#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } namespace { struct FormatDateTimeTraits { enum class SupportInteger { Yes, No }; enum class FormatSyntax { MySQL, Joda }; }; template struct InstructionValueTypeMap {}; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt16; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = Int32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = UInt32; }; template <> struct InstructionValueTypeMap { using InstructionValueType = Int64; }; /// Cast value from integer to string, making sure digits number in result string is no less than total_digits by padding leading '0'. String padValue(UInt32 val, size_t min_digits) { String str = std::to_string(val); auto length = str.size(); if (length >= min_digits) return str; String paddings(min_digits - length, '0'); return str.insert(0, paddings); } constexpr std::string_view weekdaysFull[] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}; constexpr std::string_view weekdaysShort[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; constexpr std::string_view monthsFull[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; constexpr std::string_view monthsShort[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; /** formatDateTime(time, 'format') * Performs formatting of time, according to provided format. * * This function is optimized with an assumption, that the resulting strings are fixed width. * (This assumption is fulfilled for currently supported formatting options). * * It is implemented in two steps. * At first step, it creates a template of zeros, literal characters, whitespaces, etc. * and quickly fills resulting character array (string column) with this format. * At second step, it walks across the resulting character array and modifies/replaces specific characters, * by calling some functions by pointers and shifting cursor by specified amount. * * Advantages: * - memcpy is mostly unrolled; * - low number of arithmetic ops due to pre-filled template; * - for somewhat reason, function by pointer call is faster than switch/case. * * Possible further optimization options: * - slightly interleave first and second step for better cache locality * (but it has no sense when character array fits in L1d cache); * - avoid indirect function calls and inline functions with JIT compilation. * * Performance on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz: * * WITH formatDateTime(now() + number, '%H:%M:%S') AS x SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(x); * - 97 million rows per second per core; * * WITH formatDateTime(toDateTime('2018-01-01 00:00:00') + number, '%F %T') AS x SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(x) * - 71 million rows per second per core; * * select count() from (select formatDateTime(t, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') from (select toDateTime('2018-01-01 00:00:00')+number as t from numbers(100000000))); * - 53 million rows per second per core; * * select count() from (select formatDateTime(t, 'Hello %Y World') from (select toDateTime('2018-01-01 00:00:00')+number as t from numbers(100000000))); * - 138 million rows per second per core; * * PS. We can make this function to return FixedString. Currently it returns String. */ template class FunctionFormatDateTimeImpl : public IFunction { private: /// Time is either UInt32 for DateTime or UInt16 for Date. template static bool castType(const IDataType * type, F && f) { return castTypeToEither< DataTypeInt8, DataTypeUInt8, DataTypeInt16, DataTypeUInt16, DataTypeInt32, DataTypeUInt32, DataTypeInt64, DataTypeUInt64>(type, std::forward(f)); } template class Instruction { public: /// Using std::function will cause performance degradation in MySQL format by 0.45x. /// But std::function is required for Joda format to capture extra variables. /// This is the reason why we use raw function pointer in MySQL format and std::function /// in Joda format. using Func = std::conditional_t< format_syntax == FormatDateTimeTraits::FormatSyntax::MySQL, size_t (*)(char *, Time, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl &), std::function>; Func func; /// extra_shift is only used in MySQL format syntax. It is always 0 in Joda format syntax. size_t extra_shift = 0; /// Instruction for appending date/time related number in specified format. explicit Instruction(Func && func_) : func(std::move(func_)) {} void perform(char *& dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto shift = func(dest, source, fractional_second, scale, timezone); dest += shift + extra_shift; } private: template static size_t writeNumber2(char * p, T v) { memcpy(p, &digits100[v * 2], 2); return 2; } template static size_t writeNumber3(char * p, T v) { writeNumber2(p, v / 10); p[2] = '0' + v % 10; return 3; } template static size_t writeNumber4(char * p, T v) { writeNumber2(p, v / 100); writeNumber2(p + 2, v % 100); return 4; } /// Cast content from integer to string, and append result string to buffer. /// Make sure digits number in result string is no less than total_digits by padding leading '0' /// Notice: '-' is not counted as digit. /// For example: /// val = -123, total_digits = 2 => dest = "-123" /// val = -123, total_digits = 3 => dest = "-123" /// val = -123, total_digits = 4 => dest = "-0123" static size_t writeNumberWithPadding(char * dest, std::integral auto val, size_t min_digits) { using T = decltype(val); using WeightType = typename NumberTraits::Construct, /*is_floating*/ false, sizeof(T)>::Type; WeightType w = 1; WeightType n = val; size_t digits = 0; while (n) { w *= 10; n /= 10; ++digits; } /// Possible sign size_t pos = 0; n = val; if constexpr (is_signed_v) if (val < 0) { n = (~n) + 