import os import re import sys import traceback from pathlib import Path from praktika._environment import _Environment from praktika.artifact import Artifact from praktika.cidb import CIDB from praktika.digest import Digest from praktika.hook_cache import CacheRunnerHooks from praktika.hook_html import HtmlRunnerHooks from praktika.result import Result, ResultInfo from praktika.runtime import RunConfig from praktika.s3 import S3 from praktika.settings import Settings from praktika.utils import Shell, TeePopen, Utils class Runner: @staticmethod def generate_dummy_environment(workflow, job): print("WARNING: Generate dummy env for local test") Shell.check( f"mkdir -p {Settings.TEMP_DIR} {Settings.INPUT_DIR} {Settings.OUTPUT_DIR}" ) _Environment(,, REPOSITORY="", BRANCH="", SHA="", PR_NUMBER=-1, EVENT_TYPE="", JOB_OUTPUT_STREAM="", EVENT_FILE_PATH="", CHANGE_URL="", COMMIT_URL="", BASE_BRANCH="", RUN_URL="", RUN_ID="", INSTANCE_ID="", INSTANCE_TYPE="", INSTANCE_LIFE_CYCLE="", LOCAL_RUN=True, ).dump() workflow_config = RunConfig(, digest_jobs={}, digest_dockers={}, sha="", cache_success=[], cache_success_base64=[], cache_artifacts={}, ) for docker in workflow.dockers: workflow_config.digest_dockers[] = Digest().calc_docker_digest( docker, workflow.dockers ) workflow_config.dump() Result.generate_pending( def _setup_env(self, _workflow, job): # source env file to write data into fs (workflow config json, workflow status json) Shell.check(f". {Settings.ENV_SETUP_SCRIPT}", verbose=True, strict=True) # parse the same env script and apply envs from python so that this process sees them with open(Settings.ENV_SETUP_SCRIPT, "r") as f: content = export_pattern = re.compile( r"export (\w+)=\$\(cat<<\'EOF\'\n(.*?)EOF\n\)", re.DOTALL ) matches = export_pattern.findall(content) for key, value in matches: value = value.strip() os.environ[key] = value print(f"Set environment variable {key}.") print("Read GH Environment") env = _Environment.from_env() env.JOB_NAME = env.PARAMETER = job.parameter env.dump() print(env) return 0 def _pre_run(self, workflow, job): env = _Environment.get() result = Result(, status=Result.Status.RUNNING, start_time=Utils.timestamp(), ) result.dump() if workflow.enable_report and != Settings.CI_CONFIG_JOB_NAME: print("Update Job and Workflow Report") HtmlRunnerHooks.pre_run(workflow, job) print("Download required artifacts") required_artifacts = [] if job.requires and workflow.artifacts: for requires_artifact_name in job.requires: for artifact in workflow.artifacts: if ( == requires_artifact_name and artifact.type == Artifact.Type.S3 ): required_artifacts.append(artifact) print(f"--- Job requires s3 artifacts [{required_artifacts}]") if workflow.enable_cache: prefixes = CacheRunnerHooks.pre_run( _job=job, _workflow=workflow, _required_artifacts=required_artifacts ) else: prefixes = [env.get_s3_prefix()] * len(required_artifacts) for artifact, prefix in zip(required_artifacts, prefixes): s3_path = f"{Settings.S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/{prefix}/{Utils.normalize_string(artifact._provided_by)}/{Path(artifact.path).name}" assert S3.copy_file_from_s3(s3_path=s3_path, local_path=Settings.INPUT_DIR) return 0 def _run(self, workflow, job, docker="", no_docker=False, param=None): if param: if not isinstance(param, str): Utils.raise_with_error( f"Custom param for local tests must be of type str, got [{type(param)}]" ) env = _Environment.get() env.dump() if job.run_in_docker and not no_docker: # TODO: add support for any image, including not from ci config (e.g. ubuntu:latest) docker_tag = RunConfig.from_fs([ job.run_in_docker ] docker = docker or f"{job.run_in_docker}:{docker_tag}" cmd = f"docker run --rm --user \"$(id -u):$(id -g)\" -e PYTHONPATH='{Settings.DOCKER_WD}:{Settings.DOCKER_WD}/ci' --volume ./:{Settings.DOCKER_WD} --volume {Settings.TEMP_DIR}:{Settings.TEMP_DIR} --workdir={Settings.DOCKER_WD} {docker} {job.command}" else: cmd = job.command if param: print(f"Custom --param [{param}] will be passed to job's script") cmd += f" --param {param}" print(f"--- Run command [{cmd}]") with TeePopen(cmd, timeout=job.timeout) as process: exit_code = process.wait() result = Result.from_fs( if exit_code != 0: if not result.is_completed(): if process.timeout_exceeded: print( f"WARNING: Job timed out: [{}], timeout [{job.timeout}], exit code [{exit_code}]" ) result.set_status(Result.Status.ERROR).set_info( ResultInfo.TIMEOUT ) elif result.is_running(): info = f"ERROR: Job terminated with an error, exit code [{exit_code}] - set status to [{Result.Status.ERROR}]" print(info) result.set_status(Result.Status.ERROR).set_info(info) else: