#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /// Trim ending whitespace inplace void trim(String & s) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end()); } } static const LineReader::Suggest * suggest; /// Points to current word to suggest. static LineReader::Suggest::Words::const_iterator pos; /// Points after the last possible match. static LineReader::Suggest::Words::const_iterator end; /// Set iterators to the matched range of words if any. static void findRange(const char * prefix, size_t prefix_length) { std::string prefix_str(prefix); std::tie(pos, end) = suggest->getCompletions(prefix_str, prefix_length); } /// Iterates through matched range. static char * nextMatch() { if (pos >= end) return nullptr; /// readline will free memory by itself. char * word = strdup(pos->c_str()); ++pos; return word; } static char * generate(const char * text, int state) { if (!suggest->ready) return nullptr; if (state == 0) findRange(text, strlen(text)); /// Do not append whitespace after word. For unknown reason, rl_completion_append_character = '\0' does not work. rl_completion_suppress_append = 1; return nextMatch(); }; ReadlineLineReader::ReadlineLineReader(const Suggest & suggest_, const String & history_file_path_, char extender_, char delimiter_) : LineReader(history_file_path_, extender_, delimiter_) { suggest = &suggest_; if (!history_file_path.empty()) { int res = read_history(history_file_path.c_str()); if (res) std::cerr << "Cannot read history from file " + history_file_path + ": "+ strerror(errno) << std::endl; } /// Added '.' to the default list. Because it is used to separate database and table. rl_basic_word_break_characters = word_break_characters; /// Not append whitespace after single suggestion. Because whitespace after function name is meaningless. rl_completion_append_character = '\0'; rl_completion_entry_function = generate; /// Install Ctrl+C signal handler that will be used in interactive mode. if (rl_initialize()) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize readline"); auto clear_prompt_or_exit = [](int) { /// This is signal safe. ssize_t res = write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1); /// Allow to quit client while query is in progress by pressing Ctrl+C twice. /// (First press to Ctrl+C will try to cancel query by InterruptListener). if (res == 1 && rl_line_buffer[0] && !RL_ISSTATE(RL_STATE_DONE)) { rl_replace_line("", 0); if (rl_forced_update_display()) _exit(0); } else { /// A little dirty, but we struggle to find better way to correctly /// force readline to exit after returning from the signal handler. _exit(0); } }; if (signal(SIGINT, clear_prompt_or_exit) == SIG_ERR) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot set signal handler for readline: ") + strerror(errno)); rl_variable_bind("completion-ignore-case", "on"); } ReadlineLineReader::~ReadlineLineReader() { } LineReader::InputStatus ReadlineLineReader::readOneLine(const String & prompt) { input.clear(); const char* cinput = readline(prompt.c_str()); if (cinput == nullptr) return (errno != EAGAIN) ? ABORT : RESET_LINE; input = cinput; trim(input); return INPUT_LINE; } void ReadlineLineReader::addToHistory(const String & line) { add_history(line.c_str()); } #if RL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 #define BRACK_PASTE_PREF "\033[200~" #define BRACK_PASTE_SUFF "\033[201~" #define BRACK_PASTE_LAST '~' #define BRACK_PASTE_SLEN 6 /// This handler bypasses some unused macro/event checkings and remove trailing newlines before insertion. static int clickhouse_rl_bracketed_paste_begin(int /* count */, int /* key */) { std::string buf; buf.reserve(128); RL_SETSTATE(RL_STATE_MOREINPUT); SCOPE_EXIT(RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_MOREINPUT)); int c; while ((c = rl_read_key()) >= 0) { if (c == '\r') c = '\n'; buf.push_back(c); if (buf.size() >= BRACK_PASTE_SLEN && c == BRACK_PASTE_LAST && buf.substr(buf.size() - BRACK_PASTE_SLEN) == BRACK_PASTE_SUFF) { buf.resize(buf.size() - BRACK_PASTE_SLEN); break; } } trim(buf); return static_cast(rl_insert_text(buf.c_str())) == buf.size() ? 0 : 1; } #endif void ReadlineLineReader::enableBracketedPaste() { #if RL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 rl_variable_bind("enable-bracketed-paste", "on"); /// Use our bracketed paste handler to get better user experience. See comments above. rl_bind_keyseq(BRACK_PASTE_PREF, clickhouse_rl_bracketed_paste_begin); #endif };