1; dest[pos] = '-'; ++pos; } /// Possible leading paddings if (min_digits > digits) { memset(dest, '0', min_digits - digits); pos += min_digits - digits; } /// Digits while (w >= 100) { w /= 100; writeNumber2(dest + pos, n / w); pos += 2; n = n % w; } if (n) { dest[pos] = '0' + n; ++pos; } return pos; } public: static size_t mysqlNoop(char *, Time, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl &) { return 0; } static size_t mysqlCentury(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto year = ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone); auto century = year / 100; return writeNumber2(dest, century); } static size_t mysqlDayOfMonth(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToDayOfMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlAmericanDate(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { writeNumber2(dest, ToMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 3, ToDayOfMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 6, ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone) % 100); return 8; } static size_t mysqlDayOfMonthSpacePadded(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto day = ToDayOfMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone); if (day < 10) dest[1] = '0' + day; else writeNumber2(dest, day); return 2; } static size_t mysqlISO8601Date(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { writeNumber4(dest, ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 5, ToMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 8, ToDayOfMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); return 10; } static size_t mysqlDayOfYear(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber3(dest, ToDayOfYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlMonth(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t monthOfYearText(char * dest, Time source, bool abbreviate, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto month = ToMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone); std::string_view str_view = abbreviate ? monthsShort[month - 1] : monthsFull[month - 1]; memcpy(dest, str_view.data(), str_view.size()); return str_view.size(); } static size_t mysqlMonthOfYearTextShort(char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return monthOfYearText(dest, source, true, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t mysqlMonthOfYearTextLong(char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return monthOfYearText(dest, source, false, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t mysqlDayOfWeek(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { *dest = '0' + ToDayOfWeekImpl::execute(source, 0, timezone); return 1; } static size_t dayOfWeekText(char * dest, Time source, bool abbreviate, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto week_day = ToDayOfWeekImpl::execute(source, 0, timezone); if (week_day == 7) week_day = 0; std::string_view str_view = abbreviate ? weekdaysShort[week_day] : weekdaysFull[week_day]; memcpy(dest, str_view.data(), str_view.size()); return str_view.size(); } static size_t mysqlDayOfWeekTextShort(char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return dayOfWeekText(dest, source, true, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t mysqlDayOfWeekTextLong(char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return dayOfWeekText(dest, source, false, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t mysqlDayOfWeek0To6(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto day = ToDayOfWeekImpl::execute(source, 0, timezone); *dest = '0' + (day == 7 ? 0 : day); return 1; } static size_t mysqlISO8601Week(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { return writeNumber2(dest, ToISOWeekImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlISO8601Year2(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { return writeNumber2(dest, ToISOYearImpl::execute(source, timezone) % 100); } static size_t mysqlISO8601Year4(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { return writeNumber4(dest, ToISOYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlYear2(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone) % 100); } static size_t mysqlYear4(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber4(dest, ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlHour24(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlHour12(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto x = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumber2(dest, x == 0 ? 12 : (x > 12 ? x - 12 : x)); } static size_t mysqlMinute(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToMinuteImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlAMPM(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone); dest[0] = hour >= 12 ? 'P' : 'A'; dest[1] = 'M'; return 2; } static size_t mysqlHHMM24(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { writeNumber2(dest, ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 3, ToMinuteImpl::execute(source, timezone)); return 5; } static size_t mysqlHHMM12(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone); writeNumber2(dest, hour == 0 ? 12 : (hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour)); writeNumber2(dest + 3, ToMinuteImpl::execute(source, timezone)); dest[6] = hour >= 12 ? 