#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// Warning in boost::geometry during template strategy substitution. #pragma GCC diagnostic push #if !__clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" #endif #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } template UInt64 getPolygonAllocatedBytes(const Polygon & polygon) { UInt64 size = 0; using RingType = typename Polygon::ring_type; using ValueType = typename RingType::value_type; auto sizeOfRing = [](const RingType & ring) { return sizeof(ring) + ring.capacity() * sizeof(ValueType); }; size += sizeOfRing(polygon.outer()); const auto & inners = polygon.inners(); size += sizeof(inners) + inners.capacity() * sizeof(RingType); for (auto & inner : inners) size += sizeOfRing(inner); return size; } template UInt64 getMultiPolygonAllocatedBytes(const MultiPolygon & multi_polygon) { using ValueType = typename MultiPolygon::value_type; UInt64 size = multi_polygon.capacity() * sizeof(ValueType); for (const auto & polygon : multi_polygon) size += getPolygonAllocatedBytes(polygon); return size; } /// This algorithm can be used as a baseline for comparison. template class PointInPolygonTrivial { public: using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy; /// Counter-Clockwise ordering. using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon; using MultiPolygon = boost::geometry::model::multi_polygon; using Box = boost::geometry::model::box; using Segment = boost::geometry::model::segment; explicit PointInPolygonTrivial(const Polygon & polygon_) : polygon(polygon_) {} /// True if bound box is empty. bool hasEmptyBound() const { return false; } UInt64 getAllocatedBytes() const { return 0; } bool contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const { return boost::geometry::covered_by(Point(x, y), polygon); } private: Polygon polygon; }; /// Simple algorithm with bounding box. template class PointInPolygon { public: using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy; /// Counter-Clockwise ordering. using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon; using Box = boost::geometry::model::box; explicit PointInPolygon(const Polygon & polygon_) : polygon(polygon_) { boost::geometry::envelope(polygon, box); const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner(); const Point & max_corner = box.max_corner(); if (min_corner.x() == max_corner.x() || min_corner.y() == max_corner.y()) has_empty_bound = true; } bool hasEmptyBound() const { return has_empty_bound; } inline bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const { Point point(x, y); if (!boost::geometry::within(point, box)) return false; return boost::geometry::covered_by(point, polygon, strategy); } UInt64 getAllocatedBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } private: const Polygon & polygon; Box box; bool has_empty_bound = false; Strategy strategy; }; /// Optimized algorithm with bounding box and grid. template class PointInPolygonWithGrid { public: using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy; /// Counter-Clockwise ordering. using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon; using MultiPolygon = boost::geometry::model::multi_polygon; using Box = boost::geometry::model::box; using Segment = boost::geometry::model::segment; explicit PointInPolygonWithGrid(const Polygon & polygon_, UInt16 grid_size_ = 8) : grid_size(std::max(1, grid_size_)), polygon(polygon_) { buildGrid(); } /// True if bound box is empty. bool hasEmptyBound() const { return has_empty_bound; } UInt64 getAllocatedBytes() const; inline bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const; private: enum class CellType { inner, /// The cell is completely inside polygon. outer, /// The cell is completely outside of polygon. singleLine, /// The cell is splitted to inner/outer part by a single line. pairOfLinesSingleConvexPolygon, /// The cell is splitted to inner/outer part by a polyline of two sections and inner part is convex. pairOfLinesSingleNonConvexPolygons, /// The cell is splitted to inner/outer part by a polyline of two sections and inner part is non convex. pairOfLinesDifferentPolygons, /// The cell is spliited by two lines to three different parts. complexPolygon /// Generic case. }; struct HalfPlane { /// Line, a * x + b * y + c = 0. Vector (a, b) points inside half-plane. CoordinateType a; CoordinateType b; CoordinateType c; HalfPlane() = default; /// Take left half-plane. HalfPlane(const Point & from, const Point & to) { a = -(to.y() - from.y()); b = to.x() - from.x(); c = -from.x() * a - from.y() * b; } /// Inner part of the HalfPlane is the left side of initialized vector. bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const { return a * x + b * y + c >= 0; } }; struct Cell { static const int max_stored_half_planes = 2; HalfPlane half_planes[max_stored_half_planes]; size_t index_of_inner_polygon; CellType type; }; const UInt16 grid_size; Polygon polygon; std::vector cells; std::vector polygons; CoordinateType cell_width; CoordinateType cell_height; CoordinateType x_shift; CoordinateType y_shift; CoordinateType x_scale; CoordinateType y_scale; bool has_empty_bound = false; void buildGrid(); /// Calculate bounding box and shift/scale of cells. void calcGridAttributes(Box & box); template T ALWAYS_INLINE getCellIndex(T row, T col) const { return row * grid_size + col; } /// Complex case. Will check intersection directly. inline void addComplexPolygonCell(size_t index, const Box & box); /// Empty intersection or intersection == box. inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & empty_box); /// Intersection is a single polygon. inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & box, const