, "No build url found in the report" extra_args = "" if args.program == "server": extra_args = f"-e KEEPER_NODE={instances[-1]}" with SSHKey(key_value=get_parameter_from_ssm("jepsen_ssh_key") + "\n"): ssh_auth_sock = os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] auth_sock_dir = os.path.dirname(ssh_auth_sock) cmd = get_run_command( ssh_auth_sock, auth_sock_dir, pr_info, nodes_path, REPO_COPY, build_url, result_path, extra_args, docker_image, ) logging.info("Going to run jepsen: %s", cmd) run_log_path = temp_path / "run.log" with TeePopen(cmd, run_log_path) as process: retcode = process.wait() if retcode == 0: logging.info("Run successfully") else: logging.info("Run failed") status = "success" description = "No invalid analysis found ヽ(‘ー`)ノ" jepsen_log_path = result_path / "jepsen_run_all_tests.log" additional_data = [] try: test_result = _parse_jepsen_output(jepsen_log_path) if any(r.status == "FAIL" for r in test_result): status = "failure" description = "Found invalid analysis (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻" compress_fast(result_path / "store", result_path / "jepsen_store.tar.zst") additional_data.append(result_path / "jepsen_store.tar.zst") except Exception as ex: print("Exception", ex) status = "failure" description = "No Jepsen output log" test_result = [TestResult("No Jepsen output log", "FAIL")] JobReport( description=description, test_results=test_result, status=status, start_time=stopwatch.start_time_str, duration=stopwatch.duration_seconds, additional_files=[run_log_path] + additional_data, check_name=check_name, ).dump() clear_autoscaling_group() if __name__ == "__main__": main()