#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_POCO_NETSSL #include #endif namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric SendExternalTables; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NETWORK_ERROR; extern const int SOCKET_TIMEOUT; extern const int SERVER_REVISION_IS_TOO_OLD; extern const int UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER; extern const int UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } void Connection::connect() { try { if (connected) disconnect(); LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Connecting. Database: " << (default_database.empty() ? "(not specified)" : default_database) << ". User: " << user << (static_cast(secure) ? ". Secure" : "") << (static_cast(compression) ? "" : ". Uncompressed") ); if (static_cast(secure)) { #if USE_POCO_NETSSL socket = std::make_unique(); #else throw Exception{"tcp_secure protocol is disabled because poco library was built without NetSSL support.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED}; #endif } else { socket = std::make_unique(); } current_resolved_address = DNSResolver::instance().resolveAddress(host, port); socket->connect(current_resolved_address, timeouts.connection_timeout); socket->setReceiveTimeout(timeouts.receive_timeout); socket->setSendTimeout(timeouts.send_timeout); socket->setNoDelay(true); in = std::make_shared(*socket); out = std::make_shared(*socket); connected = true; sendHello(); receiveHello(); LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Connected to " << server_name << " server version " << server_version_major << "." << server_version_minor << "." << server_version_patch << "."); } catch (Poco::Net::NetException & e) { disconnect(); /// Add server address to exception. Also Exception will remember stack trace. It's a pity that more precise exception type is lost. throw NetException(e.displayText(), "(" + getDescription() + ")", ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR); } catch (Poco::TimeoutException & e) { disconnect(); /// Add server address to exception. Also Exception will remember stack trace. It's a pity that more precise exception type is lost. throw NetException(e.displayText(), "(" + getDescription() + ")", ErrorCodes::SOCKET_TIMEOUT); } } void Connection::disconnect() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Disconnecting"); in = nullptr; last_input_packet_type.reset(); out = nullptr; // can write to socket if (socket) socket->close(); socket = nullptr; connected = false; } void Connection::sendHello() { /** Disallow control characters in user controlled parameters * to mitigate the possibility of SSRF. * The user may do server side requests with 'remote' table function. * Malicious user with full r/w access to ClickHouse * may use 'remote' table function to forge requests * to another services in the network other than ClickHouse (examples: SMTP). * Limiting number of possible characters in user-controlled part of handshake * will mitigate this possibility but doesn't solve it completely. */ auto has_control_character = [](const std::string & s) { for (auto c : s) if (isControlASCII(c)) return true; return false; }; if (has_control_character(default_database) || has_control_character(user) || has_control_character(password)) throw Exception("Parameters 'default_database', 'user' and 'password' must not contain ASCII control characters", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Hello, *out); writeStringBinary((DBMS_NAME " ") + client_name, *out); writeVarUInt(DBMS_VERSION_MAJOR, *out); writeVarUInt(DBMS_VERSION_MINOR, *out); // NOTE For backward compatibility of the protocol, client cannot send its version_patch. writeVarUInt(ClickHouseRevision::get(), *out); writeStringBinary(default_database, *out); writeStringBinary(user, *out); writeStringBinary(password, *out); out->next(); } void Connection::receiveHello() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving hello"); /// Receive hello packet. UInt64 packet_type = 0; readVarUInt(packet_type, *in); if (packet_type == Protocol::Server::Hello) { readStringBinary(server_name, *in); readVarUInt(server_version_major, *in); readVarUInt(server_version_minor, *in); readVarUInt(server_revision, *in); if (server_revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_SERVER_TIMEZONE) readStringBinary(server_timezone, *in); if (server_revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_SERVER_DISPLAY_NAME) readStringBinary(server_display_name, *in); if (server_revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_VERSION_PATCH) readVarUInt(server_version_patch, *in); else server_version_patch = server_revision; } else if (packet_type == Protocol::Server::Exception) receiveException()->rethrow(); else { /// Close connection, to not stay in unsynchronised state. disconnect(); throwUnexpectedPacket(packet_type, "Hello or Exception"); } } void Connection::setDefaultDatabase(const String & database) { default_database = database; } const String & Connection::getDefaultDatabase() const { return default_database; } const String & Connection::getDescription() const { return description; } const String & Connection::getHost() const { return host; } UInt16 Connection::getPort() const { return port; } void Connection::getServerVersion(String & name, UInt64 & version_major, UInt64 & version_minor, UInt64 & version_patch, UInt64 & revision) { if (!connected) connect(); name = server_name; version_major = server_version_major; version_minor = server_version_minor; version_patch = server_version_patch; revision = server_revision; } const String & Connection::getServerTimezone() { if (!connected) connect(); return server_timezone; } const String & Connection::getServerDisplayName() { if (!connected) connect(); return server_display_name; } void Connection::forceConnected() { if (!connected) { connect(); } else if (!ping()) { LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Connection was closed, will reconnect."); connect(); } } bool Connection::ping() { // LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Ping"); TimeoutSetter timeout_setter(*socket, sync_request_timeout, true); try { UInt64 pong = 0; writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Ping, *out); out->next(); if (in->eof()) return false; readVarUInt(pong, *in); /// Could receive late packets with progress. TODO: Maybe possible to fix. while (pong == Protocol::Server::Progress) { receiveProgress(); if (in->eof()) return false; readVarUInt(pong, *in); } if (pong != Protocol::Server::Pong) throwUnexpectedPacket(pong, "Pong"); } catch (const Poco::Exception & e) { LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), e.displayText()); return false; } return true; } TablesStatusResponse Connection::getTablesStatus(const TablesStatusRequest & request) { if (!connected) connect(); TimeoutSetter timeout_setter(*socket, sync_request_timeout, true); writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::TablesStatusRequest, *out); request.write(*out, server_revision); out->next(); UInt64 response_type = 0; readVarUInt(response_type, *in); if (response_type == Protocol::Server::Exception) receiveException()->rethrow(); else if (response_type != Protocol::Server::TablesStatusResponse) throwUnexpectedPacket(response_type, "TablesStatusResponse"); TablesStatusResponse response; response.read(*in, server_revision); return response; } void Connection::sendQuery( const String & query, const String & query_id_, UInt64 stage, const Settings * settings, const ClientInfo * client_info, bool with_pending_data) { if (!connected) connect(); compression_settings = settings ? CompressionSettings(*settings) : CompressionSettings(CompressionMethod::LZ4); query_id = query_id_; //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Sending query"); writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Query, *out); writeStringBinary(query_id, *out); /// Client info. if (server_revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_CLIENT_INFO) { ClientInfo client_info_to_send; if (!client_info) { /// No client info passed - means this query initiated by me. client_info_to_send.query_kind = ClientInfo::QueryKind::INITIAL_QUERY; client_info_to_send.fillOSUserHostNameAndVersionInfo(); client_info_to_send.client_name = (DBMS_NAME " ") + client_name; } else { /// This query is initiated by another query. client_info_to_send = *client_info; client_info_to_send.query_kind = ClientInfo::QueryKind::SECONDARY_QUERY; } client_info_to_send.write(*out, server_revision); } /// Per query settings. if (settings) settings->serialize(*out); else writeStringBinary("", *out); writeVarUInt(stage, *out); writeVarUInt(static_cast(compression), *out); writeStringBinary(query, *out); maybe_compressed_in.reset(); maybe_compressed_out.reset(); block_in.reset(); block_logs_in.reset(); block_out.reset(); /// Send empty block which means end of data. if (!with_pending_data) { sendData(Block()); out->next(); } } void Connection::sendCancel() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Sending cancel"); writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Cancel, *out); out->next(); } void Connection::sendData(const Block & block, const String & name) { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Sending data"); if (!block_out) { if (compression == Protocol::Compression::Enable) maybe_compressed_out = std::make_shared(*out, compression_settings); else maybe_compressed_out = out; block_out = std::make_shared(*maybe_compressed_out, server_revision, block.cloneEmpty()); } writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Data, *out); writeStringBinary(name, *out); size_t prev_bytes = out->count(); block_out->write(block); maybe_compressed_out->next(); out->next(); if (throttler) throttler->add(out->count() - prev_bytes); } void Connection::sendPreparedData(ReadBuffer & input, size_t size, const String & name) { /// NOTE 'Throttler' is not used in this method (could use, but it's not important right now). writeVarUInt(Protocol::Client::Data, *out); writeStringBinary(name, *out); if (0 == size) copyData(input, *out); else copyData(input, *out, size); out->next(); } void Connection::sendExternalTablesData(ExternalTablesData & data) { if (data.empty()) { /// Send empty block, which means end of data transfer. sendData(Block()); return; } Stopwatch watch; size_t out_bytes = out ? out->count() : 0; size_t maybe_compressed_out_bytes = maybe_compressed_out ? maybe_compressed_out->count() : 0; size_t rows = 0; CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::SendExternalTables}; for (auto & elem : data) { elem.first->readPrefix(); while (Block block = elem.first->read()) { rows += block.rows(); sendData(block, elem.second); } elem.first->readSuffix(); } /// Send empty block, which means end of data transfer. sendData(Block()); out_bytes = out->count() - out_bytes; maybe_compressed_out_bytes = maybe_compressed_out->count() - maybe_compressed_out_bytes; double elapsed = watch.elapsedSeconds(); std::stringstream msg; msg << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); msg << "Sent data for " << data.size() << " external tables, total " << rows << " rows in " << elapsed << " sec., " << static_cast(rows / watch.elapsedSeconds()) << " rows/sec., " << maybe_compressed_out_bytes / 1048576.0 << " MiB (" << maybe_compressed_out_bytes / 1048576.