sysctl kernel.core_pattern='core.%e.%p-%P'
source attach_gdb.lib
function escaped()
# That's the simplest way I found to escape a string in bash. Yep, bash is the most convenient programming language.
# Also limit lines width just in case (too long lines are not really useful usually)
clickhouse local -S 's String' --input-format=LineAsString -q "select substr(s, 1, $FAILURE_CONTEXT_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)
from table format CustomSeparated settings format_custom_row_after_delimiter='\\\\\\\\n'"
function head_escaped()
head -n $FAILURE_CONTEXT_LINES $1 | escaped
function unts()
grep -Po "[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] \K.*"
function trim_server_logs()
head -n $FAILURE_CONTEXT_LINES "/test_output/$1" | grep -Eo " \[ [0-9]+ \] \{.*" | escaped
function install_packages()
dpkg -i $1/clickhouse-common-static_*.deb
dpkg -i $1/clickhouse-common-static-dbg_*.deb
dpkg -i $1/clickhouse-server_*.deb
dpkg -i $1/clickhouse-client_*.deb
function configure()
# install test configs
# avoid too slow startup
sudo cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml \
| sed "s|100000|10000|" \
> /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml.tmp
sudo mv /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml.tmp /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml
sudo chown clickhouse /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml
sudo chgrp clickhouse /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/keeper_port.xml
# for clickhouse-server (via service)
echo "ASAN_OPTIONS='malloc_context_size=10 verbosity=1 allocator_release_to_os_interval_ms=10000'" >> /etc/environment
# for clickhouse-client
export ASAN_OPTIONS='malloc_context_size=10 allocator_release_to_os_interval_ms=10000'
# since we run clickhouse from root
sudo chown root: /var/lib/clickhouse
# Set more frequent update period of asynchronous metrics to more frequently update information about real memory usage (less chance of OOM).
echo "1" \
> /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/asynchronous_metrics_update_period_s.xml
local total_mem
total_mem=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $(NF-1) }' /proc/meminfo) # KiB
total_mem=$(( total_mem*1024 )) # bytes
# Set maximum memory usage as half of total memory (less chance of OOM).
# But not via max_server_memory_usage but via max_memory_usage_for_user,
# so that we can override this setting and execute service queries, like:
# - hung check
# - show/drop database
# - ...
# So max_memory_usage_for_user will be a soft limit, and
# max_server_memory_usage will be hard limit, and queries that should be
# executed regardless memory limits will use max_memory_usage_for_user=0,
# instead of relying on max_untracked_memory
echo "Setting max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio to ${max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio}"
cat > /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/max_server_memory_usage.xml <
local max_users_mem
max_users_mem=$((total_mem*30/100)) # 30%
echo "Setting max_memory_usage_for_user=$max_users_mem and max_memory_usage for queries to 10G"
cat > /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/max_memory_usage_for_user.xml <
cat > /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/core.xml <
# Analyzer is not yet ready for testing
cat > /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/no_analyzer.xml <
function stop()
local max_tries="${1:-90}"
local check_hang="${2:-true}"
local pid
# Preserve the pid, since the server can hung after the PID will be deleted.
pid="$(cat /var/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid)"
clickhouse stop --max-tries "$max_tries" --do-not-kill && return
if [ $check_hang == true ]
