-- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/9810 select cast(1 as String) from (select 1 as iid) as t1 join (select '1' as sid) as t2 on t2.sid = cast(t1.iid as String); -- even simpler cases select cast(7 as String), * from (select 3 "'String'"); select cast(7 as String), * from (select number "'String'" FROM numbers(2)); SELECT concat('xyz', 'abc'), * FROM (SELECT 2 AS "'xyz'"); with 3 as "1" select 1, "1"; -- { serverError AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME } -- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/9953 select 1, * from (select 2 x) a left join (select 1, 3 y) b on y = x; select 1, * from (select 2 x, 1) a right join (select 3 y) b on y = x; select null, isConstant(null), * from (select 2 x) a left join (select null, 3 y) b on y = x; select null, isConstant(null), * from (select 2 x, null) a right join (select 3 y) b on y = x; -- other cases with joins and constants select cast(1, 'UInt8') from (select arrayJoin([1, 2]) as a) t1 left join (select 1 as b) t2 on b = ignore('UInt8'); -- { serverError INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION } select isConstant('UInt8'), toFixedString('hello', toUInt8(substring('UInt8', 5, 1))) from (select arrayJoin([1, 2]) as a) t1 left join (select 1 as b) t2 on b = ignore('UInt8'); -- { serverError INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION } -- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/20624 select 2 as `toString(x)`, x from (select 1 as x);