#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //FIXME it shouldn't be here #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE; extern const int UNKNOWN_DATABASE; extern const int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS; extern const int CANNOT_ASSIGN_ALTER; extern const int DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS; extern const int INCORRECT_QUERY; } class AtomicDatabaseTablesSnapshotIterator final : public DatabaseTablesSnapshotIterator { public: explicit AtomicDatabaseTablesSnapshotIterator(DatabaseTablesSnapshotIterator && base) : DatabaseTablesSnapshotIterator(std::move(base)) {} UUID uuid() const override { return table()->getStorageID().uuid; } }; DatabaseAtomic::DatabaseAtomic(String name_, String metadata_path_, UUID uuid, const Context & context_) : DatabaseAtomic(name_, metadata_path_, uuid, "DatabaseAtomic (" + name_ + ")", context_) { } DatabaseAtomic::DatabaseAtomic(String name_, String metadata_path_, UUID uuid, const String & logger, const Context & context_) : DatabaseOrdinary(name_, std::move(metadata_path_), "store/", logger, context_) , path_to_table_symlinks(global_context.getPath() + "data/" + escapeForFileName(name_) + "/") , path_to_metadata_symlink(global_context.getPath() + "metadata/" + escapeForFileName(name_)) , db_uuid(uuid) { assert(db_uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil); Poco::File(path_to_table_symlinks).createDirectories(); tryCreateMetadataSymlink(); } String DatabaseAtomic::getTableDataPath(const String & table_name) const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); auto it = table_name_to_path.find(table_name); if (it == table_name_to_path.end()) throw Exception("Table " + table_name + " not found in database " + database_name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE); assert(it->second != data_path && !it->second.empty()); return it->second; } String DatabaseAtomic::getTableDataPath(const ASTCreateQuery & query) const { auto tmp = data_path + DatabaseCatalog::getPathForUUID(query.uuid); assert(tmp != data_path && !tmp.empty()); return tmp; } void DatabaseAtomic::drop(const Context &) { assert(tables.empty()); try { Poco::File(path_to_metadata_symlink).remove(); Poco::File(path_to_table_symlinks).remove(true); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, getCurrentExceptionMessage(true)); } Poco::File(getMetadataPath()).remove(true); } void DatabaseAtomic::attachTable(const String & name, const StoragePtr & table, const String & relative_table_path) { assert(relative_table_path != data_path && !relative_table_path.empty()); DetachedTables not_in_use; std::unique_lock lock(mutex); not_in_use = cleanupDetachedTables(); auto table_id = table->getStorageID(); assertDetachedTableNotInUse(table_id.uuid); DatabaseWithDictionaries::attachTableUnlocked(name, table, lock); table_name_to_path.emplace(std::make_pair(name, relative_table_path)); } StoragePtr DatabaseAtomic::detachTable(const String & name) { DetachedTables not_in_use; std::unique_lock lock(mutex); auto table = DatabaseWithDictionaries::detachTableUnlocked(name, lock); table_name_to_path.erase(name); detached_tables.emplace(table->getStorageID().uuid, table); not_in_use = cleanupDetachedTables(); return table; } void DatabaseAtomic::dropTable(const Context & context, const String & table_name, bool no_delay) { String table_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(table_name); String table_metadata_path_drop; StoragePtr table; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); table = getTableUnlocked(table_name, lock); table_metadata_path_drop = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getPathForDroppedMetadata(table->getStorageID()); if (auto txn = context.getMetadataTransaction()) { String metadata_zk_path = txn->zookeeper_path + "/metadata/" + escapeForFileName(table_name); txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(metadata_zk_path, -1)); txn->current_zookeeper->multi(txn->ops); /// Commit point (a sort of) for Replicated database /// NOTE: replica will be lost if server crashes before the following rename /// TODO better detection and recovery } Poco::File(table_metadata_path).renameTo(table_metadata_path_drop); /// Mark table as dropped DatabaseWithDictionaries::detachTableUnlocked(table_name, lock); /// Should never throw