9999 9998 9997 9996 9995 9994 9993 9992 9991 9990 99999 99998 99997 99996 99995 99994 99993 99992 99991 99990 2 1 0 999 998 997 996 995 994 993 992 991 990 ContextLock Number of times the lock of Context was acquired or tried to acquire. This is global lock. Query Number of queries to be interpreted and potentially executed. Does not include queries that failed to parse or were rejected due to AST size limits, quota limits or limits on the number of simultaneously running queries. May include internal queries initiated by ClickHouse itself. Does not count subqueries. original: -128 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 0 -9223372036854775808 0 -1.032 -1.064 string-1 fixedstring-1\0\0 2003-04-05 2003-02-03 04:05:06 -108 108 -1016 1116 -1032 1132 -1064 1164 -1.032 -1.064 string-0 fixedstring\0\0\0\0 2001-02-03 2002-02-03 04:05:06 127 255 32767 65535 2147483647 4294967295 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807 -1.032 -1.064 string-2 fixedstring-2\0\0 2004-06-07 2004-02-03 04:05:06 converted: -128 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 0 -9223372036854775808 0 -1.032 -1.064 string-1 fixedstring-1\0\0 2003-04-05 2003-02-03 04:05:06 -108 108 -1016 1116 -1032 1132 -1064 1164 -1.032 -1.064 string-0 fixedstring\0\0\0\0 2001-02-03 2002-02-03 04:05:06 127 255 32767 65535 2147483647 4294967295 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807 -1.032 -1.064 string-2 fixedstring-2\0\0 2004-06-07 2004-02-03 04:05:06 diff: dest: 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 str01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 fstr1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 2003-03-04 2004-05-06 00:00:00 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 str02 fstr2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 2005-03-04 2006-08-09 10:11:12 min: -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 string-1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 fixedstring-1\0\0 2003-04-05 2003-02-03 -108 108 8 92 -8 108 -40 -116 -1 -1 string-0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 fixedstring\0\0\0\0 2001-02-03 2002-02-03 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 str01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 fstr1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 2003-03-04 2004-05-06 127 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 string-2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 fixedstring-2\0\0 2004-06-07 2004-02-03 max: -128 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 0 -9223372036854775808 0 -1 -1 string-1 fixedstring-1\0\0 2003-04-05 00:00:00 2003-02-03 04:05:06 -108 108 -1016 1116 -1032 1132 -1064 1164 -1 -1 string-0 fixedstring\0\0\0\0 2001-02-03 00:00:00 2002-02-03 04:05:06 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 str02 fstr2 2005-03-04 05:06:07 2006-08-09 10:11:12 127 255 32767 65535 2147483647 4294967295 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807 -1 -1 string-2 fixedstring-2\0\0 2004-06-07 00:00:00 2004-02-03 04:05:06 dest from null: -128 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 0 -9223372036854775808 0 -1.032 -1.064 string-1 fixedstring-1\0\0 2003-04-05 2003-02-03 04:05:06 -108 108 -1016 1116 -1032 1132 -1064 1164 -1.032 -1.064 string-0 fixedstring\0\0\0\0 2001-02-03 2002-02-03 04:05:06 127 255 32767 65535 2147483647 4294967295 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807 -1.032 -1.064 string-2 fixedstring-2\0\0 2004-06-07 2004-02-03 04:05:06 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 1 [1,-2,3] [1,2,3] [100,-200,300] [100,200,300] [10000000,-20000000,30000000] [10000000,2000000,3000000] [100000000000000,-200000000000,3000000000000] [100000000000000,20000000000000,3000000000000] ['Some string','Some string','Some string'] ['0000','1111','2222'] [42.42,424.2,0.4242] [424242.424242,4242042420.242424,42] ['2000-01-01','2001-01-01','2002-01-01'] ['2000-01-01 00:00:00','2001-01-01 00:00:00','2002-01-01 00:00:00'] [0.2,10,4] [4,10000.1,10000.1] [1000000000,90,101001.01] 1 [1,-2,3] [1,2,3] [100,-200,300] [100,200,300] [10000000,-20000000,30000000] [10000000,2000000,3000000] [100000000000000,-200000000000,3000000000000] [100000000000000,20000000000000,3000000000000] ['Some string','Some string','Some string'] ['0000','1111','2222'] [42.42,424.2,0.4242] [424242.424242,4242042420.242424,42] ['2000-01-01','2001-01-01','2002-01-01'] ['2000-01-01 00:00:00','2001-01-01 00:00:00','2002-01-01 00:00:00'] [0.2,10,4] [4,10000.1,10000.1] [1000000000,90,101001.01] 2 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 2 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 1 [1,NULL,2] [NULL,'Some string',NULL] [0,NULL,42.42] 1 [1,NULL,2] [NULL,'Some string',NULL] [0,NULL,42.42] 2 [NULL] [NULL] [NULL] 2 [NULL] [NULL] [NULL] 3 [] [] [] 3 [] [] [] [[[1,2,3],[1,2,3]],[[1,2,3]],[[],[1,2,3]]] [[['Some string','Some string'],[]],[['Some string']],[[]]] [[NULL,1,2],[NULL],[1,2],[]] [['Some string',NULL,'Some string'],[NULL],[]] [[[1,2,3],[1,2,3]],[[1,2,3]],[[],[1,2,3]]] [[['Some string','Some string'],[]],[['Some string']],[[]]] [[NULL,1,2],[NULL],[1,2],[]] [['Some string',NULL,'Some string'],[NULL],[]] 0.123 0.12312312 0.123123123123 0.123123123123123123 0.123 0.12312312 0.123123123123 0.123123123123123123