'P' : 'A'; return 8; } static size_t mysqlSecond(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return writeNumber2(dest, ToSecondImpl::execute(source, timezone)); } static size_t mysqlFractionalSecond(char * dest, Time /*source*/, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & /*timezone*/) { if (scale == 0) scale = 1; for (Int64 i = scale, value = fractional_second; i > 0; --i) { dest[i - 1] += value % 10; value /= 10; } return scale; } static size_t mysqlISO8601Time(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) // NOLINT { writeNumber2(dest, ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 3, ToMinuteImpl::execute(source, timezone)); writeNumber2(dest + 6, ToSecondImpl::execute(source, timezone)); return 8; } static size_t mysqlTimezoneOffset(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto offset = TimezoneOffsetImpl::execute(source, timezone); if (offset < 0) { *dest = '-'; offset = -offset; } writeNumber2(dest + 1, offset / 3600); writeNumber2(dest + 3, offset % 3600 / 60); return 5; } static size_t mysqlQuarter(char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { *dest = '0' + ToQuarterImpl::execute(source, timezone); return 1; } template static size_t jodaLiteral(const Literal & literal, char * dest, Time, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl &) { memcpy(dest, literal.data(), literal.size()); return literal.size(); } static size_t jodaEra(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto year = static_cast(ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); String res; if (min_represent_digits <= 3) res = static_cast(year) > 0 ? "AD" : "BC"; else res = static_cast(year) > 0 ? "Anno Domini" : "Before Christ"; memcpy(dest, res.data(), res.size()); return res.size(); } static size_t jodaCenturyOfEra(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto year = static_cast(ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); year = (year < 0 ? -year : year); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, year / 100, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaYearOfEra(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto year = static_cast(ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); if (min_represent_digits == 2) return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, std::abs(year) % 100, 2); else { year = year <= 0 ? std::abs(year - 1) : year; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, year, min_represent_digits); } } static size_t jodaDayOfWeek1Based(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto week_day = ToDayOfWeekImpl::execute(source, 0, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, week_day, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaDayOfWeekText(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { bool abbreviate = min_represent_digits <= 3; return dayOfWeekText(dest, source, abbreviate, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t jodaYear(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto year = static_cast(ToYearImpl::execute(source, timezone)); if (min_represent_digits == 2) { year = std::abs(year); auto two_digit_year = year % 100; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, two_digit_year, 2); } else return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, year, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaWeekYear(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto week_year = ToWeekYearImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, week_year, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaWeekOfWeekYear(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto week_of_weekyear = ToWeekOfWeekYearImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, week_of_weekyear, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaDayOfYear(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto day_of_year = ToDayOfYearImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, day_of_year, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaMonthOfYear(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto month_of_year = ToMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, month_of_year, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaMonthOfYearText(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { bool abbreviate = min_represent_digits <= 3; return monthOfYearText(dest, source, abbreviate, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t jodaDayOfMonth(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto day_of_month = ToDayOfMonthImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, day_of_month, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaHalfDayOfDay( size_t /*min_represent_digits*/, char * dest, Time source, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { return mysqlAMPM(dest, source, fractional_second, scale, timezone); } static size_t jodaHourOfHalfDay(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone) % 12; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, hour, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaClockHourOfHalfDay(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone) ; hour = (hour + 11) % 12 + 1; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, hour, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaHourOfDay(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone) ; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, hour, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaClockHourOfDay(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto hour = ToHourImpl::execute(source, timezone); hour = (hour + 23) % 24 + 1; return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, hour, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaMinuteOfHour(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto minute_of_hour = ToMinuteImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, minute_of_hour, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaSecondOfMinute(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time source, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { auto second_of_minute = ToSecondImpl::execute(source, timezone); return writeNumberWithPadding(dest, second_of_minute, min_represent_digits); } static size_t jodaFractionOfSecond(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time /*source*/, UInt64 fractional_second, UInt32 scale, const DateLUTImpl & /*timezone*/) { if (min_represent_digits > 9) min_represent_digits = 9; if (fractional_second == 0) { for (UInt64 i = 0; i < min_represent_digits; ++i) dest[i] = '0'; return min_represent_digits; } auto str = toString(fractional_second); if (min_represent_digits > scale) { for (UInt64 i = 0; i < min_represent_digits - scale; ++i) str += '0'; } else if (min_represent_digits < scale) { str = str.substr(0, min_represent_digits); } memcpy(dest, str.data(), str.size()); return min_represent_digits; } static size_t jodaTimezone(size_t min_represent_digits, char * dest, Time /*source*/, UInt64, UInt32, const DateLUTImpl & timezone) { if (min_represent_digits <= 3) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Short name time zone is not yet supported"); auto str = timezone.getTimeZone(); memcpy(dest, str.data(), str.size()); return str.size(); } }; public: static constexpr auto name = Name::name; static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr) { return std::make_shared(); } String getName() const override { return name; } bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; } bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return false; } ColumnNumbers getArgumentsThatAreAlwaysConstant() const override { return {1, 2}; } bool isVariadic() const override { return true; } size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 0; } DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const override { if constexpr (support_integer == FormatDateTimeTraits::SupportInteger::Yes) { if (arguments.size() != 1 && arguments.size() != 2 && arguments.size() != 3) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH, "Number of arguments for function {} doesn't match: passed {}, should be 1, 2 or 3", getName(), arguments.size()); if (arguments.size() == 1 && !isInteger(arguments[0].type)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of first argument of function {} when arguments size is 1. Should be integer", arguments[0].type->getName(), getName()); if (arguments.size() > 1 && !(isInteger(arguments[0].type) || isDate(arguments[0].type) || isDateTime(arguments[0].type) || isDate32(arguments[0].type) || isDateTime64(arguments[0].type))) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of first argument of function {} when arguments size is 2 or 3. " "Should be a integer or a date with time", arguments[0].type->getName(), getName()); } else { if (arguments.size() != 2 && arguments.size() != 3) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH, "Number of arguments for function {} doesn't match: passed {}, should be 2 or 3", getName(), arguments.size()); if (!isDate(arguments[0].type) && !isDateTime(arguments[0].type) && !isDate32(arguments[0].type) && !isDateTime64(arguments[0].type)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of first argument of function {}. Should be a date or a date with time", arguments[0].type->getName(), getName()); } if (arguments.size() == 2 && !WhichDataType(arguments[1].type).isString()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of second argument of function {}. Must be String.", arguments[1].type->getName(), getName()); if (arguments.size() == 3 && !WhichDataType(arguments[2].type).isString()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of third argument of function {}. Must be String.", arguments[2].type->getName(), getName()); if (arguments.size() == 1) return std::make_shared(); return std::make_shared(); } ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr & result_type, [[maybe_unused]] size_t input_rows_count) const override { ColumnPtr res; if constexpr (support_integer == FormatDateTimeTraits::SupportInteger::Yes) { if (arguments.size() == 1) { if (!castType(arguments[0].type.get(), [&](const auto & type) { using FromDataType = std::decay_t; res = ConvertImpl::execute(arguments, result_type, input_rows_count); return true; })) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Illegal column {} of function {}, must be Integer, Date, Date32, DateTime " "or DateTime64 when arguments size is 1.", arguments[0].column->getName(), getName()); } } else { if (!castType(arguments[0].type.get(), [&](const auto & type) { using FromDataType = std::decay_t; if (!(res = executeType(arguments, result_type))) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Illegal column {} of function {}, must be Integer, Date, Date32, DateTime or DateTime64.", arguments[0].column->getName(), getName()); return true; })) { if (!((res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)))) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Illegal column {} of function {}, must be Integer or DateTime.", arguments[0].column->getName(), getName()); } } } else { if (!