#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging from github import Github from pr_info import PRInfo import json import os NAME = 'Run Check (actions)' def filter_statuses(statuses): """ Squash statuses to latest state 1. context="first", state="success", update_time=1 2. context="second", state="success", update_time=2 3. context="first", stat="failure", update_time=3 =========> 1. context="second", state="success" 2. context="first", stat="failure" """ filt = {} for status in sorted(statuses, key=lambda x: x.updated_at): filt[status.context] = status return filt def get_commit(gh, commit_sha): repo = gh.get_repo(os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY", "ClickHouse/ClickHouse")) commit = repo.get_commit(commit_sha) return commit if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) with open(os.getenv('GITHUB_EVENT_PATH'), 'r') as event_file: event = json.load(event_file) pr_info = PRInfo(event, need_orgs=True) gh = Github(os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")) commit = get_commit(gh, pr_info.sha) url = f"https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/actions/runs/{os.getenv('GITHUB_RUN_ID')}" statuses = filter_statuses(list(commit.get_statuses())) if NAME in statuses and statuses[NAME].state == "pending": commit.create_status(context=NAME, description="All checks finished", state="success", target_url=url)