option (ENABLE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE "Enable Azure blob storage" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) if (ENABLE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE) option(USE_INTERNAL_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system Azure SDK instead of bundled (OFF currently not implemented)" ON) set(USE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE 1) set(AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY azure_sdk) if ((NOT EXISTS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/azure/sdk" OR NOT EXISTS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/azure/cmake-modules") AND USE_INTERNAL_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY) message (WARNING "submodule contrib/azure is missing. to fix try run: \n git submodule update --init") set(USE_INTERNAL_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY OFF) set(USE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE 0) endif () if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_SSL_LIBRARY AND USE_INTERNAL_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY) message (FATAL_ERROR "Currently Blob Storage support can be built only with internal SSL library") endif() if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_CURL AND USE_INTERNAL_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_LIBRARY) message (FATAL_ERROR "Currently Blob Storage support can be built only with internal curl library") endif() endif() message (STATUS "Using Azure Blob Storage - ${USE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE}")