# We failed to stop the server with SIGTERM. Maybe it hang, let's collect stacktraces.
# Add a special status just in case, so it will be possible to find in the CI DB
echo -e "Warning: server did not stop yet$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
kill -TERM "$(pidof gdb)" ||:
sleep 5
# The server could finally stop while we were terminating gdb, let's recheck if it's still running
kill -s 0 $pid || return
echo -e "Possible deadlock on shutdown (see gdb.log)$FAIL" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
echo "thread apply all backtrace (on stop)" >> /test_output/gdb.log
timeout 30m gdb -batch -ex 'thread apply all backtrace' -p "$pid" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >> /test_output/gdb.log
clickhouse stop --force
function start()
until clickhouse-client --query "SELECT 1"
if [ "$counter" -gt ${1:-120} ]
echo "Cannot start clickhouse-server"
rg --text ".*Application" /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log > /test_output/application_errors.txt ||:
echo -e "Cannot start clickhouse-server$FAIL$(trim_server_logs application_errors.txt)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
cat /var/log/clickhouse-server/stdout.log
tail -n100 /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log
tail -n100000 /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log | rg -F -v -e ' RaftInstance:' -e ' RaftInstance' | tail -n100
# use root to match with current uid
clickhouse start --user root >/var/log/clickhouse-server/stdout.log 2>>/var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log
sleep 0.5
counter=$((counter + 1))
function check_server_start()
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT 'Server successfully started', 'OK', NULL, ''" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| (rg --text ".*Application" /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log > /test_output/application_errors.txt \
&& echo -e "Server failed to start (see application_errors.txt and clickhouse-server.clean.log)$FAIL$(trim_server_logs application_errors.txt)" \
>> /test_output/test_results.tsv)
# Remove file application_errors.txt if it's empty
[ -s /test_output/application_errors.txt ] || rm /test_output/application_errors.txt
function check_logs_for_critical_errors()
# Sanitizer asserts
rg -Fa "==================" /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log | rg -v "in query:" >> /test_output/tmp
rg -Fa "WARNING" /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log >> /test_output/tmp
rg -Fav -e "ASan doesn't fully support makecontext/swapcontext functions" -e "DB::Exception" /test_output/tmp > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Sanitizer assert (in stderr.log)$FAIL$(head_escaped /test_output/tmp)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No sanitizer asserts$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
rm -f /test_output/tmp
rg -Fa " Application: Child process was terminated by signal 9" /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server*.log > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Signal 9 in clickhouse-server.log$FAIL" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No OOM messages in clickhouse-server.log$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
# Logical errors
rg -Fa "Code: 49. DB::Exception: " /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server*.log > /test_output/logical_errors.txt \
&& echo -e "Logical error thrown (see clickhouse-server.log or logical_errors.txt)$FAIL$(head_escaped /test_output/logical_errors.txt)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No logical errors$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
# Remove file logical_errors.txt if it's empty
[ -s /test_output/logical_errors.txt ] || rm /test_output/logical_errors.txt
# No such key errors
rg --text "Code: 499.*The specified key does not exist" /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server*.log > /test_output/no_such_key_errors.txt \
&& echo -e "S3_ERROR No such key thrown (see clickhouse-server.log or no_such_key_errors.txt)$FAIL$(trim_server_logs no_such_key_errors.txt)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No lost s3 keys$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
# Remove file no_such_key_errors.txt if it's empty
[ -s /test_output/no_such_key_errors.txt ] || rm /test_output/no_such_key_errors.txt
# Crash
rg -Fa "########################################" /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server*.log > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Killed by signal (in clickhouse-server.log)$FAIL" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "Not crashed$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
# It also checks for crash without stacktrace (printed by watchdog)
rg -Fa " " /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server*.log > /test_output/fatal_messages.txt \
&& echo -e "Fatal message in clickhouse-server.log (see fatal_messages.txt)$FAIL$(trim_server_logs fatal_messages.txt)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No fatal messages in clickhouse-server.log$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
# Remove file fatal_messages.txt if it's empty
[ -s /test_output/fatal_messages.txt ] || rm /test_output/fatal_messages.txt
rg -Faz "########################################" /test_output/* > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Killed by signal (output files)$FAIL" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
function get_gdb_log_context()
rg -A50 -Fa " received signal " /test_output/gdb.log | head_escaped
rg -Fa " received signal " /test_output/gdb.log > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Found signal in gdb.log$FAIL$(get_gdb_log_context)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
dmesg -T > /test_output/dmesg.log
# OOM in dmesg -- those are real
grep -q -F -e 'Out of memory: Killed process' -e 'oom_reaper: reaped process' -e 'oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE' /test_output/dmesg.log \
&& echo -e "OOM in dmesg$FAIL$(head_escaped /test_output/dmesg.log)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No OOM in dmesg$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv
function collect_query_and_trace_logs()
for table in query_log trace_log
clickhouse-local --path /var/lib/clickhouse/ --only-system-tables -q "select * from system.$table format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" | zstd --threads=0 > /test_output/$table.tsv.zst ||:
function collect_core_dumps()
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -name 'core.*' | while read core; do
zstd --threads=0 $core
mv $core.zst /test_output/