CREATE TABLE system.aggregate_function_combinators ( `name` String, `is_internal` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemAggregateFunctionCombinators() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.asynchronous_inserts ( `query` String, `database` String, `table` String, `format` String, `first_update` DateTime64(6), `last_update` DateTime64(6), `total_bytes` UInt64, `entries.query_id` Array(String), `entries.bytes` Array(UInt64), `entries.finished` Array(UInt8), `entries.exception` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemAsynchronousInserts() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.asynchronous_metrics ( `metric` String, `value` Float64 ) ENGINE = SystemAsynchronousMetrics() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.build_options ( `name` String, `value` String ) ENGINE = SystemBuildOptions() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.clusters ( `cluster` String, `shard_num` UInt32, `shard_weight` UInt32, `replica_num` UInt32, `host_name` String, `host_address` String, `port` UInt16, `is_local` UInt8, `user` String, `default_database` String, `errors_count` UInt32, `slowdowns_count` UInt32, `estimated_recovery_time` UInt32 ) ENGINE = SystemClusters() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.collations ( `name` String, `language` Nullable(String) ) ENGINE = SystemTableCollations() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.columns ( `database` String, `table` String, `name` String, `type` String, `position` UInt64, `default_kind` String, `default_expression` String, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks_bytes` UInt64, `comment` String, `is_in_partition_key` UInt8, `is_in_sorting_key` UInt8, `is_in_primary_key` UInt8, `is_in_sampling_key` UInt8, `compression_codec` String, `character_octet_length` Nullable(UInt64), `numeric_precision` Nullable(UInt64), `numeric_precision_radix` Nullable(UInt64), `numeric_scale` Nullable(UInt64), `datetime_precision` Nullable(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemColumns() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.contributors ( `name` String ) ENGINE = SystemContributors() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.current_roles ( `role_name` String, `with_admin_option` UInt8, `is_default` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemCurrentRoles() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.data_skipping_indices ( `database` String, `table` String, `name` String, `type` String, `expr` String, `granularity` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemDataSkippingIndices() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.data_type_families ( `name` String, `case_insensitive` UInt8, `alias_to` String ) ENGINE = SystemTableDataTypeFamilies() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.databases ( `name` String, `engine` String, `data_path` String, `metadata_path` String, `uuid` UUID, `comment` String, `database` String ) ENGINE = SystemDatabases() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.detached_parts ( `database` String, `table` String, `partition_id` Nullable(String), `name` String, `disk` String, `reason` Nullable(String), `min_block_number` Nullable(Int64), `max_block_number` Nullable(Int64), `level` Nullable(UInt32) ) ENGINE = SystemDetachedParts() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.dictionaries ( `database` String, `name` String, `uuid` UUID, `status` Enum8('NOT_LOADED' = 0, 'LOADED' = 1, 'FAILED' = 2, 'LOADING' = 3, 'FAILED_AND_RELOADING' = 4, 'LOADED_AND_RELOADING' = 5, 'NOT_EXIST' = 6), `origin` String, `type` String, `key.names` Array(String), `key.types` Array(String), `attribute.names` Array(String), `attribute.types` Array(String), `bytes_allocated` UInt64, `hierarchical_index_bytes_allocated` UInt64, `query_count` UInt64, `hit_rate` Float64, `found_rate` Float64, `element_count` UInt64, `load_factor` Float64, `source` String, `lifetime_min` UInt64, `lifetime_max` UInt64, `loading_start_time` DateTime, `last_successful_update_time` DateTime, `loading_duration` Float32, `last_exception` String, `comment` String ) ENGINE = SystemDictionaries() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.disks ( `name` String, `path` String, `free_space` UInt64, `total_space` UInt64, `keep_free_space` UInt64, `type` String, `cache_path` String ) ENGINE = SystemDisks() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.distributed_ddl_queue ( `entry` String, `entry_version` Nullable(UInt8), `initiator_host` Nullable(String), `initiator_port` Nullable(UInt16), `cluster` String, `query` String, `settings` Map(String, String), `query_create_time` DateTime, `host` Nullable(String), `port` Nullable(UInt16), `status` Nullable(Enum8('Inactive' = 0, 'Active' = 1, 'Finished' = 2, 'Removing' = 3, 'Unknown' = 4)), `exception_code` Nullable(UInt16), `exception_text` Nullable(String), `query_finish_time` Nullable(DateTime), `query_duration_ms` Nullable(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemDDLWorkerQueue() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.distribution_queue ( `database` String, `table` String, `data_path` String, `is_blocked` UInt8, `error_count` UInt64, `data_files` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `broken_data_files` UInt64, `broken_data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `last_exception` String ) ENGINE = SystemDistributionQueue() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.enabled_roles ( `role_name` String, `with_admin_option` UInt8, `is_current` UInt8, `is_default` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemEnabledRoles() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.errors ( `name` String, `code` Int32, `value` UInt64, `last_error_time` DateTime, `last_error_message` String, `last_error_trace` Array(UInt64), `remote` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemErrors() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE ( `event` String, `value` UInt64, `description` String ) ENGINE = SystemEvents() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.formats ( `name` String, `is_input` UInt8, `is_output` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemFormats() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.functions ( `name` String, `is_aggregate` UInt8, `case_insensitive` UInt8, `alias_to` String, `create_query` String, `origin` Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) ) ENGINE = SystemFunctions() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.grants ( `user_name` Nullable(String), `role_name` Nullable(String), `access_type` Enum16('SHOW DATABASES' = 0, 'SHOW TABLES' = 1, 'SHOW COLUMNS' = 2, 'SHOW DICTIONARIES' = 3, 'SHOW' = 4, 'SELECT' = 5, 'INSERT' = 6, 'ALTER UPDATE' = 7, 'ALTER DELETE' = 8, 'ALTER ADD COLUMN' = 9, 'ALTER MODIFY COLUMN' = 10, 'ALTER DROP COLUMN' = 11, 'ALTER COMMENT COLUMN' = 12, 'ALTER CLEAR COLUMN' = 13, 'ALTER RENAME COLUMN' = 14, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE COLUMN' = 15, 'ALTER COLUMN' = 16, 'ALTER MODIFY COMMENT' = 17, 'ALTER ORDER BY' = 18, 'ALTER SAMPLE BY' = 19, 'ALTER ADD INDEX' = 20, 'ALTER DROP INDEX' = 21, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE INDEX' = 22, 'ALTER CLEAR INDEX' = 23, 'ALTER INDEX' = 24, 'ALTER ADD PROJECTION' = 25, 'ALTER DROP PROJECTION' = 26, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE PROJECTION' = 27, 'ALTER CLEAR PROJECTION' = 28, 'ALTER PROJECTION' = 29, 'ALTER ADD CONSTRAINT' = 30, 'ALTER DROP CONSTRAINT' = 31, 'ALTER CONSTRAINT' = 32, 'ALTER TTL' = 33, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE TTL' = 34, 'ALTER SETTINGS' = 35, 'ALTER MOVE PARTITION' = 36, 'ALTER FETCH PARTITION' = 37, 'ALTER FREEZE PARTITION' = 38, 'ALTER DATABASE SETTINGS' = 39, 'ALTER TABLE' = 40, 'ALTER DATABASE' = 41, 'ALTER VIEW REFRESH' = 42, 'ALTER VIEW MODIFY QUERY' = 43, 'ALTER VIEW' = 44, 'ALTER' = 45, 'CREATE DATABASE' = 46, 'CREATE TABLE' = 47, 'CREATE VIEW' = 48, 'CREATE DICTIONARY' = 49, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE' = 50, 'CREATE FUNCTION' = 51, 'CREATE' = 52, 'DROP DATABASE' = 53, 'DROP TABLE' = 54, 'DROP VIEW' = 55, 'DROP DICTIONARY' = 56, 'DROP FUNCTION' = 57, 'DROP' = 58, 'TRUNCATE' = 59, 'OPTIMIZE' = 60, 'KILL QUERY' = 61, 'KILL TRANSACTION' = 62, 'MOVE PARTITION BETWEEN SHARDS' = 63, 'CREATE USER' = 64, 'ALTER USER' = 65, 'DROP USER' = 66, 'CREATE ROLE' = 67, 'ALTER ROLE' = 68, 'DROP ROLE' = 69, 'ROLE ADMIN' = 70, 'CREATE ROW POLICY' = 71, 'ALTER ROW POLICY' = 72, 'DROP ROW POLICY' = 73, 'CREATE QUOTA' = 74, 'ALTER QUOTA' = 75, 'DROP QUOTA' = 76, 'CREATE SETTINGS PROFILE' = 77, 'ALTER SETTINGS PROFILE' = 78, 'DROP SETTINGS PROFILE' = 79, 'SHOW USERS' = 80, 'SHOW ROLES' = 81, 'SHOW ROW POLICIES' = 82, 'SHOW QUOTAS' = 83, 'SHOW SETTINGS PROFILES' = 84, 'SHOW ACCESS' = 85, 'ACCESS MANAGEMENT' = 86, 'SYSTEM SHUTDOWN' = 87, 'SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE' = 88, 'SYSTEM DROP MARK CACHE' = 89, 'SYSTEM DROP UNCOMPRESSED CACHE' = 90, 'SYSTEM DROP MMAP CACHE' = 91, 'SYSTEM DROP COMPILED EXPRESSION CACHE' = 92, 'SYSTEM DROP CACHE' = 93, 'SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG' = 94, 'SYSTEM RELOAD SYMBOLS' = 95, 'SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY' = 96, 'SYSTEM RELOAD MODEL' = 97, 'SYSTEM RELOAD FUNCTION' = 98, 'SYSTEM RELOAD EMBEDDED DICTIONARIES' = 99, 'SYSTEM RELOAD' = 100, 'SYSTEM RESTART DISK' = 101, 'SYSTEM MERGES' = 102, 'SYSTEM TTL MERGES' = 103, 'SYSTEM FETCHES' = 104, 'SYSTEM MOVES' = 105, 'SYSTEM DISTRIBUTED SENDS' = 106, 'SYSTEM REPLICATED SENDS' = 107, 'SYSTEM SENDS' = 108, 'SYSTEM REPLICATION QUEUES' = 109, 'SYSTEM DROP REPLICA' = 110, 'SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA' = 111, 'SYSTEM RESTART REPLICA' = 112, 'SYSTEM RESTORE REPLICA' = 113, 'SYSTEM SYNC DATABASE REPLICA' = 114, 'SYSTEM SYNC TRANSACTION LOG' = 115, 'SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED' = 116, 'SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS' = 117, 'SYSTEM FLUSH' = 118, 'SYSTEM THREAD FUZZER' = 119, 'SYSTEM