table_name_to_path.erase(table_name); } if (table->storesDataOnDisk()) tryRemoveSymlink(table_name); /// Remove the inner table (if any) to avoid deadlock /// (due to attempt to execute DROP from the worker thread) if (auto * mv = dynamic_cast(table.get())) mv->dropInnerTable(no_delay); /// Notify DatabaseCatalog that table was dropped. It will remove table data in background. /// Cleanup is performed outside of database to allow easily DROP DATABASE without waiting for cleanup to complete. DatabaseCatalog::instance().enqueueDroppedTableCleanup(table->getStorageID(), table, table_metadata_path_drop, no_delay); } void DatabaseAtomic::renameTable(const Context & context, const String & table_name, IDatabase & to_database, const String & to_table_name, bool exchange, bool dictionary) { if (typeid(*this) != typeid(to_database)) { if (!typeid_cast(&to_database)) throw Exception("Moving tables between databases of different engines is not supported", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /// Allow moving tables between Atomic and Ordinary (with table lock) DatabaseOnDisk::renameTable(context, table_name, to_database, to_table_name, exchange, dictionary); return; } if (exchange && dictionary) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot exchange dictionaries"); if (exchange && !supportsRenameat2()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "RENAME EXCHANGE is not supported"); auto & other_db = dynamic_cast(to_database); bool inside_database = this == &other_db; String old_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(table_name); String new_metadata_path = to_database.getObjectMetadataPath(to_table_name); auto detach = [](DatabaseAtomic & db, const String & table_name_, bool has_symlink) { auto it = db.table_name_to_path.find(table_name_); String table_data_path_saved; /// Path can be not set for DDL dictionaries, but it does not matter for StorageDictionary. if (it != db.table_name_to_path.end()) table_data_path_saved = it->second; assert(!table_data_path_saved.empty() || db.dictionaries.find(table_name_) != db.dictionaries.end()); db.tables.erase(table_name_); db.table_name_to_path.erase(table_name_); if (has_symlink) db.tryRemoveSymlink(table_name_); return table_data_path_saved; }; auto attach = [](DatabaseAtomic & db, const String & table_name_, const String & table_data_path_, const StoragePtr & table_) { db.tables.emplace(table_name_, table_); if (table_data_path_.empty()) return; db.table_name_to_path.emplace(table_name_, table_data_path_); if (table_->storesDataOnDisk()) db.tryCreateSymlink(table_name_, table_data_path_); }; auto assert_can_move_mat_view = [inside_database](const StoragePtr & table_) { if (inside_database) return; if (const auto * mv = dynamic_cast(table_.get())) if (mv->hasInnerTable()) throw Exception("Cannot move MaterializedView with inner table to other database", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); }; String table_data_path; String other_table_data_path; if (inside_database && table_name == to_table_name) return; std::unique_lock db_lock; std::unique_lock other_db_lock; if (inside_database) db_lock = std::unique_lock{mutex}; else if (this < &other_db) { db_lock = std::unique_lock{mutex}; other_db_lock = std::unique_lock{other_db.mutex}; } else { other_db_lock = std::unique_lock{other_db.mutex}; db_lock = std::unique_lock{mutex}; } bool is_dictionary = dictionaries.find(table_name) != dictionaries.end(); if (exchange && other_db.dictionaries.find(to_table_name) != other_db.dictionaries.end()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot exchange dictionaries"); if (dictionary != is_dictionary) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY, "Use RENAME DICTIONARY for dictionaries and RENAME TABLE for tables."); if (is_dictionary && !inside_database) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot move dictionary to other database"); StoragePtr table = getTableUnlocked(table_name, db_lock); table->checkTableCanBeRenamed(); assert_can_move_mat_view(table); StoragePtr other_table; if (exchange) { other_table = other_db.getTableUnlocked(to_table_name, other_db_lock); other_table->checkTableCanBeRenamed(); assert_can_move_mat_view(other_table); } /// Table renaming actually begins here if (auto txn = context.getMetadataTransaction()) { String statement; String statement_to; { ReadBufferFromFile