((res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)) || (res = executeType(arguments, result_type)))) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Illegal column {} of function {}, must be Date or DateTime.", arguments[0].column->getName(), getName()); } return res; } template ColumnPtr executeType(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr &) const { auto * times = checkAndGetColumn(arguments[0].column.get()); if (!times) return nullptr; const ColumnConst * format_column = checkAndGetColumnConst(arguments[1].column.get()); if (!format_column) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Illegal column {} of second ('format') argument of function {}. Must be constant string.", arguments[1].column->getName(), getName()); String format = format_column->getValue(); UInt32 scale [[maybe_unused]] = 0; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) scale = times->getScale(); using T = typename InstructionValueTypeMap::InstructionValueType; std::vector> instructions; String out_template; auto result_size = parseFormat(format, instructions, scale, out_template); const DateLUTImpl * time_zone_tmp = nullptr; if (castType(arguments[0].type.get(), [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto & type) { return true; })) time_zone_tmp = &extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(arguments, 2, 0); else if (std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v) time_zone_tmp = &extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(arguments, 2, 0); else time_zone_tmp = &DateLUT::instance(); const DateLUTImpl & time_zone = *time_zone_tmp; const auto & vec = times->getData(); auto col_res = ColumnString::create(); auto & dst_data = col_res->getChars(); auto & dst_offsets = col_res->getOffsets(); dst_data.resize(vec.size() * (result_size + 1)); dst_offsets.resize(vec.size()); if constexpr (format_syntax == FormatDateTimeTraits::FormatSyntax::MySQL) { /// Fill result with literals. { UInt8 * begin = dst_data.data(); UInt8 * end = begin + dst_data.size(); UInt8 * pos = begin; if (pos < end) { memcpy(pos, out_template.data(), result_size + 1); /// With zero terminator. pos += result_size + 1; } /// Fill by copying exponential growing ranges. while (pos < end) { size_t bytes_to_copy = std::min(pos - begin, end - pos); memcpy(pos, begin, bytes_to_copy); pos += bytes_to_copy; } } } auto * begin = reinterpret_cast(dst_data.data()); auto * pos = begin; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { const auto c = DecimalUtils::split(vec[i], scale); for (auto & instruction : instructions) { instruction.perform(pos, static_cast(c.whole), c.fractional, scale, time_zone); } } else { for (auto & instruction : instructions) instruction.perform(pos, static_cast(vec[i]), 0, 0, time_zone); } *pos++ = '\0'; dst_offsets[i] = pos - begin; } dst_data.resize(pos - begin); return col_res; } template size_t parseFormat(const String & format, std::vector> & instructions, UInt32 scale, String & out_template) const { static_assert( format_syntax == FormatDateTimeTraits::FormatSyntax::MySQL || format_syntax == FormatDateTimeTraits::FormatSyntax::Joda, "format syntax must be one of MySQL or Joda"); if constexpr (format_syntax == FormatDateTimeTraits::FormatSyntax::MySQL) return parseMySQLFormat(format, instructions, scale, out_template); else return parseJodaFormat(format, instructions, scale, out_template); } template size_t parseMySQLFormat(const String & format, std::vector> & instructions, UInt32 scale, String & out_template) const { auto add_extra_shift = [&](size_t amount) { if (instructions.empty()) instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlNoop); instructions.back().extra_shift += amount; }; auto add_instruction_or_extra_shift = [&](auto * func [[maybe_unused]], size_t amount [[maybe_unused]]) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v) instructions.emplace_back(std::move(func)); else add_extra_shift(amount); }; const char * pos = format.data(); const char * const end = format.data() + format.size(); while (true) { const char * percent_pos = find_first_symbols<'%'>(pos, end); if (percent_pos < end) { if (pos < percent_pos) { add_extra_shift(percent_pos - pos); out_template += String(pos, percent_pos - pos); } pos = percent_pos + 1; if (pos >= end) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Sign '%' is the last in format, if you need it, use '%%'"); switch (*pos) { // Abbreviated weekday [Mon...Sun] case 'a': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfWeekTextShort); out_template += "Mon"; break; // Abbreviated month [Jan...Dec] case 'b': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlMonthOfYearTextShort); out_template += "Jan"; break; // Month as a integer number (01-12) case 'c': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlMonth); out_template += "00"; break; // Year, divided by 100, zero-padded case 'C': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlCentury); out_template += "00"; break; // Day of month, zero-padded (01-31) case 'd': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfMonth); out_template += "00"; break; // Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y case 'D': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlAmericanDate); out_template += "00/00/00"; break; // Day of month, space-padded ( 1-31) 23 case 'e': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfMonthSpacePadded); out_template += " 0"; break; // Fractional seconds case 'f': { /// If the time data type has no fractional part, then we print '0' as the fractional part. instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlFractionalSecond); out_template += String(std::max(1, scale), '0'); break; } // Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d 2001-08-23 case 'F': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlISO8601Date); out_template += "0000-00-00"; break; // Last two digits of year of ISO 8601 week number (see %G) case 'g': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlISO8601Year2); out_template += "00"; break; // Year of ISO 8601 week number (see %V) case 'G': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlISO8601Year4); out_template += "0000"; break; // Day of the year (001-366) 235 case 'j': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfYear); out_template += "000"; break; // Month as a integer number (01-12) case 'm': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlMonth); out_template += "00"; break; // ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7) case 'u': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfWeek); out_template += "0"; break; // ISO 8601 week number (01-53) case 'V': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlISO8601Week); out_template += "00"; break; // Weekday as a integer number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) 4 case 'w': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfWeek0To6); out_template += "0"; break; // Full weekday [Monday...Sunday] case 'W': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlDayOfWeekTextLong); out_template += "Monday"; break; // Two digits year case 'y': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlYear2); out_template += "00"; break; // Four digits year case 'Y': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlYear4); out_template += "0000"; break; // Quarter (1-4) case 'Q': instructions.template emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlQuarter); out_template += "0"; break; // Offset from UTC timezone as +hhmm or -hhmm case 'z': instructions.emplace_back(&Instruction::mysqlTimezoneOffset); out_template += "+0000"; break; /// Time components. If the argument is Date, not a DateTime, then this components will have default value. // Minute (00-59) case 'M': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlMinute, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // AM or PM case 'p': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlAMPM, 2); out_template += "AM"; break; // 12-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %h:%i %p 2:55 PM case 'r': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHHMM12, 8); out_template += "12:00 AM"; break; // 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%i 14:55 case 'R': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHHMM24, 5); out_template += "00:00"; break; // Seconds case 's': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlSecond, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // Seconds case 'S': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlSecond, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%i:%S 14:55:02 case 'T': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlISO8601Time, 8); out_template += "00:00:00"; break; // Hour in 12h format (01-12) case 'h': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHour12, 2); out_template += "12"; break; // Hour in 24h format (00-23) case 'H': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHour24, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // Minute of hour range [0, 59] case 'i': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlMinute, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // Hour in 12h format (01-12) case 'I': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHour12, 2); out_template += "12"; break; // Hour in 24h format (00-23) case 'k': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHour24, 2); out_template += "00"; break; // Hour in 12h format (01-12) case 'l': add_instruction_or_extra_shift(&Instruction::mysqlHour12, 2); out_template += "12"; break; case 't': add_extra_shift(1); out_template += "\t"; break; case 'n': add_extra_shift(1); out_template += "\n"; break; // Escaped literal characters. case '%': add_extra_shift(1); out_template += "%"; break; // Unimplemented case 'U': throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for WEEK (Sun-Sat)"); case 'v': throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for WEEK (Mon-Sun)"); case 'x': throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for YEAR for week (Mon-Sun)"); case 'X': throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for YEAR for week (Sun-Sat)"); default: throw Exception( ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Incorrect syntax '{}', symbol is not supported '{}' for function {}", format, *pos, getName()); } ++pos; } else { add_extra_shift(end - pos); out_template += String(pos, end - pos); break; } } return out_template.size(); } template size_t parseJodaFormat(const String & format, std::vector> & instructions, UInt32, String &) const { /// If the argument was DateTime, add instruction for printing. If it was date, just append default literal auto add_instruction = [&](auto && func [[maybe_unused]], const String & default_literal [[maybe_unused]]) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v) instructions.emplace_back(func); else instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::template jodaLiteral, default_literal)); }; size_t reserve_size = 0; const char * pos = format.data(); const char * end = format.data() + format.size(); while (pos < end) { const char * cur_token = pos; // Literal case if (*cur_token == '\'') { // Case 1: 2 consecutive single quote if (pos + 1 < end && *(pos + 1) == '\'') { std::string_view literal(cur_token, 1); instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::template jodaLiteral, literal)); ++reserve_size; pos += 2; } else { // Case 2: find closing single quote Int64 count = numLiteralChars(cur_token + 1, end); if (count == -1) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "No closing single quote for literal"); else { for (Int64 i = 1; i <= count; i++) { std::string_view literal(cur_token + i, 1); instructions.emplace_back( std::bind_front(&Instruction::template jodaLiteral, literal)); ++reserve_size; if (*(cur_token + i) == '\'') i += 1; } pos += count + 2; } } } else { int repetitions = 1; ++pos; while (pos < end && *cur_token == *pos) { ++repetitions; ++pos; } switch (*cur_token) { case 'G': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaEra, repetitions)); reserve_size += repetitions <= 3 ? 