if (OS_LINUX AND NOT SANITIZE) set(ENABLE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT 1) else () set(ENABLE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT 0) endif () option (ENABLE_JEMALLOC "Set to TRUE to use jemalloc" ${ENABLE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT}) if (OS_LINUX) option (USE_INTERNAL_JEMALLOC_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system jemalloc library instead of bundled" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED}) elseif () option (USE_INTERNAL_JEMALLOC_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system jemalloc library instead of bundled" OFF) endif() if (ENABLE_JEMALLOC) if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_JEMALLOC_LIBRARY) find_package (JeMalloc) endif () if (NOT JEMALLOC_LIBRARIES) set (JEMALLOC_LIBRARIES "jemalloc") set (USE_INTERNAL_JEMALLOC_LIBRARY 1) endif () if (JEMALLOC_LIBRARIES) set (USE_JEMALLOC 1) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_JEMALLOC is set to true, but library was not found") endif () if (SANITIZE) message (FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_JEMALLOC is set to true, but it cannot be used with sanitizers") endif () message (STATUS "Using jemalloc=${USE_JEMALLOC}: ${JEMALLOC_LIBRARIES}") endif ()