# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import re import os import yaml def recursive_values(item): if isinstance(item, dict): for _, value in item.items(): yield from recursive_values(value) elif isinstance(item, list): for value in item: yield from recursive_values(value) elif isinstance(item, str): yield item def concatenate(lang, docs_path, single_page_file, nav): lang_path = os.path.join(docs_path, lang) az_re = re.compile(r'[a-z]') proj_config = f'{docs_path}/toc_{lang}.yml' if os.path.exists(proj_config): with open(proj_config) as cfg_file: nav = yaml.full_load(cfg_file.read())['nav'] files_to_concatenate = list(recursive_values(nav)) files_count = len(files_to_concatenate) logging.info(f'{files_count} files will be concatenated into single md-file for {lang}.') logging.debug('Concatenating: ' + ', '.join(files_to_concatenate)) assert files_count > 0, f'Empty single-page for {lang}' for path in files_to_concatenate: if path.endswith('introduction/info.md'): continue try: with open(os.path.join(lang_path, path)) as f: anchors = set() tmp_path = path.replace('/index.md', '/').replace('.md', '/') prefixes = ['', '../', '../../', '../../../'] parts = tmp_path.split('/') anchors.add(parts[-2] + '/') anchors.add('/'.join(parts[1:])) for part in parts[0:-2] if len(parts) > 2 else parts: for prefix in prefixes: anchor = prefix + tmp_path if anchor: anchors.add(anchor) anchors.add('../' + anchor) anchors.add('../../' + anchor) tmp_path = tmp_path.replace(part, '..') for anchor in anchors: if re.search(az_re, anchor): single_page_file.write('' % anchor) single_page_file.write('\n') in_metadata = False for l in f: if l.startswith('---'): in_metadata = not in_metadata if l.startswith('#'): l = '#' + l if not in_metadata: single_page_file.write(l) except IOError as e: logging.warning(str(e)) single_page_file.flush()