info = f"ERROR: Invalid status [{result.status}] for exit code [{exit_code}] - switch to [{Result.Status.ERROR}]" print(info) result.set_status(Result.Status.ERROR).set_info(info) result.dump() return exit_code def _post_run( self, workflow, job, setup_env_exit_code, prerun_exit_code, run_exit_code ): info_errors = [] env = _Environment.get() result_exist = Result.exist( if setup_env_exit_code != 0: info = f"ERROR: {ResultInfo.SETUP_ENV_JOB_FAILED}" print(info) # set Result with error and logs Result(, status=Result.Status.ERROR, start_time=Utils.timestamp(), duration=0.0, info=info, ).dump() elif prerun_exit_code != 0: info = f"ERROR: {ResultInfo.PRE_JOB_FAILED}" print(info) # set Result with error and logs Result(, status=Result.Status.ERROR, start_time=Utils.timestamp(), duration=0.0, info=info, ).dump() elif not result_exist: info = f"ERROR: {ResultInfo.NOT_FOUND_IMPOSSIBLE}" print(info) Result(, start_time=Utils.timestamp(), duration=None, status=Result.Status.ERROR, info=ResultInfo.NOT_FOUND_IMPOSSIBLE, ).dump() result = Result.from_fs( if not result.is_completed(): info = f"ERROR: {ResultInfo.KILLED}" print(info) result.set_info(info).set_status(Result.Status.ERROR).dump() result.set_files(files=[Settings.RUN_LOG]) result.update_duration().dump() if and result.status != Result.Status.SUCCESS: # provide job info to workflow level info_errors.append( if run_exit_code == 0: providing_artifacts = [] if job.provides and workflow.artifacts: for provides_artifact_name in job.provides: for artifact in workflow.artifacts: if ( == provides_artifact_name and artifact.type == Artifact.Type.S3 ): providing_artifacts.append(artifact) if providing_artifacts: print(f"Job provides s3 artifacts [{providing_artifacts}]") for artifact in providing_artifacts: try: assert Shell.check( f"ls -l {artifact.path}", verbose=True ), f"Artifact {artifact.path} not found" s3_path = f"{Settings.S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/{env.get_s3_prefix()}/{Utils.normalize_string(env.JOB_NAME)}" link = S3.copy_file_to_s3( s3_path=s3_path, local_path=artifact.path ) result.set_link(link) except Exception as e: error = ( f"ERROR: Failed to upload artifact [{artifact}], ex [{e}]" ) print(error) info_errors.append(error) result.set_status(Result.Status.ERROR) if workflow.enable_cidb: print("Insert results to CIDB") try: CIDB( url=workflow.get_secret(Settings.SECRET_CI_DB_URL).get_value(), passwd=workflow.get_secret( Settings.SECRET_CI_DB_PASSWORD ).get_value(), ).insert(result) except Exception as ex: error = f"ERROR: Failed to insert data into CI DB, exception [{ex}]" print(error) info_errors.append(error) result.dump() # always in the end if workflow.enable_cache: print(f"Run CI cache hook") if result.is_ok(): CacheRunnerHooks.post_run(workflow, job) if workflow.enable_report: print(f"Run html report hook") HtmlRunnerHooks.post_run(workflow, job, info_errors) return True def run( self, workflow, job, docker="", dummy_env=False, no_docker=False, param=None ): res = True setup_env_code = -10 prerun_code = -10 run_code = -10 if res and not dummy_env: print( f"\n\n=== Setup env script [{}], workflow [{}] ===" ) try: setup_env_code = self._setup_env(workflow, job) # Source the bash script and capture the environment variables res = setup_env_code == 0 if not res: print( f"ERROR: Setup env script failed with exit code [{setup_env_code}]" ) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Setup env script failed with exception [{e}]") traceback.print_exc() print(f"=== Setup env finished ===\n\n") else: self.generate_dummy_environment(workflow, job) if res and not dummy_env: res = False print(f"=== Pre run script [{}], workflow [{}] ===") try: prerun_code = self._pre_run(workflow, job) res = prerun_code == 0 if not res: print(f"ERROR: Pre-run failed with exit code [{prerun_code}]") except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Pre-run script failed with exception [{e}]") traceback.print_exc() print(f"=== Pre run finished ===\n\n") if res: res = False print(f"=== Run script [{}], workflow [{}] ===") try: run_code = self._run( workflow, job, docker=docker, no_docker=no_docker, param=param ) res = run_code == 0 if not res: print(f"ERROR: Run failed with exit code [{run_code}]") except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Run script failed with exception [{e}]") traceback.print_exc() print(f"=== Run scrip finished ===\n\n") if not dummy_env: print(f"=== Post run script [{}], workflow [{}] ===") self._post_run(workflow, job, setup_env_code, prerun_code, run_code) print(f"=== Post run scrip finished ===") if not res: sys.exit(1)