<test> <!-- "Strict" mode (key and iv length checks), empty plaintext. Ciphers that produce empty ciphertext on empty plaintext, and hence can be optimized to almost NO-OP. --> <substitutions> <substitution> <name>func</name> <values> <!-- materialize(plaitext) is to avoid all-args-are-const optimization, resulting in executing function exactly once. --> <value>encrypt('aes-128-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key16, iv16)</value> <value>encrypt('aes-128-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key16, iv16)</value> <value>encrypt('aes-192-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key24, iv16)</value> <value>encrypt('aes-192-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key24, iv16)</value> <value>encrypt('aes-256-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key32, iv16)</value> <value>encrypt('aes-256-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key32, iv16)</value> <!-- decrypt + encrypt since it is really hard to compose decrypt-only case --> <value>decrypt('aes-128-ctr', encrypt('aes-128-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key16, iv16), key16, iv16)</value> <value>decrypt('aes-128-ofb', encrypt('aes-128-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key16, iv16), key16, iv16)</value> <value>decrypt('aes-192-ctr', encrypt('aes-192-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key24, iv16), key24, iv16)</value> <value>decrypt('aes-192-ofb', encrypt('aes-192-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key24, iv16), key24, iv16)</value> <value>decrypt('aes-256-ctr', encrypt('aes-256-ctr', materialize(plaintext), key32, iv16), key32, iv16)</value> <value>decrypt('aes-256-ofb', encrypt('aes-256-ofb', materialize(plaintext), key32, iv16), key32, iv16)</value> </values> </substitution> <substitution> <name>table</name> <values> <value>numbers(10000000)</value> </values> </substitution> <substitution> <name>plaintext</name> <values> <value>''</value> </values> </substitution> </substitutions> <!-- allow OpenSSL-related code load ciphers and warm-up --> <fill_query>WITH {plaintext} as plaintext, repeat('k', 32) as key32, substring(key32, 1, 24) as key24, substring(key32, 1, 16) as key16, repeat('iv', 8) as iv16, substring(iv16, 1, 12) as iv12 SELECT count() FROM {table} WHERE NOT ignore({func}) LIMIT 1</fill_query> <query>WITH {plaintext} as plaintext, repeat('k', 32) as key32, substring(key32, 1, 24) as key24, substring(key32, 1, 16) as key16, repeat('iv', 8) as iv16, substring(iv16, 1, 12) as iv12 SELECT count() FROM {table} WHERE NOT ignore({func})</query> </test>