# SHOW Queries ## SHOW CREATE TABLE ```sql SHOW CREATE [TEMPORARY] [TABLE|DICTIONARY] [db.]table [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format] ``` Returns a single `String`-type 'statement' column, which contains a single value – the `CREATE` query used for creating the specified object. ## SHOW DATABASES {#show-databases} ```sql SHOW DATABASES [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format] ``` Prints a list of all databases. This query is identical to `SELECT name FROM system.databases [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]`. ## SHOW PROCESSLIST ```sql SHOW PROCESSLIST [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format] ``` Outputs the content of the [system.processes](../operations/system_tables.md#system_tables-processes) table, that contains a list of queries that is being processed at the moment, excepting `SHOW PROCESSLIST` queries. The `SELECT * FROM system.processes` query returns data about all the current queries. Tip (execute in the console): ```bash $ watch -n1 "clickhouse-client --query='SHOW PROCESSLIST'" ``` ## SHOW TABLES Displays a list of tables. ```sql SHOW [TEMPORARY] TABLES [{FROM | IN} ] [LIKE '' | WHERE expr] [LIMIT ] [INTO OUTFILE ] [FORMAT ] ``` If the `FROM` clause is not specified, the query returns the list of tables from the current database. You can get the same results as the `SHOW TABLES` query in the following way: ```sql SELECT name FROM system.tables WHERE database = [AND name LIKE ] [LIMIT ] [INTO OUTFILE ] [FORMAT ] ``` **Example** The following query selects the first two rows from the list of tables in the `system` database, whose names contain `co`. ```sql SHOW TABLES FROM system LIKE '%co%' LIMIT 2 ``` ```text ┌─name───────────────────────────┐ │ aggregate_function_combinators │ │ collations │ └────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## SHOW DICTIONARIES Displays a list of [external dictionaries](dicts/external_dicts.md). ```sql SHOW DICTIONARIES [FROM ] [LIKE ''] [LIMIT ] [INTO OUTFILE ] [FORMAT ] ``` If the `FROM` clause is not specified, the query returns the list of dictionaries from the current database. You can get the same results as the `SHOW DICTIONARIES` query in the following way: ```sql SELECT name FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = [AND name LIKE ] [LIMIT ] [INTO OUTFILE ] [FORMAT ] ``` **Example** The following query selects the first two rows from the list of tables in the `system` database, whose names contain `co`. ```sql SHOW DICTIONARIES FROM db LIKE '%reg%' LIMIT 2 ``` ```text ┌─name─────────┐ │ regions │ │ region_names │ └──────────────┘ ```