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MiB/sec.)"; if (compression == Protocol::Compression::Enable) msg << ", compressed " << static_cast(maybe_compressed_out_bytes) / out_bytes << " times to " << out_bytes / 1048576.0 << " MiB (" << out_bytes / 1048576.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MiB/sec.)"; else msg << ", no compression."; LOG_DEBUG(log_wrapper.get(), msg.rdbuf()); } Poco::Net::SocketAddress Connection::getResolvedAddress() const { if (connected) return current_resolved_address; return DNSResolver::instance().resolveAddress(host, port); } bool Connection::poll(size_t timeout_microseconds) { return static_cast(*in).poll(timeout_microseconds); } bool Connection::hasReadPendingData() const { return last_input_packet_type.has_value() || static_cast(*in).hasPendingData(); } std::optional Connection::checkPacket(size_t timeout_microseconds) { if (last_input_packet_type.has_value()) return last_input_packet_type; if (hasReadPendingData() || poll(timeout_microseconds)) { // LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving packet type"); UInt64 packet_type; readVarUInt(packet_type, *in); last_input_packet_type.emplace(packet_type); return last_input_packet_type; } return {}; } Connection::Packet Connection::receivePacket() { try { Packet res; /// Have we already read packet type? if (last_input_packet_type) { res.type = *last_input_packet_type; last_input_packet_type.reset(); } else { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving packet type"); readVarUInt(res.type, *in); } //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving packet " << res.type << " " << Protocol::Server::toString(res.type)); switch (res.type) { case Protocol::Server::Data: res.block = receiveData(); return res; case Protocol::Server::Exception: res.exception = receiveException(); return res; case Protocol::Server::Progress: res.progress = receiveProgress(); return res; case Protocol::Server::ProfileInfo: res.profile_info = receiveProfileInfo(); return res; case Protocol::Server::Totals: /// Block with total values is passed in same form as ordinary block. The only difference is packed id. res.block = receiveData(); return res; case Protocol::Server::Extremes: /// Same as above. res.block = receiveData(); return res; case Protocol::Server::Log: res.block = receiveLogData(); return res; case Protocol::Server::EndOfStream: return res; default: /// In unknown state, disconnect - to not leave unsynchronised connection. disconnect(); throw Exception("Unknown packet " + toString(res.type) + " from server " + getDescription(), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } } catch (Exception & e) { /// Add server address to exception message, if need. if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER) e.addMessage("while receiving packet from " + getDescription()); throw; } } Block Connection::receiveData() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving data"); initBlockInput(); return receiveDataImpl(block_in); } Block Connection::receiveLogData() { initBlockLogsInput(); return receiveDataImpl(block_logs_in); } Block Connection::receiveDataImpl(BlockInputStreamPtr & stream) { String external_table_name; readStringBinary(external_table_name, *in); size_t prev_bytes = in->count(); /// Read one block from network. Block res = stream->read(); if (throttler) throttler->add(in->count() - prev_bytes); return res; } void Connection::initInputBuffers() { } void Connection::initBlockInput() { if (!block_in) { if (!maybe_compressed_in) { if (compression == Protocol::Compression::Enable) maybe_compressed_in = std::make_shared(*in); else maybe_compressed_in = in; } block_in = std::make_shared(*maybe_compressed_in, server_revision); } } void Connection::initBlockLogsInput() { if (!block_logs_in) { /// Have to return superset of SystemLogsQueue::getSampleBlock() columns block_logs_in = std::make_shared(*in, server_revision); } } void Connection::setDescription() { auto resolved_address = getResolvedAddress(); description = host + ":" + toString(resolved_address.port()); auto ip_address = resolved_address.host().toString(); if (host != ip_address) description += ", " + ip_address; } std::unique_ptr Connection::receiveException() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving exception"); Exception e; readException(e, *in, "Received from " + getDescription()); return std::unique_ptr{ e.clone() }; } Progress Connection::receiveProgress() { //LOG_TRACE(log_wrapper.get(), "Receiving progress"); Progress progress; progress.read(*in, server_revision); return progress; } BlockStreamProfileInfo Connection::receiveProfileInfo() { BlockStreamProfileInfo profile_info; profile_info.read(*in); return profile_info; } void Connection::fillBlockExtraInfo(BlockExtraInfo & info) const { info.is_valid = true; info.host = host; info.resolved_address = getResolvedAddress().toString(); info.port = port; info.user = user; } void Connection::throwUnexpectedPacket(UInt64 packet_type, const char * expected) const { throw NetException( "Unexpected packet from server " + getDescription() + " (expected " + expected + ", got " + String(Protocol::Server::toString(packet_type)) + ")", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER); } }