#!/usr/bin/env bash CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) . $CURDIR/../shell_config.sh set -e -o pipefail # Run the client. $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery <<'EOF' CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.table; CREATE TABLE test.table (uuid UUID, name String, surname String, gender Enum8('male'=1, 'female'=0), birthDate Date, photo Nullable(String), phoneNumber Nullable(FixedString(13)), isOnline UInt8, visitTime Nullable(DateTime), age UInt8, zodiacSign Enum16('aries'=321, 'taurus'=420, 'gemini'=521, 'cancer'=621, 'leo'=723, 'virgo'=823, 'libra'=923, 'scorpius'=1023, 'sagittarius'=1122, 'capricorn'=1222, 'aquarius'=120, 'pisces'=219), songs Array(String), color Array(UInt8), hometown LowCardinality(String), location Array(Decimal32(6)), pi Nullable(Float64), lotteryWin Nullable(Decimal64(2)), someRatio Float32, temperature Decimal32(1), randomBigNumber Int64, measureUnits Nested (unit String, coef Float32), nestiness_a_b_c_d Nullable(UInt32), `nestiness_a_B.c_E` Array(UInt32) ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple(); EOF # To generate the file 00825_protobuf_format_input.insh use the following commands: # ninja ProtobufDelimitedMessagesSerializer # build/utils/test-data-generator/ProtobufDelimitedMessagesSerializer source $CURDIR/00825_protobuf_format_input.insh $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "SELECT * FROM test.table ORDER BY uuid;"