2 : 13; break; case 'C': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaCenturyOfEra, repetitions)); /// Year range [1900, 2299] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'Y': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaYearOfEra, repetitions)); /// Year range [1900, 2299] reserve_size += repetitions == 2 ? 2 : std::max(repetitions, 4); break; case 'x': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaWeekYear, repetitions)); /// weekyear range [1900, 2299] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 4); break; case 'w': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaWeekOfWeekYear, repetitions)); /// Week of weekyear range [1, 52] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'e': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaDayOfWeek1Based, repetitions)); /// Day of week range [1, 7] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 1); break; case 'E': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaDayOfWeekText, repetitions)); /// Maximum length of short name is 3, maximum length of full name is 9. reserve_size += repetitions <= 3 ? 3 : 9; break; case 'y': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaYear, repetitions)); /// Year range [1900, 2299] reserve_size += repetitions == 2 ? 2 : std::max(repetitions, 4); break; case 'D': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaDayOfYear, repetitions)); /// Day of year range [1, 366] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 3); break; case 'M': if (repetitions <= 2) { instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaMonthOfYear, repetitions)); /// Month of year range [1, 12] reserve_size += 2; } else { instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaMonthOfYearText, repetitions)); /// Maximum length of short name is 3, maximum length of full name is 9. reserve_size += repetitions <= 3 ? 3 : 9; } break; case 'd': instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaDayOfMonth, repetitions)); /// Day of month range [1, 3] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 3); break; case 'a': /// Default half day of day is "AM" add_instruction(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaHalfDayOfDay, repetitions), "AM"); reserve_size += 2; break; case 'K': /// Default hour of half day is 0 add_instruction( std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaHourOfHalfDay, repetitions), padValue(0, repetitions)); /// Hour of half day range [0, 11] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'h': /// Default clock hour of half day is 12 add_instruction( std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaClockHourOfHalfDay, repetitions), padValue(12, repetitions)); /// Clock hour of half day range [1, 12] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'H': /// Default hour of day is 0 add_instruction(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaHourOfDay, repetitions), padValue(0, repetitions)); /// Hour of day range [0, 23] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'k': /// Default clock hour of day is 24 add_instruction(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaClockHourOfDay, repetitions), padValue(24, repetitions)); /// Clock hour of day range [1, 24] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'm': /// Default minute of hour is 0 add_instruction(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaMinuteOfHour, repetitions), padValue(0, repetitions)); /// Minute of hour range [0, 59] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 's': /// Default second of minute is 0 add_instruction(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaSecondOfMinute, repetitions), padValue(0, repetitions)); /// Second of minute range [0, 59] reserve_size += std::max(repetitions, 2); break; case 'S': /// Default fraction of second is 0 instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaFractionOfSecond, repetitions)); /// 'S' repetitions range [0, 9] reserve_size += repetitions <= 9 ? repetitions : 9; break; case 'z': if (repetitions <= 3) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Short name time zone is not yet supported"); instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::jodaTimezone, repetitions)); /// Longest length of full name of time zone is 32. reserve_size += 32; break; case 'Z': throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for TIMEZONE_OFFSET_ID"); default: if (isalpha(*cur_token)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format is not supported for {}", String(cur_token, repetitions)); std::string_view literal(cur_token, pos - cur_token); instructions.emplace_back(std::bind_front(&Instruction::template jodaLiteral, literal)); reserve_size += pos - cur_token; break; } } } return reserve_size; } }; struct NameFormatDateTime { static constexpr auto name = "formatDateTime"; }; struct NameFromUnixTime { static constexpr auto name = "fromUnixTimestamp"; }; struct NameFormatDateTimeInJodaSyntax { static constexpr auto name = "formatDateTimeInJodaSyntax"; }; struct NameFromUnixTimeInJodaSyntax { static constexpr auto name = "fromUnixTimestampInJodaSyntax"; }; using FunctionFormatDateTime = FunctionFormatDateTimeImpl; using FunctionFromUnixTimestamp = FunctionFormatDateTimeImpl; using FunctionFormatDateTimeInJodaSyntax = FunctionFormatDateTimeImpl; using FunctionFromUnixTimestampInJodaSyntax = FunctionFormatDateTimeImpl; } REGISTER_FUNCTION(FormatDateTime) { factory.registerFunction(); factory.registerAlias("DATE_FORMAT", FunctionFormatDateTime::name); factory.registerFunction(); factory.registerAlias("FROM_UNIXTIME", FunctionFromUnixTimestamp::name); factory.registerFunction(); factory.registerFunction(); } }