Polygon & intersection); /// Intersection is a pair of polygons. inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & box, const Polygon & first, const Polygon & second); /// Returns a list of half-planes were formed from intersection edges without box edges. inline std::vector findHalfPlanes(const Box & box, const Polygon & intersection); /// Check that polygon.outer() is convex. inline bool isConvex(const Polygon & polygon); }; template UInt64 PointInPolygonWithGrid::getAllocatedBytes() const { UInt64 size = sizeof(*this); size += cells.capacity() * sizeof(Cell); size += polygons.capacity() * sizeof(MultiPolygon); size += getPolygonAllocatedBytes(polygon); for (const auto & elem : polygons) size += getMultiPolygonAllocatedBytes(elem); return size; } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::calcGridAttributes( PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & box) { boost::geometry::envelope(polygon, box); const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner(); const Point & max_corner = box.max_corner(); #pragma GCC diagnostic push #if !__clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" #endif cell_width = (max_corner.x() - min_corner.x()) / grid_size; cell_height = (max_corner.y() - min_corner.y()) / grid_size; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop if (cell_width == 0 || cell_height == 0) { has_empty_bound = true; return; } x_scale = 1 / cell_width; y_scale = 1 / cell_height; x_shift = -min_corner.x(); y_shift = -min_corner.y(); } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::buildGrid() { Box box; calcGridAttributes(box); if (has_empty_bound) return; cells.assign(grid_size * grid_size, {}); const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner(); for (size_t row = 0; row < grid_size; ++row) { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #if !__clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" #endif CoordinateType y_min = min_corner.y() + row * cell_height; CoordinateType y_max = min_corner.y() + (row + 1) * cell_height; for (size_t col = 0; col < grid_size; ++col) { CoordinateType x_min = min_corner.x() + col * cell_width; CoordinateType x_max = min_corner.x() + (col + 1) * cell_width; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop Box cell_box(Point(x_min, y_min), Point(x_max, y_max)); MultiPolygon intersection; boost::geometry::intersection(polygon, cell_box, intersection); size_t cell_index = getCellIndex(row, col); std::cerr << "cell_index: " << cell_index << "\n"; boost::geometry::svg_mapper mapper(std::cerr, 400, 400); mapper.add(intersection); mapper.map(intersection, "fill-opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(153,204,0);stroke:rgb(153,204,0);stroke-width:2", 5); if (intersection.empty()) addCell(cell_index, cell_box); else if (intersection.size() == 1) addCell(cell_index, cell_box, intersection.front()); else if (intersection.size() == 2) addCell(cell_index, cell_box, intersection.front(), intersection.back()); else addComplexPolygonCell(cell_index, cell_box); } } } template bool PointInPolygonWithGrid::contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const { if (has_empty_bound) return false; CoordinateType float_row = (y + y_shift) * y_scale; CoordinateType float_col = (x + x_shift) * x_scale; if (float_row < 0 || float_row > grid_size) return false; if (float_col < 0 || float_col > grid_size) return false; int row = std::min(float_row, grid_size - 1); int col = std::min(float_col, grid_size - 1); std::cerr << "row: " << row << ", col: " << col << "\n"; int index = getCellIndex(row, col); const auto & cell = cells[index]; std::cerr << "index: " << index << ", type: " << int(cell.type) << "\n"; switch (cell.type) { case CellType::inner: return true; case CellType::outer: return false; case CellType::singleLine: return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y); case CellType::pairOfLinesSingleConvexPolygon: return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y) && cell.half_planes[1].contains(x, y); case CellType::pairOfLinesDifferentPolygons: [[fallthrough]]; case CellType::pairOfLinesSingleNonConvexPolygons: return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y) || cell.half_planes[1].contains(x, y); case CellType::complexPolygon: return boost::geometry::within(Point(x, y), polygons[cell.index_of_inner_polygon]); } __builtin_unreachable(); } template bool PointInPolygonWithGrid::isConvex(const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Polygon & poly) { const auto & outer = poly.outer(); /// Segment or point. if (outer.size() < 4) return false; auto vecProduct = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) { return from.x() * to.y() - from.y() * to.x(); }; auto getVector = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) -> Point { return Point(to.x() - from.x(), to.y() - from.y()); }; Point first = getVector(outer[0], outer[1]); Point prev = first; for (auto i : ext::range(1, outer.size() - 1)) { Point cur = getVector(outer[i], outer[i + 1]); if (vecProduct(prev, cur) < 0) return false; prev = cur; } return vecProduct(prev, first) >= 0; } template std::vector::HalfPlane> PointInPolygonWithGrid::findHalfPlanes( const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & box, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Polygon & intersection) { std::vector half_planes; const auto & outer = intersection.outer(); for (auto i : ext::range(0, outer.size() - 1)) { /// Want to detect is intersection edge was formed from box edge or from polygon edge. /// Only add polygon edges. /// If center of the edge closer to box, than don't form the half-plane. Segment segment(outer[i], outer[i + 1]); Point