UNFREEZE' = 120, 'SYSTEM' = 121, 'dictGet' = 122, 'addressToLine' = 123, 'addressToLineWithInlines' = 124, 'addressToSymbol' = 125, 'demangle' = 126, 'INTROSPECTION' = 127, 'FILE' = 128, 'URL' = 129, 'REMOTE' = 130, 'MONGO' = 131, 'MEILISEARCH' = 132, 'MYSQL' = 133, 'POSTGRES' = 134, 'SQLITE' = 135, 'ODBC' = 136, 'JDBC' = 137, 'HDFS' = 138, 'S3' = 139, 'HIVE' = 140, 'SOURCES' = 141, 'CLUSTER' = 142, 'ALL' = 143, 'NONE' = 144), `database` Nullable(String), `table` Nullable(String), `column` Nullable(String), `is_partial_revoke` UInt8, `grant_option` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemGrants() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.graphite_retentions ( `config_name` String, `rule_type` String, `regexp` String, `function` String, `age` UInt64, `precision` UInt64, `priority` UInt16, `is_default` UInt8, `Tables.database` Array(String), `Tables.table` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemGraphite() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.licenses ( `library_name` String, `license_type` String, `license_path` String, `license_text` String ) ENGINE = SystemLicenses() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.macros ( `macro` String, `substitution` String ) ENGINE = SystemMacros() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.merge_tree_settings ( `name` String, `value` String, `changed` UInt8, `description` String, `type` String ) ENGINE = SystemMergeTreeSettings() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.merges ( `database` String, `table` String, `elapsed` Float64, `progress` Float64, `num_parts` UInt64, `source_part_names` Array(String), `result_part_name` String, `source_part_paths` Array(String), `result_part_path` String, `partition_id` String, `is_mutation` UInt8, `total_size_bytes_compressed` UInt64, `total_size_marks` UInt64, `bytes_read_uncompressed` UInt64, `rows_read` UInt64, `bytes_written_uncompressed` UInt64, `rows_written` UInt64, `columns_written` UInt64, `memory_usage` UInt64, `thread_id` UInt64, `merge_type` String, `merge_algorithm` String ) ENGINE = SystemMerges() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.metrics ( `metric` String, `value` Int64, `description` String ) ENGINE = SystemMetrics() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.models ( `name` String, `status` Enum8('NOT_LOADED' = 0, 'LOADED' = 1, 'FAILED' = 2, 'LOADING' = 3, 'FAILED_AND_RELOADING' = 4, 'LOADED_AND_RELOADING' = 5, 'NOT_EXIST' = 6), `origin` String, `type` String, `loading_start_time` DateTime, `loading_duration` Float32, `last_exception` String ) ENGINE = SystemModels() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.mutations ( `database` String, `table` String, `mutation_id` String, `command` String, `create_time` DateTime, `block_numbers.partition_id` Array(String), `block_numbers.number` Array(Int64), `parts_to_do_names` Array(String), `parts_to_do` Int64, `is_done` UInt8, `latest_failed_part` String, `latest_fail_time` DateTime, `latest_fail_reason` String ) ENGINE = SystemMutations() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.numbers ( `number` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemNumbers() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.numbers_mt ( `number` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemNumbers() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE ( `dummy` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemOne() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.part_moves_between_shards ( `database` String, `table` String, `task_name` String, `task_uuid` UUID, `create_time` DateTime, `part_name` String, `part_uuid` UUID, `to_shard` String, `dst_part_name` String, `update_time` DateTime, `state` String, `rollback` UInt8, `num_tries` UInt32, `last_exception` String ) ENGINE = SystemShardMoves() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE ( `partition` String, `name` String, `uuid` UUID, `part_type` String, `active` UInt8, `marks` UInt64, `rows` UInt64, `bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks_bytes` UInt64, `secondary_indices_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `secondary_indices_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `secondary_indices_marks_bytes` UInt64, `modification_time` DateTime, `remove_time` DateTime, `refcount` UInt32, `min_date` Date, `max_date` Date, `min_time` DateTime, `max_time` DateTime, `partition_id` String, `min_block_number` Int64, `max_block_number` Int64, `level` UInt32, `data_version` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated` UInt64, `is_frozen` UInt8, `database` String, `table` String, `engine` String, `disk_name` String, `path` String, `hash_of_all_files` String, `hash_of_uncompressed_files` String, `uncompressed_hash_of_compressed_files` String, `delete_ttl_info_min` DateTime, `delete_ttl_info_max` DateTime, `move_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `move_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `move_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `default_compression_codec` String, `recompression_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `recompression_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `recompression_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `group_by_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `group_by_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `group_by_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `rows_where_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `rows_where_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `rows_where_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `projections` Array(String), `visible` UInt8, `creation_tid` Tuple(UInt64, UInt64, UUID), `removal_tid_lock` UInt64, `removal_tid` Tuple(UInt64, UInt64, UUID), `creation_csn` UInt64, `removal_csn` UInt64, `bytes` UInt64, `marks_size` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemParts() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.parts_columns ( `partition` String, `name` String, `uuid` UUID, `part_type` String, `active` UInt8, `marks` UInt64, `rows` UInt64, `bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks_bytes` UInt64, `modification_time` DateTime, `remove_time` DateTime, `refcount` UInt32, `min_date` Date, `max_date` Date, `min_time` DateTime, `max_time` DateTime, `partition_id` String, `min_block_number` Int64, `max_block_number` Int64, `level` UInt32, `data_version` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated` UInt64, `database` String, `table` String, `engine` String, `disk_name` String, `path` String, `column` String, `type` String, `column_position` UInt64, `default_kind` String, `default_expression` String, `column_bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `column_data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `column_data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `column_marks_bytes` UInt64, `serialization_kind` String, `subcolumns.names` Array(String), `subcolumns.types` Array(String), `subcolumns.serializations` Array(String), `subcolumns.bytes_on_disk` Array(UInt64), `subcolumns.data_compressed_bytes` Array(UInt64), `subcolumns.data_uncompressed_bytes` Array(UInt64), `subcolumns.marks_bytes` Array(UInt64), `bytes` UInt64, `marks_size` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemPartsColumns() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.privileges ( `privilege` Enum16('SHOW DATABASES' = 0, 'SHOW TABLES' = 1, 'SHOW COLUMNS' = 2, 'SHOW DICTIONARIES' = 3, 'SHOW' = 4, 'SELECT' = 5, 'INSERT' = 6, 'ALTER UPDATE' = 7, 'ALTER DELETE' = 8, 'ALTER ADD COLUMN' = 9, 'ALTER MODIFY COLUMN' = 10, 'ALTER DROP COLUMN' = 11, 'ALTER COMMENT COLUMN' = 12, 'ALTER CLEAR COLUMN' = 13, 'ALTER RENAME COLUMN' = 14, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE COLUMN' = 15, 'ALTER COLUMN' = 16, 'ALTER MODIFY COMMENT' = 17, 'ALTER ORDER BY' = 18, 'ALTER SAMPLE BY' = 19, 'ALTER ADD INDEX' = 20, 'ALTER DROP INDEX' = 21, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE INDEX' = 22, 'ALTER CLEAR INDEX' = 23, 'ALTER INDEX' = 24, 'ALTER ADD PROJECTION' = 25, 'ALTER DROP PROJECTION' = 26, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE PROJECTION' = 27, 'ALTER CLEAR PROJECTION' = 28, 'ALTER PROJECTION' = 29, 'ALTER ADD CONSTRAINT' = 30, 'ALTER DROP CONSTRAINT' = 31, 'ALTER CONSTRAINT' = 32, 'ALTER TTL' = 33, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE TTL' = 34, 'ALTER SETTINGS' = 35, 'ALTER MOVE PARTITION' = 36, 'ALTER FETCH PARTITION' = 37, 'ALTER FREEZE PARTITION' = 38, 'ALTER DATABASE SETTINGS' = 39, 'ALTER TABLE' = 40, 'ALTER DATABASE' = 41, 'ALTER VIEW REFRESH' = 42, 'ALTER VIEW MODIFY QUERY' = 43, 'ALTER VIEW' = 44, 'ALTER' = 45, 'CREATE DATABASE' = 46, 'CREATE TABLE' = 47, 'CREATE VIEW' = 48, 'CREATE DICTIONARY' = 49, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE' = 50, 'CREATE FUNCTION' = 51, 'CREATE' = 52, 'DROP DATABASE' = 53, 'DROP TABLE' = 54, 'DROP VIEW' = 55, 'DROP DICTIONARY' = 56, 'DROP FUNCTION' = 57, 'DROP' = 58, 'TRUNCATE' = 59, 'OPTIMIZE' = 60, 'KILL QUERY' = 61, 'KILL TRANSACTION' = 62, 'MOVE PARTITION BETWEEN SHARDS' = 63, 'CREATE USER' = 64, 'ALTER USER' = 65, 'DROP USER' = 66, 'CREATE ROLE' = 67, 'ALTER ROLE' = 68, 'DROP ROLE' = 69, 'ROLE ADMIN' = 70, 'CREATE ROW POLICY' = 71, 'ALTER ROW POLICY' = 72, 'DROP ROW POLICY' = 73, 'CREATE QUOTA' = 74, 'ALTER QUOTA' = 75, 'DROP QUOTA' = 76, 'CREATE SETTINGS PROFILE' = 77, 'ALTER SETTINGS PROFILE' = 78, 'DROP SETTINGS PROFILE' = 79, 'SHOW USERS' = 80, 'SHOW ROLES' = 81, 'SHOW ROW POLICIES' = 82, 'SHOW QUOTAS' = 83, 'SHOW SETTINGS PROFILES' = 84, 'SHOW ACCESS' = 85, 'ACCESS MANAGEMENT' = 86, 'SYSTEM SHUTDOWN' = 87, 'SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE' = 88, 'SYSTEM DROP MARK CACHE' = 89, 'SYSTEM DROP UNCOMPRESSED CACHE' = 90, 'SYSTEM DROP MMAP CACHE' = 91, 'SYSTEM DROP COMPILED EXPRESSION CACHE' = 92, 'SYSTEM DROP CACHE' = 93, 'SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG' = 94, 'SYSTEM RELOAD SYMBOLS' = 95, 'SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY' = 96, 'SYSTEM RELOAD MODEL' = 97, 'SYSTEM RELOAD FUNCTION' = 98, 'SYSTEM RELOAD EMBEDDED DICTIONARIES' = 99, 'SYSTEM RELOAD' = 100, 'SYSTEM RESTART DISK' = 101, 'SYSTEM MERGES' = 102, 'SYSTEM TTL MERGES' = 103, 'SYSTEM FETCHES' = 104, 'SYSTEM MOVES' = 105, 'SYSTEM DISTRIBUTED SENDS' = 106, 'SYSTEM REPLICATED SENDS' = 107, 'SYSTEM SENDS' = 108, 'SYSTEM REPLICATION QUEUES' = 109, 'SYSTEM DROP REPLICA' = 110, 'SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA' = 111, 'SYSTEM RESTART REPLICA' = 112, 'SYSTEM RESTORE REPLICA' = 113, 'SYSTEM SYNC DATABASE REPLICA' = 114, 'SYSTEM SYNC TRANSACTION LOG' = 115, 'SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED' = 116, 'SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS' = 117, 'SYSTEM FLUSH' = 118, 'SYSTEM THREAD FUZZER' = 119, 'SYSTEM UNFREEZE' = 120, 'SYSTEM' = 121, 'dictGet' = 122, 'addressToLine' = 123, 'addressToLineWithInlines' = 124, 'addressToSymbol' = 125, 'demangle' = 126, 'INTROSPECTION' = 127, 'FILE' = 128, 'URL' = 129, 'REMOTE' = 130, 'MONGO' = 131, 'MEILISEARCH' = 132, 'MYSQL' = 133, 'POSTGRES' = 134, 'SQLITE' = 135, 'ODBC' = 136, 'JDBC' = 137, 'HDFS' = 138, 'S3' = 139, 'HIVE' = 140, 'SOURCES' = 141, 'CLUSTER' = 142, 'ALL' = 143, 'NONE' = 144), `aliases` Array(String), `level` Nullable(Enum8('GLOBAL' = 0, 'DATABASE' = 1, 'TABLE' = 2, 'DICTIONARY' = 3, 'VIEW' = 4, 'COLUMN' = 5)), `parent_group` Nullable(Enum16('SHOW DATABASES' = 0, 'SHOW TABLES' = 1, 'SHOW COLUMNS' = 2, 'SHOW DICTIONARIES' = 3, 'SHOW' = 4, 'SELECT' = 5, 'INSERT' = 6, 'ALTER UPDATE' = 7, 'ALTER DELETE' = 8, 'ALTER ADD COLUMN' = 9, 'ALTER MODIFY COLUMN' = 10, 'ALTER DROP COLUMN' = 11, 'ALTER COMMENT COLUMN' = 12, 'ALTER CLEAR COLUMN' = 13, 'ALTER RENAME COLUMN' = 14, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE COLUMN' = 15, 'ALTER COLUMN' = 16, 'ALTER MODIFY COMMENT' = 17, 'ALTER ORDER BY' = 18, 'ALTER SAMPLE BY' = 19, 'ALTER ADD INDEX' = 20, 'ALTER DROP INDEX' = 21, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE INDEX' = 22, 'ALTER CLEAR INDEX' = 23, 'ALTER INDEX' = 24, 'ALTER ADD PROJECTION' = 25, 'ALTER DROP PROJECTION' = 26, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE PROJECTION' = 27, 'ALTER CLEAR PROJECTION' = 28, 'ALTER PROJECTION' = 29, 'ALTER ADD CONSTRAINT' = 30, 'ALTER DROP CONSTRAINT' = 31, 'ALTER CONSTRAINT' = 32, 'ALTER TTL' = 33, 'ALTER MATERIALIZE TTL' = 34, 'ALTER SETTINGS' = 35, 'ALTER MOVE PARTITION' = 36, 'ALTER FETCH PARTITION' = 37, 'ALTER FREEZE PARTITION' = 38, 'ALTER DATABASE SETTINGS' = 39, 'ALTER TABLE' = 40, 'ALTER DATABASE' = 41, 'ALTER VIEW REFRESH' = 42, 'ALTER VIEW MODIFY QUERY' = 43, 'ALTER VIEW' = 44, 'ALTER' = 45, 'CREATE DATABASE' = 46, 'CREATE TABLE' = 47, 'CREATE VIEW' = 48, 'CREATE DICTIONARY' = 49, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE' = 50, 'CREATE FUNCTION' = 51, 'CREATE' = 52, 'DROP DATABASE' = 53, 'DROP TABLE' = 54, 'DROP VIEW' = 55, 'DROP DICTIONARY' = 56, 'DROP FUNCTION' = 57, 'DROP' = 58, 'TRUNCATE' = 59, 'OPTIMIZE' = 60, 'KILL QUERY' = 61, 'KILL TRANSACTION' = 62, 'MOVE PARTITION BETWEEN SHARDS' = 63, 'CREATE USER' = 64, 'ALTER USER' = 65, 'DROP USER' = 66, 'CREATE ROLE' = 67, 'ALTER ROLE' = 68, 'DROP ROLE' = 69, 'ROLE ADMIN' = 70, 'CREATE ROW POLICY' = 71, 'ALTER ROW POLICY' = 72, 'DROP ROW POLICY' = 73, 'CREATE QUOTA' = 74, 'ALTER QUOTA' = 75, 'DROP QUOTA' = 76, 'CREATE SETTINGS PROFILE' = 77, 'ALTER SETTINGS PROFILE' = 78, 'DROP SETTINGS PROFILE' = 79, 'SHOW USERS' = 80, 'SHOW ROLES' = 81, 'SHOW ROW POLICIES' = 82, 'SHOW QUOTAS' = 83, 'SHOW SETTINGS PROFILES' = 84, 'SHOW ACCESS' = 85, 'ACCESS MANAGEMENT' = 86, 'SYSTEM SHUTDOWN' = 87, 'SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE' = 88, 'SYSTEM DROP MARK CACHE' = 89, 'SYSTEM DROP UNCOMPRESSED CACHE' = 90, 'SYSTEM DROP MMAP CACHE' = 91, 'SYSTEM DROP COMPILED EXPRESSION CACHE' = 92, 'SYSTEM DROP CACHE' = 93, 'SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG' = 94, 'SYSTEM RELOAD SYMBOLS' = 95, 'SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY' = 96, 'SYSTEM RELOAD MODEL' = 97, 'SYSTEM RELOAD FUNCTION' = 98, 'SYSTEM RELOAD EMBEDDED DICTIONARIES' = 99, 'SYSTEM RELOAD' = 100, 'SYSTEM RESTART DISK' = 101, 'SYSTEM MERGES' = 102, 'SYSTEM TTL MERGES' = 103, 'SYSTEM FETCHES' = 104, 'SYSTEM MOVES' = 105, 'SYSTEM DISTRIBUTED SENDS' = 106, 'SYSTEM REPLICATED SENDS' = 107, 'SYSTEM SENDS' = 108, 'SYSTEM REPLICATION QUEUES' = 109, 'SYSTEM DROP REPLICA' = 110, 'SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA' = 111, 'SYSTEM RESTART REPLICA' = 112, 'SYSTEM RESTORE REPLICA' = 113, 'SYSTEM SYNC DATABASE REPLICA' = 114, 'SYSTEM SYNC TRANSACTION LOG' = 115, 'SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED' = 116, 'SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS' = 117, 'SYSTEM FLUSH' = 118, 'SYSTEM THREAD FUZZER' = 119, 'SYSTEM UNFREEZE' = 120, 'SYSTEM' = 121, 'dictGet' = 122, 'addressToLine' = 123, 'addressToLineWithInlines' = 124, 'addressToSymbol' = 125, 'demangle' = 126, 'INTROSPECTION' = 127, 'FILE' = 128, 