#include namespace DB { UnmatchedParentheses checkUnmatchedParentheses(TokenIterator begin, Token * last) { /// We have just two kind of parentheses: () and []. UnmatchedParentheses stack; for (TokenIterator it = begin; it.isValid() && &it.get() <= last; ++it) { if (it->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket || it->type == TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket) { stack.push_back(*it); } else if (it->type == TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket || it->type == TokenType::ClosingSquareBracket) { if (stack.empty()) { /// Excessive closing bracket. stack.push_back(*it); return stack; } else if ((stack.back().type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket && it->type == TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket) || (stack.back().type == TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket && it->type == TokenType::ClosingSquareBracket)) { /// Valid match. stack.pop_back(); } else { /// Closing bracket type doesn't match opening bracket type. stack.push_back(*it); return stack; } } } /// If stack is not empty, we have unclosed brackets. return stack; } }