import pytest import os from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException import pymysql import warnings SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__, base_configs_dir=os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'configs')) node1 = cluster.add_instance('node1', with_mysql=True, main_configs=['configs/dictionaries/simple_dictionary.xml']) node2 = cluster.add_instance('node2', with_mysql=True, main_configs=['configs/dictionaries/simple_dictionary.xml', 'configs/dictionaries/lazy_load.xml']) node3 = cluster.add_instance('node3', main_configs=['configs/dictionaries/dictionary_with_conflict_name.xml']) def create_mysql_conn(user, password, hostname, port): return pymysql.connect( user=user, password=password, host=hostname, port=port) def execute_mysql_query(connection, query): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) connection.commit() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() for clickhouse in [node1, node2, node3]: clickhouse.query("CREATE DATABASE test", user="admin") clickhouse.query("CREATE TABLE test.xml_dictionary_table (id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY id", user="admin") clickhouse.query("INSERT INTO test.xml_dictionary_table SELECT number, number % 23, hex(number) from numbers(1000)", user="admin") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.mark.parametrize("clickhouse,name,layout", [ (node1, 'complex_node1_hashed', 'LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_HASHED())'), (node1, 'complex_node1_cache', 'LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 10))'), (node2, 'complex_node2_hashed', 'LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_HASHED())'), (node2, 'complex_node2_cache', 'LAYOUT(COMPLEX_KEY_CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 10))'), ]) def test_crete_and_select_mysql(started_cluster, clickhouse, name, layout): mysql_conn = create_mysql_conn("root", "clickhouse", "localhost", 3308) execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS clickhouse") execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "CREATE TABLE clickhouse.{} (key_field1 int, key_field2 bigint, value1 text, value2 float, PRIMARY KEY (key_field1, key_field2))".format(name)) values = [] for i in range(1000): values.append('(' + ','.join([str(i), str(i * i), str(i) * 5, str(i * 3.14)]) + ')') execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "INSERT INTO clickhouse.{} VALUES ".format(name) + ','.join(values)) clickhouse.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY default.{} ( key_field1 Int32, key_field2 Int64, value1 String DEFAULT 'xxx', value2 Float32 DEFAULT 'yyy' ) PRIMARY KEY key_field1, key_field2 SOURCE(MYSQL( USER 'root' PASSWORD 'clickhouse' DB 'clickhouse' TABLE '{}' REPLICA(PRIORITY 1 HOST '' PORT 3333) REPLICA(PRIORITY 2 HOST 'mysql1' PORT 3306) )) {} LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 3) """.format(name, name, layout)) for i in range(172, 200): assert clickhouse.query("SELECT dictGetString('default.{}', 'value1', tuple(toInt32({}), toInt64({})))".format(name, i, i * i)) == str(i) * 5 + '\n' stroka = clickhouse.query("SELECT dictGetFloat32('default.{}', 'value2', tuple(toInt32({}), toInt64({})))".format(name, i, i * i)).strip() value = float(stroka) assert int(value) == int(i * 3.14) for i in range(1000): values.append('(' + ','.join([str(i), str(i * i), str(i) * 3, str(i * 2.718)]) + ')') execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "REPLACE INTO clickhouse.{} VALUES ".format(name) + ','.join(values)) clickhouse.query("SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY 'default.{}'".format(name)) for i in range(172, 200): assert clickhouse.query("SELECT dictGetString('default.{}', 'value1', tuple(toInt32({}), toInt64({})))".format(name, i, i * i)) == str(i) * 3 + '\n' stroka = clickhouse.query("SELECT dictGetFloat32('default.{}', 'value2', tuple(toInt32({}), toInt64({})))".format(name, i, i * i)).strip() value = float(stroka) assert int(value) == int(i * 2.718) clickhouse.query("select dictGetUInt8('xml_dictionary', 'SomeValue1', toUInt64(17))") == "17\n" clickhouse.query("select dictGetString('xml_dictionary', 'SomeValue2', toUInt64(977))") == str(hex(977))[2:] + '\n' def test_restricted_database(started_cluster): for node in [node1, node2]: node.query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS restricted_db", user="admin") node.query("CREATE TABLE restricted_db.table_in_restricted_db AS test.xml_dictionary_table", user="admin") with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node1.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY restricted_db.some_dict( id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'table_in_restricted_db' DB 'restricted_db')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) """) with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node1.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY default.some_dict( id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'table_in_restricted_db' DB 'restricted_db')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) """) node1.query("SELECT dictGetUInt8('default.some_dict', 'SomeValue1', toUInt64(17))") == "17\n" # with lazy load we don't need query to get exception with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node2.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY restricted_db.some_dict( id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'table_in_restricted_db' DB 'restricted_db')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) """) with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node2.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY default.some_dict( id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'table_in_restricted_db' DB 'restricted_db')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) """) def test_conflicting_name(started_cluster): assert node3.query("select dictGetUInt8('test.conflicting_dictionary', 'SomeValue1', toUInt64(17))") == '17\n' with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node3.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY test.conflicting_dictionary( id UInt64, SomeValue1 UInt8, SomeValue2 String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'xml_dictionary_table' DB 'test')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) """) # old version still works node3.query("select dictGetUInt8('test.conflicting_dictionary', 'SomeValue1', toUInt64(17))") == '17\n' def test_http_dictionary_restrictions(started_cluster): try: node3.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY test.restricted_http_dictionary ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(HTTP(URL '' FORMAT TabSeparated)) LIFETIME(1) """) node3.query("SELECT dictGetString('test.restricted_http_dictionary', 'value', toUInt64(1))") except QueryRuntimeException as ex: assert 'is not allowed in config.xml' in str(ex) def test_file_dictionary_restrictions(started_cluster): try: node3.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY test.restricted_file_dictionary ( id UInt64, value String ) PRIMARY KEY id LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE(FILE(PATH '/usr/bin/cat' FORMAT TabSeparated)) LIFETIME(1) """) node3.query("SELECT dictGetString('test.restricted_file_dictionary', 'value', toUInt64(1))") except QueryRuntimeException as ex: assert 'is not inside' in str(ex) def test_dictionary_with_where(started_cluster): mysql_conn = create_mysql_conn("root", "clickhouse", "localhost", 3308) execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS clickhouse") execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "CREATE TABLE clickhouse.special_table (key_field1 int, value1 text, PRIMARY KEY (key_field1))") execute_mysql_query(mysql_conn, "INSERT INTO clickhouse.special_table VALUES (1, 'abcabc'), (2, 'qweqwe')") node1.query(""" CREATE DICTIONARY default.special_dict ( key_field1 Int32, value1 String DEFAULT 'xxx' ) PRIMARY KEY key_field1 SOURCE(MYSQL( USER 'root' PASSWORD 'clickhouse' DB 'clickhouse' TABLE 'special_table' REPLICA(PRIORITY 1 HOST 'mysql1' PORT 3306) WHERE 'value1 = \\'qweqwe\\' OR value1 = \\'\\\\u3232\\'' )) LAYOUT(FLAT()) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 3) """) node1.query("SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY default.special_dict") assert node1.query("SELECT dictGetString('default.special_dict', 'value1', toUInt64(2))") == 'qweqwe\n'