center((segment.first.x() + segment.second.x()) / 2, (segment.first.y() + segment.second.y()) / 2); if (boost::geometry::comparable_distance(center, polygon) < boost::geometry::comparable_distance(center, box)) half_planes.emplace_back(segment.first, segment.second); } return half_planes; } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::addComplexPolygonCell( size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & box) { cells[index].type = CellType::complexPolygon; cells[index].index_of_inner_polygon = polygons.size(); /// Expand box in (1 + eps_factor) times to eliminate errors for points on box bound. static constexpr CoordinateType eps_factor = 0.01; auto x_eps = eps_factor * (box.max_corner().x() - box.min_corner().x()); auto y_eps = eps_factor * (box.max_corner().y() - box.min_corner().y()); Point min_corner(box.min_corner().x() - x_eps, box.min_corner().y() - y_eps); Point max_corner(box.max_corner().x() + x_eps, box.max_corner().y() + y_eps); Box box_with_eps_bound(min_corner, max_corner); MultiPolygon intersection; boost::geometry::intersection(polygon, box_with_eps_bound, intersection); polygons.push_back(intersection); } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::addCell( size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & empty_box) { const auto & min_corner = empty_box.min_corner(); const auto & max_corner = empty_box.max_corner(); Point center((min_corner.x() + max_corner.x()) / 2, (min_corner.y() + max_corner.y()) / 2); if (boost::geometry::within(center, polygon)) cells[index].type = CellType::inner; else cells[index].type = CellType::outer; } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::addCell( size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & box, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Polygon & intersection) { if (!intersection.inners().empty()) addComplexPolygonCell(index, box); auto half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, intersection); if (half_planes.empty()) addCell(index, box); else if (half_planes.size() == 1) { cells[index].type = CellType::singleLine; cells[index].half_planes[0] = half_planes[0]; } else if (half_planes.size() == 2) { cells[index].type = isConvex(intersection) ? CellType::pairOfLinesSingleConvexPolygon : CellType::pairOfLinesSingleNonConvexPolygons; cells[index].half_planes[0] = half_planes[0]; cells[index].half_planes[1] = half_planes[1]; } else addComplexPolygonCell(index, box); } template void PointInPolygonWithGrid::addCell( size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Box & box, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Polygon & first, const PointInPolygonWithGrid::Polygon & second) { if (!first.inners().empty() || !second.inners().empty()) addComplexPolygonCell(index, box); auto first_half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, first); auto second_half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, second); if (first_half_planes.empty()) addCell(index, box, first); else if (second_half_planes.empty()) addCell(index, box, second); else if (first_half_planes.size() == 1 && second_half_planes.size() == 1) { cells[index].type = CellType::pairOfLinesDifferentPolygons; cells[index].half_planes[0] = first_half_planes[0]; cells[index].half_planes[1] = second_half_planes[0]; } else addComplexPolygonCell(index, box); } /// Algorithms. template ColumnPtr pointInPolygon(const ColumnVector & x, const ColumnVector & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl) { auto size = x.size(); if (impl.hasEmptyBound()) return ColumnVector::create(size, 0); auto result = ColumnVector::create(size); auto & data = result->getData(); const auto & x_data = x.getData(); const auto & y_data = y.getData(); for (auto i : ext::range(0, size)) data[i] = static_cast(impl.contains(x_data[i], y_data[i])); return result; } template struct CallPointInPolygon; template struct CallPointInPolygon { template static ColumnPtr call(const ColumnVector & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl) { if (auto column = typeid_cast *>(&y)) return pointInPolygon(x, *column, impl); return CallPointInPolygon::template call(x, y, impl); } template static ColumnPtr call(const IColumn & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl) { using Impl = typename ApplyTypeListForClass::Type; if (auto column = typeid_cast *>(&x)) return Impl::template call(*column, y, impl); return CallPointInPolygon::call(x, y, impl); } }; template <> struct CallPointInPolygon<> { template static ColumnPtr call(const ColumnVector &, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl &&) { throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column type: ") + demangle(typeid(y).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } template static ColumnPtr call(const IColumn & x, const IColumn &, PointInPolygonImpl &&) { throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column type: ") + demangle(typeid(x).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } }; template ColumnPtr pointInPolygon(const IColumn & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl) { using Impl = typename ApplyTypeListForClass::Type; return Impl::call(x, y, impl); } template std::string serialize(Polygon && polygon) { WriteBufferFromOwnString buffer; using RingType = typename std::decay_t::ring_type; auto serializeRing = [&buffer](const RingType & ring) { writeBinary(ring.size(), buffer); for (const auto & point : ring) { writeBinary(point.x(), buffer); writeBinary(point.y(), buffer); } }; serializeRing(polygon.outer()); const auto & inners = polygon.inners(); writeBinary(inners.size(), buffer); for (auto & inner : inners) serializeRing(inner); return buffer.str(); } }