'URL' = 129, 'REMOTE' = 130, 'MONGO' = 131, 'MEILISEARCH' = 132, 'MYSQL' = 133, 'POSTGRES' = 134, 'SQLITE' = 135, 'ODBC' = 136, 'JDBC' = 137, 'HDFS' = 138, 'S3' = 139, 'HIVE' = 140, 'SOURCES' = 141, 'CLUSTER' = 142, 'ALL' = 143, 'NONE' = 144)) ) ENGINE = SystemPrivileges() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.processes ( `is_initial_query` UInt8, `user` String, `query_id` String, `address` IPv6, `port` UInt16, `initial_user` String, `initial_query_id` String, `initial_address` IPv6, `initial_port` UInt16, `interface` UInt8, `os_user` String, `client_hostname` String, `client_name` String, `client_revision` UInt64, `client_version_major` UInt64, `client_version_minor` UInt64, `client_version_patch` UInt64, `http_method` UInt8, `http_user_agent` String, `http_referer` String, `forwarded_for` String, `quota_key` String, `distributed_depth` UInt64, `elapsed` Float64, `is_cancelled` UInt8, `is_all_data_sent` UInt8, `read_rows` UInt64, `read_bytes` UInt64, `total_rows_approx` UInt64, `written_rows` UInt64, `written_bytes` UInt64, `memory_usage` Int64, `peak_memory_usage` Int64, `query` String, `thread_ids` Array(UInt64), `ProfileEvents` Map(String, UInt64), `Settings` Map(String, String), `current_database` String, `ProfileEvents.Names` Array(String), `ProfileEvents.Values` Array(UInt64), `Settings.Names` Array(String), `Settings.Values` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemProcesses() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.projection_parts ( `partition` String, `name` String, `part_type` String, `parent_name` String, `parent_uuid` UUID, `parent_part_type` String, `active` UInt8, `marks` UInt64, `rows` UInt64, `bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks_bytes` UInt64, `parent_marks` UInt64, `parent_rows` UInt64, `parent_bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `parent_data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `parent_data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `parent_marks_bytes` UInt64, `modification_time` DateTime, `remove_time` DateTime, `refcount` UInt32, `min_date` Date, `max_date` Date, `min_time` DateTime, `max_time` DateTime, `partition_id` String, `min_block_number` Int64, `max_block_number` Int64, `level` UInt32, `data_version` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated` UInt64, `is_frozen` UInt8, `database` String, `table` String, `engine` String, `disk_name` String, `path` String, `hash_of_all_files` String, `hash_of_uncompressed_files` String, `uncompressed_hash_of_compressed_files` String, `delete_ttl_info_min` DateTime, `delete_ttl_info_max` DateTime, `move_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `move_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `move_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `default_compression_codec` String, `recompression_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `recompression_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `recompression_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `group_by_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `group_by_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `group_by_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `rows_where_ttl_info.expression` Array(String), `rows_where_ttl_info.min` Array(DateTime), `rows_where_ttl_info.max` Array(DateTime), `bytes` UInt64, `marks_size` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemProjectionParts() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.projection_parts_columns ( `partition` String, `name` String, `part_type` String, `parent_name` String, `parent_uuid` UUID, `parent_part_type` String, `active` UInt8, `marks` UInt64, `rows` UInt64, `bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `marks_bytes` UInt64, `parent_marks` UInt64, `parent_rows` UInt64, `parent_bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `parent_data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `parent_data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `parent_marks_bytes` UInt64, `modification_time` DateTime, `remove_time` DateTime, `refcount` UInt32, `min_date` Date, `max_date` Date, `min_time` DateTime, `max_time` DateTime, `partition_id` String, `min_block_number` Int64, `max_block_number` Int64, `level` UInt32, `data_version` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory` UInt64, `primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated` UInt64, `database` String, `table` String, `engine` String, `disk_name` String, `path` String, `column` String, `type` String, `column_position` UInt64, `default_kind` String, `default_expression` String, `column_bytes_on_disk` UInt64, `column_data_compressed_bytes` UInt64, `column_data_uncompressed_bytes` UInt64, `column_marks_bytes` UInt64, `bytes` UInt64, `marks_size` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemProjectionPartsColumns() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.quota_limits ( `quota_name` String, `duration` UInt32, `is_randomized_interval` UInt8, `max_queries` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_selects` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_inserts` Nullable(UInt64), `max_errors` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_execution_time` Nullable(Float64), `max_written_bytes` Nullable(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemQuotaLimits() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.quota_usage ( `quota_name` String, `quota_key` String, `start_time` Nullable(DateTime), `end_time` Nullable(DateTime), `duration` Nullable(UInt32), `queries` Nullable(UInt64), `max_queries` Nullable(UInt64), `query_selects` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_selects` Nullable(UInt64), `query_inserts` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_inserts` Nullable(UInt64), `errors` Nullable(UInt64), `max_errors` Nullable(UInt64), `result_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `result_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `read_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `read_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `execution_time` Nullable(Float64), `max_execution_time` Nullable(Float64), `written_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_written_bytes` Nullable(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemQuotaUsage() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.quotas ( `name` String, `id` UUID, `storage` String, `keys` Array(Enum8('user_name' = 1, 'ip_address' = 2, 'forwarded_ip_address' = 3, 'client_key' = 4)), `durations` Array(UInt32), `apply_to_all` UInt8, `apply_to_list` Array(String), `apply_to_except` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemQuotas() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.quotas_usage ( `quota_name` String, `quota_key` String, `is_current` UInt8, `start_time` Nullable(DateTime), `end_time` Nullable(DateTime), `duration` Nullable(UInt32), `queries` Nullable(UInt64), `max_queries` Nullable(UInt64), `query_selects` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_selects` Nullable(UInt64), `query_inserts` Nullable(UInt64), `max_query_inserts` Nullable(UInt64), `errors` Nullable(UInt64), `max_errors` Nullable(UInt64), `result_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `result_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_result_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `read_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `read_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_read_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `execution_time` Nullable(Float64), `max_execution_time` Nullable(Float64), `written_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `max_written_bytes` Nullable(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemQuotasUsage() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.replicas ( `database` String, `table` String, `engine` String, `is_leader` UInt8, `can_become_leader` UInt8, `is_readonly` UInt8, `is_session_expired` UInt8, `future_parts` UInt32, `parts_to_check` UInt32, `zookeeper_path` String, `replica_name` String, `replica_path` String, `columns_version` Int32, `queue_size` UInt32, `inserts_in_queue` UInt32, `merges_in_queue` UInt32, `part_mutations_in_queue` UInt32, `queue_oldest_time` DateTime, `inserts_oldest_time` DateTime, `merges_oldest_time` DateTime, `part_mutations_oldest_time` DateTime, `oldest_part_to_get` String, `oldest_part_to_merge_to` String, `oldest_part_to_mutate_to` String, `log_max_index` UInt64, `log_pointer` UInt64, `last_queue_update` DateTime, `absolute_delay` UInt64, `total_replicas` UInt8, `active_replicas` UInt8, `last_queue_update_exception` String, `zookeeper_exception` String, `replica_is_active` Map(String, UInt8) ) ENGINE = SystemReplicas() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.replicated_fetches ( `database` String, `table` String, `elapsed` Float64, `progress` Float64, `result_part_name` String, `result_part_path` String, `partition_id` String, `total_size_bytes_compressed` UInt64, `bytes_read_compressed` UInt64, `source_replica_path` String, `source_replica_hostname` String, `source_replica_port` UInt16, `interserver_scheme` String, `URI` String, `to_detached` UInt8, `thread_id` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemReplicatedFetches() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.replicated_merge_tree_settings ( `name` String, `value` String, `changed` UInt8, `description` String, `type` String ) ENGINE = SystemReplicatedMergeTreeSettings() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.replication_queue ( `database` String, `table` String, `replica_name` String, `position` UInt32, `node_name` String, `type` String, `create_time` DateTime, `required_quorum` UInt32, `source_replica` String, `new_part_name` String, `parts_to_merge` Array(String), `is_detach` UInt8, `is_currently_executing` UInt8, `num_tries` UInt32, `last_exception` String, `last_attempt_time` DateTime, `num_postponed` UInt32, `postpone_reason` String, `last_postpone_time` DateTime, `merge_type` String ) ENGINE = SystemReplicationQueue() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.role_grants ( `user_name` Nullable(String), `role_name` Nullable(String), `granted_role_name` String, `granted_role_is_default` UInt8, `with_admin_option` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemRoleGrants() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.roles ( `name` String, `id` UUID, `storage` String ) ENGINE = SystemRoles() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.row_policies ( `name` String, `short_name` String, `database` String, `table` String, `id` UUID, `storage` String, `select_filter` Nullable(String), `is_restrictive` UInt8, `apply_to_all` UInt8, `apply_to_list` Array(String), `apply_to_except` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemRowPolicies() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.settings ( `name` String, `value` String, `changed` UInt8, `description` String, `min` Nullable(String), `max` Nullable(String), `readonly` UInt8, `type` String ) ENGINE = SystemSettings() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.settings_profile_elements ( `profile_name` Nullable(String), `user_name` Nullable(String), `role_name` Nullable(String), `index` UInt64, `setting_name` Nullable(String), `value` Nullable(String), `min` Nullable(String), `max` Nullable(String), `readonly` Nullable(UInt8), `inherit_profile` Nullable(String) ) ENGINE = SystemSettingsProfileElements() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.settings_profiles ( `name` String, `id` UUID, `storage` String, `num_elements` UInt64, `apply_to_all` UInt8, `apply_to_list` Array(String), `apply_to_except` Array(String) ) ENGINE = SystemSettingsProfiles() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.stack_trace ( `thread_name` String, `thread_id` UInt64, `query_id` String, `trace` Array(UInt64) ) ENGINE = SystemStackTrace() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.storage_policies ( `policy_name` String, `volume_name` String, `volume_priority` UInt64, `disks` Array(String), `volume_type` String, `max_data_part_size` UInt64, `move_factor` Float32, `prefer_not_to_merge` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemStoragePolicies() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.table_engines ( `name` String, `supports_settings` UInt8, `supports_skipping_indices` UInt8, `supports_projections` UInt8, `supports_sort_order` UInt8, `supports_ttl` UInt8, `supports_replication` UInt8, `supports_deduplication` UInt8, `supports_parallel_insert` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemTableEngines() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.table_functions ( `name` String ) ENGINE = SystemTableFunctions() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.tables ( `database` String, `name` String, `uuid` UUID, `engine` String, `is_temporary` UInt8, `data_paths` Array(String), `metadata_path` String, `metadata_modification_time` DateTime, `dependencies_database` Array(String), `dependencies_table` Array(String), `create_table_query` String, `engine_full` String, `as_select` String, `partition_key` String, `sorting_key` String, `primary_key` String, `sampling_key` String, `storage_policy` String, `total_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `total_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `lifetime_rows` Nullable(UInt64), `lifetime_bytes` Nullable(UInt64), `comment` String, `has_own_data` UInt8, `loading_dependencies_database` Array(String), `loading_dependencies_table` Array(String), `loading_dependent_database` Array(String), `loading_dependent_table` Array(String), `table` String ) ENGINE = SystemTables() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.time_zones ( `time_zone` String ) ENGINE = SystemTimeZones() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.user_directories ( `name` String, `type` String, `params` String, `precedence` UInt64 ) ENGINE = SystemUserDirectories() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.users ( `name` String, `id` UUID, `storage` String, `auth_type` Enum8('no_password' = 0, 'plaintext_password' = 1, 'sha256_password' = 2, 'double_sha1_password' = 3, 'ldap' = 4, 'kerberos' = 5, 'ssl_certificate' = 6), `auth_params` String, `host_ip` Array(String), `host_names` Array(String), `host_names_regexp` Array(String), `host_names_like` Array(String), `default_roles_all` UInt8, `default_roles_list` Array(String), `default_roles_except` Array(String), `grantees_any` UInt8, `grantees_list` Array(String), `grantees_except` Array(String), `default_database` String ) ENGINE = SystemUsers() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.warnings ( `message` String ) ENGINE = SystemWarnings() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.zeros ( `zero` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemZeros() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.' CREATE TABLE system.zeros_mt ( `zero` UInt8 ) ENGINE = SystemZeros() COMMENT 'SYSTEM TABLE is built on the fly.'