in(old_metadata_path, 4096); readStringUntilEOF(statement, in); if (exchange) { ReadBufferFromFile in_to(new_metadata_path, 4096); readStringUntilEOF(statement_to, in_to); } } String metadata_zk_path = txn->zookeeper_path + "/metadata/" + escapeForFileName(table_name); String metadata_zk_path_to = txn->zookeeper_path + "/metadata/" + escapeForFileName(to_table_name); txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(metadata_zk_path, -1)); if (exchange) { txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(metadata_zk_path_to, -1)); txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(metadata_zk_path, statement_to, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent)); } txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(metadata_zk_path_to, statement, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent)); txn->current_zookeeper->multi(txn->ops); /// Commit point (a sort of) for Replicated database /// NOTE: replica will be lost if server crashes before the following rename /// TODO better detection and recovery } if (exchange) renameExchange(old_metadata_path, new_metadata_path); else renameNoReplace(old_metadata_path, new_metadata_path); /// After metadata was successfully moved, the following methods should not throw (if them do, it's a logical error) table_data_path = detach(*this, table_name, table->storesDataOnDisk()); if (exchange) other_table_data_path = detach(other_db, to_table_name, other_table->storesDataOnDisk()); auto old_table_id = table->getStorageID(); table->renameInMemory({other_db.database_name, to_table_name, old_table_id.uuid}); if (exchange) other_table->renameInMemory({database_name, table_name, other_table->getStorageID().uuid}); if (!inside_database) { DatabaseCatalog::instance().updateUUIDMapping(old_table_id.uuid, other_db.shared_from_this(), table); if (exchange) DatabaseCatalog::instance().updateUUIDMapping(other_table->getStorageID().uuid, shared_from_this(), other_table); } attach(other_db, to_table_name, table_data_path, table); if (exchange) attach(*this, table_name, other_table_data_path, other_table); if (is_dictionary) { auto new_table_id = StorageID(other_db.database_name, to_table_name, old_table_id.uuid); renameDictionaryInMemoryUnlocked(old_table_id, new_table_id); } } void DatabaseAtomic::commitCreateTable(const ASTCreateQuery & query, const StoragePtr & table, const String & table_metadata_tmp_path, const String & table_metadata_path, const Context & query_context) { DetachedTables not_in_use; auto table_data_path = getTableDataPath(query); bool locked_uuid = false; try { std::unique_lock lock{mutex}; if (query.database != database_name) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database was renamed to `{}`, cannot create table in `{}`", database_name, query.database); /// Do some checks before renaming file from .tmp to .sql not_in_use = cleanupDetachedTables(); assertDetachedTableNotInUse(query.uuid); /// We will get en exception if some table with the same UUID exists (even if it's detached table or table from another database) DatabaseCatalog::instance().addUUIDMapping(query.uuid); locked_uuid = true; if (auto txn = query_context.getMetadataTransaction()) { String metadata_zk_path = txn->zookeeper_path + "/metadata/" + escapeForFileName(query.table); String statement = getObjectDefinitionFromCreateQuery(query.clone()); /// zk::multi(...) will throw if `metadata_zk_path` exists txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(metadata_zk_path, statement, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent)); txn->current_zookeeper->multi(txn->ops); /// Commit point (a sort of) for Replicated database /// NOTE: replica will be lost if server crashes before the following renameNoReplace(...) /// TODO better detection and recovery } /// It throws if `table_metadata_path` already exists (it's possible if table was detached) renameNoReplace(table_metadata_tmp_path, table_metadata_path); /// Commit point (a sort of) attachTableUnlocked(query.table, table, lock); /// Should never throw table_name_to_path.emplace(query.table, table_data_path); } catch (...) { Poco::File(table_metadata_tmp_path).remove(); if (locked_uuid) DatabaseCatalog::instance().removeUUIDMappingFinally(query.uuid); throw; } if (table->storesDataOnDisk()) tryCreateSymlink(query.table, table_data_path); } void