#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr size_t MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 1 << 30; namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND; extern const int TOO_LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE; } class FunctionH3ToChildren : public IFunction { public: static constexpr auto name = "h3ToChildren"; static FunctionPtr create(const Context &) { return std::make_shared(); } std::string getName() const override { return name; } size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 2; } bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; } DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override { const auto * arg = arguments[0].get(); if (!WhichDataType(arg).isUInt64()) throw Exception( "Illegal type " + arg->getName() + " of argument " + std::to_string(1) + " of function " + getName() + ". Must be UInt64", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); arg = arguments[1].get(); if (!WhichDataType(arg).isUInt8()) throw Exception( "Illegal type " + arg->getName() + " of argument " + std::to_string(2) + " of function " + getName() + ". Must be UInt8", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); return std::make_shared(std::make_shared()); } void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t input_rows_count) const override { const auto * col_hindex = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get(); const auto * col_resolution = block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column.get(); auto dst = ColumnArray::create(ColumnUInt64::create()); auto & dst_data = dst->getData(); auto & dst_offsets = dst->getOffsets(); dst_offsets.resize(input_rows_count); auto current_offset = 0; std::vector hindex_vec; for (const auto row : ext::range(0, input_rows_count)) { const UInt64 parent_hindex = col_hindex->getUInt(row); const UInt8 child_resolution = col_resolution->getUInt(row); if (child_resolution > MAX_H3_RES) throw Exception("The argument 'resolution' (" + toString(child_resolution) + ") of function " + getName() + " is out of bounds because the maximum resolution in H3 library is " + toString(MAX_H3_RES), ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND); const size_t vec_size = maxH3ToChildrenSize(parent_hindex, child_resolution); if (vec_size > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw Exception("The result of function" + getName() + " (array of " + toString(vec_size) + " elements) will be too large with resolution argument = " + toString(child_resolution), ErrorCodes::TOO_LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE); hindex_vec.resize(vec_size); h3ToChildren(parent_hindex, child_resolution, hindex_vec.data()); dst_data.reserve(dst_data.size() + vec_size); for (auto hindex : hindex_vec) { if (hindex != 0) { ++current_offset; dst_data.insert(hindex); } } dst_offsets[row] = current_offset; } block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(dst); } }; void registerFunctionH3ToChildren(FunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction(); } }