#!/usr/bin/env bash CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh # it is the worst way of making performance test, nevertheless it can detect significant slowdown and some other issues, that usually found by stress test db="test_01193_$RANDOM" tables=1000 threads=10 count_multiplier=1 max_time_ms=1000 debug_or_sanitizer_build=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "WITH ((SELECT value FROM system.build_options WHERE name='BUILD_TYPE') AS build, (SELECT value FROM system.build_options WHERE name='CXX_FLAGS') as flags) SELECT build='Debug' OR flags LIKE '%fsanitize%' OR hasThreadFuzzer()") if [[ debug_or_sanitizer_build -eq 1 ]]; then tables=100; count_multiplier=10; max_time_ms=1500; fi create_tables() { $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "WITH 'CREATE TABLE $db.table_$1_' AS create1, ' (i UInt64, d Date, s String, n Nested(i UInt8, f Float32)) ENGINE=' AS create2, ['Memory', 'File(CSV)', 'Log', 'StripeLog', 'MergeTree ORDER BY i'] AS engines, 'INSERT INTO $db.table_$1_' AS insert1, ' VALUES (0, ''2020-06-25'', ''hello'', [1, 2], [3, 4]), (1, ''2020-06-26'', ''word'', [10, 20], [30, 40])' AS insert2 SELECT arrayStringConcat( groupArray( create1 || toString(number) || create2 || engines[1 + number % length(engines)] || ';\n' || insert1 || toString(number) || insert2 ), ';\n') FROM numbers($tables) FORMAT TSVRaw;" | $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -nm } $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "CREATE DATABASE $db" for i in $(seq 1 $threads); do create_tables "$i" & done wait $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "CREATE TABLE $db.table_merge (i UInt64, d Date, s String, n Nested(i UInt8, f Float32)) ENGINE=Merge('$db', '^table_')" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT count() * $count_multiplier, i, d, s, n.i, n.f FROM merge('$db', '^table_9') GROUP BY i, d, s, n.i, n.f ORDER BY i" for i in {1..5}; do $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "DETACH DATABASE $db" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "ATTACH DATABASE $db" --query_id="$db-$i"; done $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT if(quantile(0.5)(query_duration_ms) < $max_time_ms, 'ok', toString(groupArray(query_duration_ms))) FROM system.query_log WHERE query_id LIKE '$db-%' AND type=2" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT count() * $count_multiplier, i, d, s, n.i, n.f FROM $db.table_merge GROUP BY i, d, s, n.i, n.f ORDER BY i" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "DROP DATABASE $db"