DatabaseAtomic::commitAlterTable(const StorageID & table_id, const String & table_metadata_tmp_path, const String & table_metadata_path, const String & statement, const Context & query_context) { bool check_file_exists = true; SCOPE_EXIT({ std::error_code code; if (check_file_exists) std::filesystem::remove(table_metadata_tmp_path, code); }); std::unique_lock lock{mutex}; auto actual_table_id = getTableUnlocked(table_id.table_name, lock)->getStorageID(); if (table_id.uuid != actual_table_id.uuid) throw Exception("Cannot alter table because it was renamed", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_ASSIGN_ALTER); if (&query_context != &query_context.getGlobalContext()) // FIXME { if (auto txn = query_context.getMetadataTransaction()) { String metadata_zk_path = txn->zookeeper_path + "/metadata/" + escapeForFileName(table_id.table_name); txn->ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest(metadata_zk_path, statement, -1)); txn->current_zookeeper->multi(txn->ops); /// Commit point (a sort of) for Replicated database /// NOTE: replica will be lost if server crashes before the following rename /// TODO better detection and recovery } } check_file_exists = renameExchangeIfSupported(table_metadata_tmp_path, table_metadata_path); if (!check_file_exists) std::filesystem::rename(table_metadata_tmp_path, table_metadata_path); } void DatabaseAtomic::assertDetachedTableNotInUse(const UUID & uuid) { /// Without this check the following race is possible since table RWLocks are not used: /// 1. INSERT INTO table ...; /// 2. DETACH TABLE table; (INSERT still in progress, it holds StoragePtr) /// 3. ATTACH TABLE table; (new instance of Storage with the same UUID is created, instances share data on disk) /// 4. INSERT INTO table ...; (both Storage instances writes data without any synchronization) /// To avoid it, we remember UUIDs of detached tables and does not allow ATTACH table with such UUID until detached instance still in use. if (detached_tables.count(uuid)) throw Exception("Cannot attach table with UUID " + toString(uuid) + ", because it was detached but still used by some query. Retry later.", ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } DatabaseAtomic::DetachedTables DatabaseAtomic::cleanupDetachedTables() { DetachedTables not_in_use; auto it = detached_tables.begin(); while (it != detached_tables.end()) { if (it->second.unique()) { not_in_use.emplace(it->first, it->second); it = detached_tables.erase(it); } else ++it; } /// It should be destroyed in caller with released database mutex return not_in_use; } void DatabaseAtomic::assertCanBeDetached(bool cleanup) { if (cleanup) { DetachedTables not_in_use; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); not_in_use = cleanupDetachedTables(); } } std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (!detached_tables.empty()) throw Exception("Database " + backQuoteIfNeed(database_name) + " cannot be detached, " "because some tables are still in use. Retry later.", ErrorCodes::DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY); } DatabaseTablesIteratorPtr DatabaseAtomic::getTablesIterator(const Context & context, const IDatabase::FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_table_name) { auto base_iter = DatabaseWithOwnTablesBase::getTablesIterator(context, filter_by_table_name); return std::make_unique(std::move(typeid_cast(*base_iter))); } UUID DatabaseAtomic::tryGetTableUUID(const String & table_name) const { if (auto table = tryGetTable(table_name, global_context)) return table->getStorageID().uuid; return UUIDHelpers::Nil; } void DatabaseAtomic::loadStoredObjects(Context & context, bool has_force_restore_data_flag, bool force_attach) { /// Recreate symlinks to table data dirs in case of force restore, because some of them may be broken if (has_force_restore_data_flag) Poco::File(path_to_table_symlinks).remove(true); DatabaseOrdinary::loadStoredObjects(context, has_force_restore_data_flag, force_attach); if (has_force_restore_data_flag) { NameToPathMap table_names; { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; table_names = table_name_to_path; } Poco::File(path_to_table_symlinks).createDirectories(); for (const auto & table : table_names) tryCreateSymlink(table.first, table.second, true); } } void DatabaseAtomic::tryCreateSymlink(const String & table_name, const String & actual_data_path, bool if_data_path_exist) { try { String link = path_to_table_symlinks + escapeForFileName(table_name); Poco::File data = Poco::Path(global_context.getPath()).makeAbsolute().toString() + actual_data_path; if (!if_data_path_exist || data.exists()) data.linkTo(link, Poco::File::LINK_SYMBOLIC); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, getCurrentExceptionMessage(true)); } } void DatabaseAtomic::tryRemoveSymlink(const String & table_name) { try { String path = path_to_table_symlinks + escapeForFileName(table_name); Poco::File{path}.remove(); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, getCurrentExceptionMessage(true)); } } void DatabaseAtomic::tryCreateMetadataSymlink() { /// Symlinks in data/db_name/ directory and metadata/db_name/ are not used by ClickHouse, /// it's needed only for convenient introspection. assert(path_to_metadata_symlink != metadata_path); Poco::File metadata_symlink(path_to_metadata_symlink); if (metadata_symlink.exists()) { if (!metadata_symlink.isLink()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Directory {} exists", path_to_metadata_symlink); } else { try { Poco::File{metadata_path}.linkTo(path_to_metadata_symlink, Poco::File::LINK_SYMBOLIC); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log); } } } void DatabaseAtomic::renameDatabase(const String & new_name) { /// CREATE, ATTACH, DROP, DETACH and RENAME DATABASE must hold DDLGuard try { Poco::File(path_to_metadata_symlink).remove(); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, getCurrentExceptionMessage(true)); } auto new_name_escaped = escapeForFileName(new_name); auto old_database_metadata_path = global_context.getPath() + "metadata/" + escapeForFileName(getDatabaseName()) + ".sql"; auto new_database_metadata_path = global_context.getPath() + "metadata/" + new_name_escaped + ".sql"; renameNoReplace(old_database_metadata_path, new_database_metadata_path); String old_path_to_table_symlinks; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); DatabaseCatalog::instance().updateDatabaseName(database_name, new_name); database_name = new_name; for (auto & table : tables) { auto table_id = table.second->getStorageID(); table_id.database_name = database_name; table.second->renameInMemory(table_id); } for (auto & dict : dictionaries) { auto old_name = StorageID(dict.second.create_query); auto name = old_name; name.database_name = database_name; renameDictionaryInMemoryUnlocked(old_name, name); } path_to_metadata_symlink = global_context.getPath() + "metadata/" + new_name_escaped; old_path_to_table_symlinks = path_to_table_symlinks; path_to_table_symlinks = global_context.getPath() + "data/" + new_name_escaped + "/"; } Poco::File(old_path_to_table_symlinks).renameTo(path_to_table_symlinks); tryCreateMetadataSymlink(); } void DatabaseAtomic::renameDictionaryInMemoryUnlocked(const StorageID & old_name, const StorageID & new_name) { auto it = dictionaries.find(old_name.table_name); assert(it != dictionaries.end()); assert(it->second.config->getString("dictionary.uuid") == toString(old_name.uuid)); assert(old_name.uuid == new_name.uuid); it->second.config->setString("dictionary.database", new_name.database_name); it->second.config->setString("dictionary.name", new_name.table_name); auto & create = it->second.create_query->as(); create.database = new_name.database_name; create.table = new_name.table_name; assert(create.uuid == new_name.uuid); if (old_name.table_name != new_name.table_name) { auto attach_info = std::move(it->second); dictionaries.erase(it); dictionaries.emplace(new_name.table_name, std::move(attach_info)); } auto result = external_loader.getLoadResult(toString(old_name.uuid)); if (!result.object) return; const auto & dict = dynamic_cast(*result.object); dict.updateDictionaryName(new_name); } void DatabaseAtomic::waitDetachedTableNotInUse(const UUID & uuid) { { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; if (detached_tables.count(uuid) == 0) return; } /// Table is in use while its shared_ptr counter is greater than 1. /// We cannot trigger condvar on shared_ptr destruction, so it's busy wait. while (true) { DetachedTables not_in_use; { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; not_in_use = cleanupDetachedTables(); if (detached_tables.count(uuid) == 0) return; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); } } }