#!/usr/bin/env python3 import bisect from dataclasses import asdict from hashlib import md5 from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union from sys import modules from docker_images_helper import get_images_info from git_helper import Runner from env_helper import ROOT_DIR from ci_utils import cd from ci_config import CI DOCKER_DIGEST_LEN = 12 JOB_DIGEST_LEN = 10 if TYPE_CHECKING: from hashlib import ( # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports _Hash as HASH, ) else: HASH = "_Hash" logger = getLogger(__name__) def _digest_file(file: Path, hash_object: HASH) -> None: assert file.is_file() with open(file, "rb") as fd: for chunk in iter(lambda: fd.read(4096), b""): hash_object.update(chunk) def digest_path( path: Union[Path, str], hash_object: Optional[HASH] = None, exclude_files: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, exclude_dirs: Optional[Iterable[Union[Path, str]]] = None, ) -> HASH: """Calculates md5 (or updates existing hash_object) hash of the path, either it's directory or file @exclude_files - file extension(s) or any filename suffix(es) that you want to exclude from digest @exclude_dirs - dir names that you want to exclude from digest """ path = Path(path) hash_object = hash_object or md5() if path.is_file(): if not exclude_files or not any(path.name.endswith(x) for x in exclude_files): _digest_file(path, hash_object) elif path.is_dir(): if not exclude_dirs or not any(path.name == x for x in exclude_dirs): for p in sorted(path.iterdir()): digest_path(p, hash_object, exclude_files, exclude_dirs) else: pass # broken symlink return hash_object def digest_paths( paths: Iterable[Union[Path, str]], hash_object: Optional[HASH] = None, exclude_files: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, exclude_dirs: Optional[Iterable[Union[Path, str]]] = None, ) -> HASH: """Calculates aggregated md5 (or updates existing hash_object) hash of passed paths. The order is processed as given""" hash_object = hash_object or md5() paths_all: List[Path] = [] with cd(ROOT_DIR): for p in paths: if isinstance(p, str) and "*" in p: for path in Path(".").glob(p): bisect.insort(paths_all, path.absolute()) # type: ignore[misc] else: bisect.insort(paths_all, Path(p).absolute()) # type: ignore[misc] for path in paths_all: # type: ignore if path.exists(): digest_path(path, hash_object, exclude_files, exclude_dirs) else: raise AssertionError(f"Invalid path: {path}") return hash_object def digest_script(path_str: str) -> HASH: """Accepts value of the __file__ executed script and calculates the md5 hash for it""" path = Path(path_str) parent = path.parent md5_hash = md5() with cd(ROOT_DIR): try: for script in modules.values(): script_path = getattr(script, "__file__", "") if parent.absolute().as_posix() in script_path: logger.debug("Updating the hash with %s", script_path) _digest_file(Path(script_path), md5_hash) except RuntimeError: logger.warning("The modules size has changed, retry calculating digest") return digest_script(path_str) return md5_hash def digest_string(string: str) -> str: hash_object = md5() hash_object.update(string.encode("utf-8")) return hash_object.hexdigest() class DockerDigester: EXCLUDE_FILES = [".md"] def __init__(self): self.images_info = get_images_info() assert self.images_info, "Fetch image info error" def get_image_digest(self, name: str) -> str: assert isinstance(name, str) with cd(ROOT_DIR): deps = [name] digest = None while deps: dep_name = deps.pop(0) digest = digest_path( self.images_info[dep_name]["path"], digest, exclude_files=self.EXCLUDE_FILES, ) deps += self.images_info[dep_name]["deps"] assert digest return digest.hexdigest()[0:DOCKER_DIGEST_LEN] def get_all_digests(self) -> Dict: res = {} for image_name in self.images_info: res[image_name] = self.get_image_digest(image_name) return res class JobDigester: def __init__(self, dry_run: bool = False): self.dd = DockerDigester() self.cache: Dict[str, str] = {} self.dry_run = dry_run @staticmethod def _get_config_hash(digest_config: CI.DigestConfig) -> str: data_dict = asdict(digest_config) hash_obj = md5() hash_obj.update(str(data_dict).encode()) hash_string = hash_obj.hexdigest() return hash_string def get_job_digest(self, digest_config: CI.DigestConfig) -> str: if not digest_config.include_paths or self.dry_run: # job is not for digest return "f" * JOB_DIGEST_LEN cache_key = self._get_config_hash(digest_config) if cache_key in self.cache: return self.cache[cache_key] digest_str: List[str] = [] if digest_config.include_paths: digest = digest_paths( digest_config.include_paths, hash_object=None, exclude_files=digest_config.exclude_files, exclude_dirs=digest_config.exclude_dirs, ) digest_str += (digest.hexdigest(),) if digest_config.docker: for image_name in digest_config.docker: image_digest = self.dd.get_image_digest(image_name) digest_str += (image_digest,) if digest_config.git_submodules: submodules_sha = Runner().run( "git submodule | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/^[+-]//'" ) assert submodules_sha and len(submodules_sha) > 10 submodules_digest = digest_string("-".join(submodules_sha)) digest_str += (submodules_digest,) res = digest_string("-".join(digest_str))[0:JOB_DIGEST_LEN] self.cache[cache_key] = res return res