#pragma once #include "ConnectionParameters.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER; } class Suggest : public ext::singleton { private: /// The vector will be filled with completion words from the server and sorted. using Words = std::vector; /// Keywords may be not up to date with ClickHouse parser. Words words { "CREATE", "DATABASE", "IF", "NOT", "EXISTS", "TEMPORARY", "TABLE", "ON", "CLUSTER", "DEFAULT", "MATERIALIZED", "ALIAS", "ENGINE", "AS", "VIEW", "POPULATE", "SETTINGS", "ATTACH", "DETACH", "DROP", "RENAME", "TO", "ALTER", "ADD", "MODIFY", "CLEAR", "COLUMN", "AFTER", "COPY", "PROJECT", "PRIMARY", "KEY", "CHECK", "PARTITION", "PART", "FREEZE", "FETCH", "FROM", "SHOW", "INTO", "OUTFILE", "FORMAT", "TABLES", "DATABASES", "LIKE", "PROCESSLIST", "CASE", "WHEN", "THEN", "ELSE", "END", "DESCRIBE", "DESC", "USE", "SET", "OPTIMIZE", "FINAL", "DEDUPLICATE", "INSERT", "VALUES", "SELECT", "DISTINCT", "SAMPLE", "ARRAY", "JOIN", "GLOBAL", "LOCAL", "ANY", "ALL", "INNER", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "FULL", "OUTER", "CROSS", "USING", "PREWHERE", "WHERE", "GROUP", "BY", "WITH", "TOTALS", "HAVING", "ORDER", "COLLATE", "LIMIT", "UNION", "AND", "OR", "ASC", "IN", "KILL", "QUERY", "SYNC", "ASYNC", "TEST" }; /// Words are fetched asynchonously. std::thread loading_thread; std::atomic ready{false}; /// Points to current word to suggest. Words::const_iterator pos; /// Points after the last possible match. Words::const_iterator end; /// Set iterators to the matched range of words if any. void findRange(const char * prefix, size_t prefix_length) { std::string prefix_str(prefix); std::tie(pos, end) = std::equal_range(words.begin(), words.end(), prefix_str, [prefix_length](const std::string & s, const std::string & prefix) { return strncmp(s.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), prefix_length) < 0; }); } /// Iterates through matched range. char * nextMatch() { if (pos >= end) return nullptr; /// readline will free memory by itself. char * word = strdup(pos->c_str()); ++pos; return word; } void loadImpl(Connection & connection, size_t suggestion_limit) { std::stringstream query; query << "SELECT DISTINCT arrayJoin(extractAll(name, '[\\\\w_]{2,}')) AS res FROM (" "SELECT name FROM system.functions" " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.table_engines" " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.formats" " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.table_functions" " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.data_type_families" " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.settings" " UNION ALL " "SELECT concat(func.name, comb.name) FROM system.functions AS func CROSS JOIN system.aggregate_function_combinators AS comb WHERE is_aggregate"; /// The user may disable loading of databases, tables, columns by setting suggestion_limit to zero. if (suggestion_limit > 0) { String limit_str = toString(suggestion_limit); query << " UNION ALL " "SELECT name FROM system.databases LIMIT " << limit_str << " UNION ALL " "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.tables LIMIT " << limit_str << " UNION ALL " "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.columns LIMIT " << limit_str; } query << ") WHERE notEmpty(res)"; fetch(connection, query.str()); } void fetch(Connection & connection, const std::string & query) { connection.sendQuery(query); while (true) { Connection::Packet packet = connection.receivePacket(); switch (packet.type) { case Protocol::Server::Data: fillWordsFromBlock(packet.block); continue; case Protocol::Server::Progress: continue; case Protocol::Server::ProfileInfo: continue; case Protocol::Server::Totals: continue; case Protocol::Server::Extremes: continue; case Protocol::Server::Log: continue; case Protocol::Server::Exception: packet.exception->rethrow(); return; case Protocol::Server::EndOfStream: return; default: throw Exception("Unknown packet from server", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } } } void fillWordsFromBlock(const Block & block) { if (!block) return; if (block.columns() != 1) throw Exception("Wrong number of columns received for query to read words for suggestion", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); const ColumnString & column = typeid_cast(*block.getByPosition(0).column); size_t rows = block.rows(); for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) words.emplace_back(column.getDataAt(i).toString()); } public: /// More old server versions cannot execute the query above. static constexpr int MIN_SERVER_REVISION = 54406; void load(const ConnectionParameters & connection_parameters, size_t suggestion_limit) { loading_thread = std::thread([connection_parameters, suggestion_limit, this] { try { Connection connection( connection_parameters.host, connection_parameters.port, connection_parameters.default_database, connection_parameters.user, connection_parameters.password, connection_parameters.timeouts, "client", connection_parameters.compression, connection_parameters.security); loadImpl(connection, suggestion_limit); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Cannot load data for command line suggestions: " << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false, true) << "\n"; } /// Note that keyword suggestions are available even if we cannot load data from server. std::sort(words.begin(), words.end()); ready = true; }); } /// A function for readline. static char * generator(const char * text, int state) { Suggest & suggest = Suggest::instance(); if (!suggest.ready) return nullptr; if (state == 0) suggest.findRange(text, strlen(text)); /// Do not append whitespace after word. For unknown reason, rl_completion_append_character = '\0' does not work. rl_completion_suppress_append = 1; return suggest.nextMatch(); } ~Suggest() { if (loading_thread.joinable()) loading_thread.join(); } }; }