# MySQL Allows to connect to some database on remote MySQL server and perform `INSERT` and `SELECT` queries with tables to exchange data between ClickHouse and MySQL. The `MySQL` database engine translate queries to the MySQL server, so you can perform operations such as `SHOW TABLES` or `SHOW CREATE TABLE`. You cannot perform with tables the following queries: - `ATTACH`/`DETACH` - `DROP` - `RENAME` - `CREATE TABLE` - `ALTER` ## Creating a Database ``` sql CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name [ON CLUSTER cluster] ENGINE = MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password') ``` **Engine Parameters** - `host:port` — MySQL server address. - `database` — Remote database name. - `user` — MySQL user. - `password` — User password. ## Data Types Support MySQL | ClickHouse ------|------------ UNSIGNED TINYINT | [UInt8](../data_types/int_uint.md) TINYINT | [Int8](../data_types/int_uint.md) UNSIGNED SMALLINT | [UInt16](../data_types/int_uint.md) SMALLINT | [Int16](../data_types/int_uint.md) UNSIGNED INT, UNSIGNED MEDIUMINT | [UInt32](../data_types/int_uint.md) INT, MEDIUMINT | [Int32](../data_types/int_uint.md) UNSIGNED BIGINT | [UInt64](../data_types/int_uint.md) BIGINT | [Int64](../data_types/int_uint.md) FLOAT | [Float32](../data_types/float.md) DOUBLE | [Float64](../data_types/float.md) DATE | [Date](../data_types/date.md) DATETIME, TIMESTAMP | [DateTime](../data_types/datetime.md) BINARY | [FixedString](../data_types/fixedstring.md) All other MySQL data types are converted into [String](../data_types/string.md). [Nullable](../data_types/nullable.md) data type is supported. ## Examples of Use Table in MySQL: ``` mysql> USE test; Database changed mysql> CREATE TABLE `mysql_table` ( -> `int_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -> `float` FLOAT NOT NULL, -> PRIMARY KEY (`int_id`)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,09 sec) mysql> insert into mysql_table (`int_id`, `float`) VALUES (1,2); Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec) mysql> select * from mysql_table; +--------+-------+ | int_id | value | +--------+-------+ | 1 | 2 | +--------+-------+ 1 row in set (0,00 sec) ``` Database in ClickHouse, exchanging data with the MySQL server: ```sql CREATE DATABASE mysql_db ENGINE = MySQL('localhost:3306', 'test', 'my_user', 'user_password') ``` ```sql SHOW DATABASES ``` ```text ┌─name─────┐ │ default │ │ mysql_db │ │ system │ └──────────┘ ``` ```sql SHOW TABLES FROM mysql_db ``` ```text ┌─name─────────┐ │ mysql_table │ └──────────────┘ ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM mysql_db.mysql_table ``` ```text ┌─int_id─┬─value─┐ │ 1 │ 2 │ └────────┴───────┘ ``` ```sql INSERT INTO mysql_db.mysql_table VALUES (3,4) ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM mysql_db.mysql_table ``` ```text ┌─int_id─┬─value─┐ │ 1 │ 2 │ │ 3 │ 4 │ └────────┴───────┘ ```